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23.3 CPHF for gradients, expectation values and polarizabilities

The accuracy and other parameters of the CPHF calculations necessary to compute gradients and response properties can be modified using the CPHF directive:

CPHF, [THRMIN=thrmin], [THRMAX=thrmax], [MAXIT=maxit], [SHIFT=shift], [SAVE=record], [START=record], [DIIS=idiis], [DISM=idism]

CPHF convergence threshold (default 1.d-6). THRESH and ACCU are aliases for this.
initial CPHF convergence threshold in geometry optimizations. Once the geometry is converged to a certain accuarcy (depending on OPTCONV), the threshold is stepwise reduced to THRMIN.
The default is THRMAX=min(1.d-6,THRMIN*100); Values larger than 1.d-6 are ignored.
Maxmimum number of iterations (default 50).
Level shift for CPHF (default 0.1).
First macroiteration in which DIIS is used (default 1)
First microiteration in which DIIS is used (default 1; in microiterations the core contribution is frozen).
Record on which the CPHF solution can be saved for later restarts. The solution is saved automatically in geometry optimizations and frequency calculations.
Record from which initial guess is read. A starting guess is read automatically in geometry optimizations and frequency calculations.

Next: 23.4 Density-fitting MP2 (DF-MP2, Up: 23 MØLLER PLESSET PERTURBATION Previous: 23.2 Polarizabilities and second-order
Sep 24, 2008