We recommand as AO basis sets the augmented correlation consistent basis sets (denoted AVnZ) or the specially optimized correlation consistent F12 basis sets (denoted VnZ-F12, cf. K.A. Peterson and H.-J. Werner, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 084102 (2008)). Normally, triples zeta basis sets (AVTZ or VTZ-F12) yield excellent results that are close to the basis set limit. Diffuse basis functions are rather essential both for the HF and MP2-F12 energies, and therefore the standard VTZ sets are not recommended. If the AVnZ or VnZ-F12 orbital basis sets are used, suitable density fitting (DF) basis and resolution of the identity (RI) basis sets are automatically chosen. By default, the AVnZ/MP2FIT amd VnZ/JKFIT basis sets are used for the DF and RI, respectively. Other basis sets can be chosen using the DF_BASIS and RI_BASIS options (cf. section 30.8). See section 11 for more details about density fitting.