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B..2 New features of MOLPRO2006.1

Features and enhancements in MOLPRO version 2006.1 most notably included efficient density fitting methods, explicitly correlated methods, local coupled cluster methods, and several new gradient programs: following:
  1. More consistent input language and input pre-checking.
  2. More flexible basis input, allowing to handle multiple basis sets
  3. New more efficient density functional implementation, additional density functionals.
  4. Low-order scaling local coupled cluster methods with perturbative treatment of triples excitations (LCCSD(T) and variants like LQCISD(T))
  5. Efficient density fitting (DF) programs for Hartree-Fock (DF-HF), Density functional Kohn-Sham theory (DF-KS), Second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (DF-MP2), as well as for all local methods (DF-LMP2, DF-LMP4, DF-LQCISD(T), DF-LCCSD(T))
  6. Analytical QCISD(T) gradients
  7. Analytical MRPT2 (CASPT2) and MS-CASPT2 gradients, using state averaged MCSCF reference functions
  8. Analytical DF-HF, DF-KS, DF-LMP2, and DF-SCS-LMP2 gradients
  9. Explicitly correlated methods with density fitting: DF-MP2-R12/2A', DF-MP2-F12/2A' as well as the local variants DF-LMP2-R12/2*A(loc) and DF-LMP2-F12/2*A(loc).
  10. Coupling of multi-reference perturbation theory and configuration interaction (CIPT2)
  11. DFT-SAPT
  12. Transition moments and transition Hamiltonian between CASSCF and MRCI wavefunctions with different orbitals.
  13. A new spin-orbit integral program for generally contracted basis sets.
  14. Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian up to arbitrary order.
  15. Improved procedures for geometry optimization and numerical Hessian calculations, including constrained optimization.
  16. Improved facilities to treat large lattices of point charges for QM/MM calculations, including lattice gradients (see section 47).
  17. An interface to the MRCC program of M. Kallay, allowing coupled-cluster calculations with arbitrary excitation level.
  18. Automatic embarrassingly parallel computation of numerical gradients and Hessians (mppx Version).
  19. Additional parallel codes, e.g. DF-HF, DF-KS, DF-LCCSD(T) (partly, including triples).
  20. Additional output formats for tables (XHTML, LATEX, Maple, Mathematica, Matlab and comma-separated variables), orbitals and basis sets (XML), and an optional well-formed XML output stream with important results marked up.

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Sep 24, 2008