Next: 20.5.6 Pseudo-canonical orbitals
Up: 20.5 Restoring and saving
Previous: 20.5.4 Saving the CI
20.5.5 Natural orbitals
Request to calculate final natural orbitals and write them to record record. The
default for record is 2140.2, or what else has been specified on an ORBITAL
card, if present. By default, the orbitals are not printed and the hamiltonian is not
diagonalized for the new orbitals The following options can be specified (in any
- CI
- Diagonalize the hamiltonian in the basis of the computed natural orbitals
and print the configurations and their associated coefficients. This has the same
effect as the GPRINT,CIVECTOR directive (see section 6.12. By default,
only configurations with coefficients larger than 0.05 are printed. This threshold
can be modified using the THRESH (see section 20.8.2) or GTHRESH
(see section 6.11) options.
- STATE=state
- Compute natural orbitals for the specified state. state
has the form istate.isym, e.g., 3.2 for the third state in symmetry 2. In contrast
to earlier versions, isym refers to the number of the irreducible representation,
and not the sequence number of the state symmetry. It is therefore independent of
the order in which WF cards are given. The specified state must have been optimized.
If STATE is not
given and two or more states are averaged, the natural orbitals are calculated with the
state-averaged density matrix (default).
- SPIN=ms2
- Compute natural orbitals for states with the specified spin.
ms2 equals , i.e., 0 for singlet, 1 for doublet etc. This can be used to
together with STATE to select a specific state in case that states of different
spin are averaged. If STATE is not specified, the state-averaged density for all
states of the given spin is used.
- SAVE=record
- Request to save the civector(s) to the specified record.
- ORBITAL=record
- Request to save the orbitals to the specified record
(same effect as specifying record as first agrument (see above).
- PRINT=nvirt
- Request to print nvirt virtual orbitals in each symmetry.
By default, the orbitals are not printed unless the
ORBPRINT option (see section 20.8.1 is present or the global
GPRINT,ORBITALS (see section 6.12) directive has been given
before. The PRINT option on this card applies only to the current orbitals.
Several NATORB, CANORB, and LOCORB cards (for different states) may follow
each other. In contrast to earlier versions of MOLPRO the different orbital sets can all
be stored in one dump record (but different records still work). See section 4.11
for information about dump records and how specific orbital sets can be requested in a
later calculation.
Next: 20.5.6 Pseudo-canonical orbitals
Up: 20.5 Restoring and saving
Previous: 20.5.4 Saving the CI
Sep 24, 2008