String variables for which the stored string has the form of an algebraic expression are evaluated to a number if they are preceded by two dollars ($$). Example:
string='a+b' a=3 b=4 text,This is string $string which evaluates to $$stringprints
** This is string a+b which evaluates to 7
This can be used to define simple macros, which can be used at various places in the subsequent input. For instance,
ECORR='ENERGY-ESCF' !define a macro HF !do SCF calculation ESCF=ENERGY !store SCF energy in variable ESCF MULTI !do CASSCF DEMC=$$ECORR !store CASSCF correlation energy in variable DEMC MRCI !do MRCI DECI=$$ECORR !store MRCI correlation energy in variable DECI
Here is an example of advanced use of macros and string variables: