Next: 38.6 Examples
Up: 38.5 Modifying the unperturbed
Previous: 38.5.1 Print Options for
Some options can be set using the OPTION directive (in any order)
OPTIONS [,WIGNER=value][,HLSTRANS=value][,MATEL=value]
- This option determines whether the Wigner-Eckart theorem should be used when the SO
matrix is determined. WIGNER=1 (default) uses the theorem, WIGNER=0
calculates each SO matrix element individually. This option is needed for test purposes only.
- This option determines whether a SO matrix calculation should be performed in the not spin-symmetry adapted
basis set (HLSTRANS=0), in the spin-symmetry adapted basis set (HLSTRANS=1, default) or with both basis sets
(HLSTRANS=2). At present, symmetry adaption can only be performed for triplet states, where the following
notation is used to indicate the symmetry adapted spin functions:
If only singlet and triplet states are considered, the spin-orbit matrix
is blocked according to double-group symmetry and the eigenvalues for each each block are printed separately.
In all other cases the HLSTRANS option is ignored.
- If the entire SO matrix is calculated using HLSMAT, the individual matrix elements are
normally not shown. When the option MATEL=1 is given, the individual matrix elements and the
contributions of the internal and external configuration classes are printed.
Next: 38.6 Examples
Up: 38.5 Modifying the unperturbed
Previous: 38.5.1 Print Options for
Sep 24, 2008