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Technical Support Information
Overlay 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 43 44 45 46 47 48 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 72 80 81 82 110 IOp(4/5)Type of guess: 0 Default. This uses the Harris functional unless atoms heavier than Xe are present, in which case Huckel is used. 1 Read guess from the checkpoint file. 2 Guess from model Hamiltonian, chosen via IOp(11). 3 Huckel guess (only valid for NDDO-type methods). 4 Projected ZDO guess. 5 Renormalize and orthogonalize the coefficients which are currently on the read-write files. 6 Renormalize and orthogonalize intermediate SCF results which are on the RWF. 7 Read intermediate SCF results which are on the checkpoint file. 8 Read generalized density specified by IOp(38) from the chk file & generate natural orbitals from it. 9 Read generalized density specified by IOp(38) from the rwf file & generate natural orbitals from it. 100 Convert Guess=Check to Guess=Restart or to generating
guess depending on what if anything is on the 1000 Use the simultaneous optimization recipe: S**-0.5 * V. 00000 Default (1 for PBC without alter, otherwise 2). 10000 Re-use Fock matrices instead of orbitals. 20000 Re-use orbitals not Fock matrices. Note that variable IGuess here has 4,3,2,1 corresponding to 1,2,3,4 above. IGuess values of 10-14 are generated internally and are the sparse versions of 0 and 5-8. IOp(4/6)FORCED PROJECTION WHEN GUESS IS READ FROM CARDS (401). 0 FORCE PROJECTED GUESS, EVEN WHEN BASES ARE IDENTICAL. 1 FORCE PROJECTED GUESS, EVEN WHEN BASES ARE IDENTICAL. 2 SUPPRESS PROJECTION. 00 Default orthogonalization (perform) 10 Schmidt orthogonalize guess orbitals. 20 Suppress orthogonalization. 000 Default MO checking (yes). 100 Check MOs for othornormality. 200 Don't check MOs for othornormality. IOp(4/7)SCF CONSTRAINTS (401,402,403). -1 Ignore ILSW and determine on the fly. 0 USE ILSW TO DETERMINE. 1 REAL RHF. 2 REAL UHF. 3 COMPLEX RHF. 4 COMPLEX UHF. 5 COMPLEX, BUT USE ILSW TO DECIDE WHETHER RHF/UHF. 6 REAL ROHF. IOp(4/8)ALTERATION OF CONFIGURATION (401). 0 DO NOT ALTER CONFIGURATION. 1 READ IN PAIRS OF INTEGERS
in free format INDICATING WHICH PAIRS OF MO'S 2 Read in a permutation of the orbitals. 10 READ ALTERATION INFORMATION FROM THE READ-WRITE FILE. 100 Use alpha orbitals for guess for both alpha and beta. NOTE IF THE CONFIGURATION IS ALTERED ON AN OPEN SHELL SYSTEM, TWO SETS OF DATA AS DESCRIBED ABOVE WILL BE EXPECTED, FIRST FOR ALPHA, SECOND FOR BETA. IOp(4/9)SCF symmetry control (401). 0 Default, same as 104 1 Read groups of irreducable
representations to combine in the SCF. These are read before any 2 Use no symmetry in the SCF. 3 Pick up the symmetry mixing information from the Alteration read-write file. 4 use the full abelian point
group, as represented by the symmetry adapted basis functions produced 5 (Use symmetry in SCF if possible, but do not assign initial guess abelian symmetries). 10 Localize all occupied orbitals together and all virtual orbitals together 20 Localize the orbitals within the selected or defaulted symmetry. 100 Assign orbital symmetries for printing in full symmetry. 200 Do not assign orbital symmetries in full symmetry. 1000 Force the guess orbitals to have the Abelian symmetry.
This option can cause the symmetry IOp(4/10)Orbitals to mix to form complex guess (401). 0 Mix the HOMO with the LUMO. 1 Read from cards (2I3) pairs
of integers indicating which pairs of orbitals are to be mixed. Reading
is NOTE THE SAME CONSIDERATIONS FOR OPEN SHELL SYSTEMS WHICH APPLIED IN IOp(8) APPLY HERE, ALSO. IOp(4/11)Type of Guess (401): For iterative ZDO Guess: -1 Force old path using old Huckel. 0 Best available (6,4 in order of preference). 1 Old Huckel. 2 CNDO. 3 INDO. 4 New Huckel. 5 Iterative extended Huckel. 6 Harris, converted to IGuess=3 and IZDO=3 here. For unprojected single diagonalization guess: 0 Default (same as 1). 1 Use bare core matrix. 2 Dress core Hamiltonian with QEq-based density. 3 Use Harris Functional. 000 Default, same as 2. 100 Use SG1 and 10^-6 accuracy in Harris guess 200 Use FineGrid and 10^-8 in Harris functional. 300 Use UltraFine and 10^-8 in Harris functional. 400 Use user's IRadAn and 10^-8 in Harris functional. 500 Use (199,974) and 10^-12 in Harris functional. 1000 Save energy in Gen(43) for Harris functional. n0000 Force IDoV=n in HarFok. MMMM00000 Use functional MMMM IOp(4/13)MIXING OF ORBITALS (401). 0 NO MIXING. 1 LUMO = LUMO + HOMO (ALPHA)
AND LUMO = LUMO - HOMO (BETA). IOp(4/14)Reading of specific orbitals (401). 0 No. 1 Yes. For alpha orbitals, read one card with the format for the orbitals, followed by zero or more sets of IVec (I5) -- vector to replace. If IVec is -1, all NBasis vectors follow. (Vector(I),I=1,NBasis) -- vector in the specified format. Input is terminated by IVec=0. For beta orbitals, the same format as for alpha is used. Note that if alter is also specified, the replacements are read before the corresponding alterations (thus the order is alpha orbitals, alpha alterations, beta orbitals, beta alterations). IOp(4/15)Spin-state for initial guess (401). 0 Use multiplicity in /Mol/. N Use multiplicity N. This is
useful for generating guesses for open-shell singlets or unusual IOp(4/16)Whether to translate basis functions of read in guess (401). 0 Default (same as 2). 1 Use the basis functions as is. 2 Translate to the current atomic coordinates. 3 Translate to the current atomic
coordinates, and determine an overall rotation to provide to IOp(4/17)Number of open-shell orbitals (not electrons) in 402. 0 #open electrons. N N. Number of electrons in the CAS space. IOp(4/18)Number of orbitals in CI in 402. Default is number of open shells. L405: Number of orbitals in the CAS space. CIOp(4/19)L402: Spin change in CI (default based on multiplicity). L405: Trucation level for excitations -- default full CAS. IOp(4/20)Type of model (402): (This is also tested in 401 to see whether atomic number greater than 102 are special flags). 0 Default (AM1). 1 CNDO. 2 INDO. 3 MINDO/3. 4 MNDO. 5 AM1. IOp(4/21)SCF type (402). 0 Default (no Pulay, no Camp-King, 3/4 point on unless Pulay or Camp-King, use pseudodiagonalization). 1 3/4. 2 No 3/4. 10 No Pulay (DIIS). 20 Pulay. 100 No Camp-King. 200 Camp-King. 1000 Use pseudo-diagonalization. 2000 No pseudo-diagonalization. Flags for MCSCF (L405): 1 Read options from input stream. 10 Use slater determinants. 100 Just list configurations. 1000 Use determinant basis with Sz=b/2. 10000 Write unformatted file (NDATA) of symbolic matrix elements. 100000 Write formatted file of symbolic matrix elements. IOp(4/22)Derivatives? (402). 0 No. 1 Yes. 2 2nd derivatives. 12 Restart 2nd derivatives. 100 Do 1st derivatives analytically if possible. More flags for MCSCF: 1 IFlag2 IOp(4/23)Number of iterations (402, 403). 0 Default. N N. NDiag in L405. IOp(4/24)Whether to update orbitals, eigenvalues, /Mol/, and ILSW on the rwf (402). 0 Default (don't update). 1 Update. (For straight semiempirical calculations). 2 Don't update. (For Opt=MNDOFC). 3 Update, but don't convert from Lowdin orbitals. 10 Update second force array instead of first. (For Opt=MNDOFC). NRow in L405. IOp(4/25)Wavefunction (402). 0 Default (Same as 1). 1 Single determinant, RHF/UHF from IOp(5). 2 ROHF (NYI). 3 Biradical 1/2 CI (only for MINDO3,MNDO,AM1). 4 Closed-shell 1/3 CI (only for MINDO3,MNDO,AM1). 5 General CI, using specified orbitals. -N General CI, with N microstates read in.10 binary switches in L405. IOp(4/26)Whether to mix orbitals in generated guess density: 0 No -3 Yes, mix valence occupieds with 0.05 au (according to ZDO) of the HOMO & virtuals within 0.15 au. -2 Yes, mix valence orbitals and an equal number of virtuals. -1 Yes, mix all equally. N Equal occupations of the lowest N virtuals and high N occupieds. IOp(4/28)SCF Convergence (10**-N, default 10**-7). IOp(4/29)NC in L405. IOp(4/31)Root to solve for in CI (402) (Default is 1). IOp(4/33)PRINTING OF GUESS. 0 NO PRINTING. 1 PRINT THE MO COEFFICIENTS. 2 PRINT EVERYTHING. IOp(4/34)DUMP OPTION. 0 NO DUMP. 1 TURN ON ALL POSSIBLE PRINTING. IOp(4/35)Overlap matrix. 0 Default (copy on disk is used). 1 Overlap assumed to be unity. 2 Copy on disk is used. IOp(4/36)ZIndo reformating. 0 No. 1 Yes, reformat ZIndo integrals and wfn into rwf. IOp(4/37)Selection of old MNDO parameters in L402: 0 Defaults. 1 Old Si parameters. 2 Old S parameters. IOp(4/38)Generalized density to use for natural orbitals: N Density number N. IOp(4/43)IDiEij = Switch for direct matel calculation. 0 For normal route, with all matels calculated here and stored on disk. Configs printed as normal. 1 For direct route. Eij's calculated
here and stored on disk. A flag is automatically sent to L510 2 As option 1, but all configurations
are printed. This will be the only way to print configs in a IOp(4/44)1 Prepare input for Mp2 implies
IOp(21)=10 Slater Det. option generates data for use in MC-SCF c2IOp(4/45)Ipairs = number of GVB pairs in GVBCAS. 0 Default. No pairs, normal CAS calculation. n There are n pairs: 2*n extra
orbitals and electrons will be added into the active space later. L405 -n There are n pairs: 2*n orbitals
and electrons of the specified CAS are to be considered to be IOp(4/46)CI basis in CASSCF: 1 Hartree-Waller functions for singlets 2 Hartree-Waller functions for triplets 3 Slater Determinants 10 Write SME on disk IOp(4/47)Convert to sparse storage after generating guess. -1 No, use the Lewis dot structure to generate a sparse guess directly. 0 Default (-1 if sparse is turned on) N Yes. Use threshold 10**-N. IOp(4/48)Whether to do (sparse) Conjugate Gradient methods in 402: 0 No. 1 Yes. Use Lewis dot structure guess density. 2 Yes. Use diagonal guess density. IOp(4/60-62)IOp(60-62)Over-ride standard values of IRadAn, IRanWt, and IRanGd.IOp(4/63)Flags for which terms to include in MM energy: 0 Default (111111) 1 Turn on all terms, r**-1 Coulomb. 2 Turn on all terms, r**-2 Coulomb. 10 Turn on non-bonded terms. 100 Turn on inversions/improper torsions 1000 Turn on torsions. 10000 Turn on angle bending. 100000 Turn on bond stretches. IOp(4/64)Cutoff for MM non-bonded term. 0 Default (no cutoff). N 10**-N. IOp(4/65)Tighten the zero thresholds as the SCF calculation proceeds. 0 Default: Yes, initial threshold 5x10-5. 1 No variable thresholds. N 10**-N. N Yes, initial threshold 10**(-N) N<-100 Yes, initial threshold 5 x 10 ** (N+100) IOp(4/66)Dielectric constant to be used in MM calculations. 0 Eps = 1.0. N Eps = N / 1000. IOp(4/67)Whether to use QEq to assign MM charges. 0 Default (211 if UFF, 2 otherwise, 1==> 221) 1 Do QEq. 2 Don't do QEq. 00 Default (20) 10 Do for atoms which were not explicitly typed. 20 Do for all atoms regardless of typing. 000 Default (200) 100 Do for atoms which have charge specified or defaulted to 0. 200 Do for all atoms regardless of initial charge. IOp(4/68)Convergence criterion for microiterations in L402: 0 Default. N 10**(-N). IOp(4/69)Whether to do a new additional guess in addition to reading orbitals from the rwf: 0 Default: yes if no Guess=Alter, Harris guess, and not a small geometry step. 1 Do the extra guess regardless. 2 Do not do the extra guess. 3 Do the extra guess and store as the initial Fock matrix. 00 Default (10 for PBC, 20 otherwise). 10 Save the Harris guess as an initial Fock matrix. 20 Just generate orbitals from the Harris guess. IOp(4/71)Write out AM1 integrals in 402 0/1 No/Yes. IOp(4/72)Irreps to keep in MCSCF CI-wavefunction. 0 All IJKLMNOP List of up to 8 irrep numbers to include. IOp(4/80)The maximum conjugate gradient step size (MMNN) 0000 No maximum step size MMNN Step size of MM.NN IOp(4/81)Sparse SCF Parameters MM Maximum number of SCF DIIS cycles. (MM=00 defaults to 20 cycles, MM=01 turns DIIS off) NN00 F(Mu,Nu) atom--atom cutoff criterion
(angstroms) Mu, Nu are basis functions on the PP0000 F(Mu,Lambda) atom--atom cutoff criterion (angstroms)
Mu, Lambda are basis functions IOp(4/82)Conjugate-Gradient Parameters MM Maximum Number of CG cycles per SCF iteration. (defaults to 4 CG cycles). NN00 Maximum Number of purification cycles per CG iteration. (defaults to 3 cycles). 00000 Don't use CG DIIS 10000 Use CG DIIS. 000000 Polak-Ribiere CG minimization 100000 Fletcher-Reeves CG minimization 0000000 Use diagonal preconditioning in Conjugate-Gradient. 1000000 No preconditioning. IOp(4/110)Scaling of rigid fragment steps during microiterations.