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17.1.2 Options for the diagonalization method

In calculations with very large basis sets, the diagonalization time becomes a significant fraction of the total CPU time. This can be reduced using the orbital rotation method as described in R. Polly, H.-J. Werner, F. R. Manby, and Peter J. Knowles, Mol. Phys. 102, 2311 (2004))
If minrot$ \ge 0$, the orbital rotation method is employed. Explicit diagonalization of the full Fock matrix is performed in the first minrot iterations and in the last iteration. If minrot=0, a default is used which depends on the starting guess.
Number of terms used in the exponential expansion of the unitary orbital transformation matrix (default 4).
Energy gap used in the orbital rotation method. For orbitals within $\pm$derot hartree of the HOMO orbital energy the Fock matrix is constructed and diagonalized (default 1.0)
If nonzero, use Jacobi diagonalization.
Sep 24, 2008