method keyword requests a Quadratic CI calculation [72],
including single and double substitutions. Note that this keyword requests only
QCISD and does not include the triples correction [556,557]
by default (see T below). T
Requests a Quadratic CI calculation including single and double substitutions
with a triples contribution to the energy added [72]. E4T
Requests a Quadratic CI calculation including single and double substitutions
with a triples contribution to the energy and also an evaluation of MP4 triples.
Must be specified with the T option. TQ Requests a Quadratic
CI calculation including single and double substitutions with an energy contribution
from triples and quadruples [64] added. T1Diag
Computes the Q1 diagnostic of T. J. Lee and coworkers [423,558].
Note that Q1 is analogous to the T1 diagnostic for CCSD when it is computed using
QCISD instead of the Coupled Cluster method. FC
The frozen-core options for defining inner-shells to be excluded from the correlation
calculation are valid with this keyword. See the discussion here
for details. Conver=N Sets the convergence calculations
to 10-N on the energy and 10-(N+2) on the wavefunction.
The default is N=7 for single points and N=8 for gradients. MaxCyc=n
Specifies the maximum number of cycles. The default is 50. Analytic
energies and gradients for QCISD, numerical gradients for QCISD(T), and numerical
frequencies for all methods. CCSD The
predicted energy from a QCISD calculation appears in the output in the final QCISD
DE(CORR)= -.54999890D-01 E(CORR)= -.7501966245D+02
When QCISD(T) is specified, the preceding output is followed by
the energy including the non-iterative triples contribution:
QCISD(T)= -.75019725718D+02