Next: 40.2 Directives for OPTG
Up: 40.1 Options
Previous: 40.1.7 Options for computing
- Save Cartesian gradients in variables GRADX, GRADY, GRADZ.
- Do not compute gradients at lattice points.
- Set debug print options.
- PRINT=iprint
- Print option for optimization.
- SAVEXYZ[=file]
- Save the optimized coordinates in an xyz-file.
One file is written for each step. The filename is, where nn is the iteration number.
For the final geometry, _nn is omitted. If filename is not given, file is taken to be the root name of the input,
i.e. test.inp creates in the first iteration and for the converged geometry.
By default, the xyz information is written to the log file in each step.
- SAVEACT[=file]
- Save optimized variables in each step.
The file name is file.act.
If file is not given the root name of the input is used.
The file can be read later using the READVAR command or copied into new input.
- SAVEGRD[=file]
- Write in each step the Cartesian coordinates and gradients.
The file name is file.grd.
If file is not given, the root name of the input appended by .grd is used.
- (logical). If given, existing SAVEACT and/or SAVEGRD files are appended.
Next: 40.2 Directives for OPTG
Up: 40.1 Options
Previous: 40.1.7 Options for computing
Sep 24, 2008