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Up: 40.3 Using the SLAPAF
Previous: 40.3.2 Defining internal coordinates
Some options can be passed to the SLAPAF program. Options are specified with SLOPT subdirective:
The available options are
- Use eigenvectors of the approximate Hessian, expressed in cartesian coordinates, as the
definition of internal coordinates;
- Don't impose any restrictions on the step size;
- Order the gradients and displacement vectors according to
Schlegel prior to the update of the Hessian. Default is no reordering;
- Use force field weighted internal coordinates (default);
- RS-P
- Activate RS-P-RFO as default for transition state search; default is RS-I-RFO;
- Use unweighted internal coordinates;
- Print B-matrix;
- RTHR,Thra,Thrb,Thrt
- Thresholds for redundant coordinate selection for bonds, bends and torsions, respectively.
Default 0.2, 0.2, 0.2
- MODE,index
- Hessian vector index for mode following when
calculating transition states.
- Enable unconstrained optimization for constrained cases, when looking for transition states (see MOLCAS manual).
- GNRM,thr
- Threshold for FIND, default 0.2 (see MOLCAS manual).
- MEP-
- Perform minimum energy path (MEP) search.
- NMEP,npoints
- Number of MEP points to find in MEP calculation.
For more information, please consult the MOLCAS manual.
Next: 40.4 Examples
Up: 40.3 Using the SLAPAF
Previous: 40.3.2 Defining internal coordinates
Sep 24, 2008