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20.8.5 Special optimization parameters
The following parameters can also be given as options on the MULTI command line.
Special parameters for augmented hessian method. For experts only!
Use G-operator technique in microiterations (Default). If do not use G-operators.
Special parameters for the direct CI method. For experts only!
- ciacc
- grad threshold for CI diagonalization
- copvar
- start threshold for CI-optimization
- maxci
- max. number of CI-optimizations per microiteration
- cishft
- denominator shift for q-space
- icimax
- max. number of CI-optimizations in first macroiteration
- icimx1
- max. number of CI-optimizations in second and subsequent iterations
- icimx2
- max. number of CI-optimizations in internal absorption step
- icstrt
- first microiteration with CI-optimization
- icstep
- microiteration increment between CI-optimizations
Special parameters for internal optimization scheme. For experts only!
Special parameters for non-linear optimization scheme. For experts only!
Old form (obsolete):
New form:
- thrpri
- threshold for printing CI coefficients (default 0.04)
- thrpun
- threshold for writing CI coefficients to the punch file. Default is no write
to the punch file
- varmin,varmax
- thresholds for non-linear optimization scheme. For experts only!
- thrdoub
- threshold for detecting almost doubly occupied orbitals for inclusion into
the pseudo canonical set (default 0, i.e. the feature is disabled).
Special parameters for DIIS convergence acceleration. For experts only!
Next: 20.8.6 Saving wavefunction information
Up: 20.8 Miscellaneous options
Previous: 20.8.4 Test options
Sep 24, 2008