( 2 Sep 03)

                      *                               *
                      * Section 2 - Input Description *
                      *                               *

              This section of the manual describes the input to
          GAMESS.  The section is written in a reference, rather
          than tutorial fashion.  However, there are frequent
          reminders that more information can be found on a
          particular input group, or type of calculation, in the
          'Further Information' section of this manual.  There are
          also a number of examples shown in the 'Input Examples'

              It is useful to note that this chapter of the manual
          can be searched online by means of the "gmshelp" command,
          if your computer is of the Unix type.  A command such as
          "gmshelp scf" will display the $SCF input group.  With
          no arguments, the gmshelp command will show you all input
          group names.  Type "q" to exit the pager, and note that
          some pagers will let you back up by means of "b".

              The order of this section is chosen to approximate the
          order in which most people prepare their input ($CONTRL,
          $BASIS/$DATA, $GUESS, and so on).  The next page contains
          a list of all possible input groups, in the order in which
          they can be found in this section.

           name    function                          module:routine
           ----    --------                          --------------

          Molecule, basis, wavefunction specification:

          $CONTRL  chemical control data             INPUTA:START
          $SYSTEM  computer related control data     INPUTA:START
          $BASIS   basis set                         INPUTB:BASISS
          $DATA    molecule, basis set               INPUTB:MOLE
          $ZMAT    coded z-matrix                    ZMATRX:ZMATIN
          $LIBE    linear bend data                  ZMATRX:LIBE
          $SCF     HF-SCF wavefunction control       SCFLIB:SCFIN
          $SCFMI   SCF-MI input control data         SCFMI :MIINP
          $DFT     density functional input          DFT   :DFTINP
          $MP2     2nd order Moller-Plesset          MP2   :MP2INP
          $CIS     singly excited CI                 CISGRD:CISINP
          $CISVEC  vectors for CIS                   CISGRD:CISVRD
          $CCINP   coupled cluster input             CCSDT :CCINP
          $GUESS   initial orbital selection         GUESS :GUESMO
          $VEC     orbitals              (formatted) GUESS :READMO
          $MOFRZ   freezes MOs during SCF runs       EFPCOV:MFRZIN

          Potential energy surface options:

          $STATPT  geometry search control           STATPT:SETSIG
          $TRUDGE  nongradient optimization          TRUDGE:TRUINP
          $TRURST  restart data for TRUDGE           TRUDGE:TRUDGX
          $FORCE   hessian, normal coordinates       HESS  :HESSX
          $CPHF    coupled-Hartree-Fock options      CPHF  :CPINP
          $HESS    force constant matrix (formatted) HESS  :FCMIN
          $GRAD    gradient vector       (formatted) HESS  :EGIN
          $DIPDR   dipole deriv. matrix  (formatted) HESS  :DDMIN
          $VIB     HESSIAN restart data  (formatted) HESS  :HSSNUM
          $MASS    isotope selection                 VIBANL:RAMS
          $IRC     intrinsic reaction path           RXNCRD:IRCX
          $VSCF    vibrational SCF and MP2           VSCF  :VSCFIN
          $VIBSCF  VSCF restart data (formatted)     VSCF  :VGRID
          $DRC     dynamic reaction path             DRC   :DRCDRV
          $GLOBOP  Monte Carlo global optiization    GLOBOP:GLOPDR
          $GRADEX  gradient extremal path            GRADEX:GRXSET
          $SURF    potential surface scan            SURF  :SRFINP

              continued on the next page...


           name    function                          module:routine
           ----    --------                          --------------

          Interpretation, properties:

          $LOCAL   orbital localization control      LOCAL :LMOINP
          $TWOEI   J,K integrals         (formatted) LOCCD :TWEIIN
          $TRUNCN  localized orbital truncations     EFPCOV:TRNCIN
          $ELMOM   electrostatic moments             PRPLIB:INPELM
          $ELPOT   electrostatic potential           PRPLIB:INPELP
          $ELDENS  electron density                  PRPLIB:INPELD
          $ELFLDG  electric field/gradient           PRPLIB:INPELF
          $POINTS  property calculation points       PRPLIB:INPPGS
          $GRID    property calculation mesh         PRPLIB:INPPGS
          $PDC     MEP fitting mesh                  PRPLIB:INPPDC
          $MOLGRF  orbital plots                     PARLEY:PLTMEM
          $STONE   distributed multipole analysis    PRPPOP:STNRD
          $RAMAN   Raman intensity                   RAMAN :RAMANX
          $ALPDR   alpha polar. der. (formatted)     RAMAN :ADMIN
          $MOROKM  Morokuma energy decomposition     MOROKM:MOROIN
          $FFCALC  finite field polarizabilities     FFIELD:FFLDX
          $TDHF    time dependent HF NLO properties  TDHF  :TDHFX

          Solvation models:

          $EFRAG   effective fragment potentials     EFINP :EFINP
          $FRAGNAME specific named fragment pot.     EFINP :RDSTFR
          $FRGRPL  inter-fragment repulsion          EFINP :RDDFRL
          $PRTEFP  simplified EFP generation         EFINP :PREFIN
          $DAMP    EFP multipole screening fit       CHGPEN:CGPINP
          $DAMPGS  initial guess screening params    CHGPEN:CGPINP
          $PCM     polarizable continuum model       PCM   :PCMINP
          $PCMGRD  PCM gradient contrl               PCMCV2:PCMGIN
          $PCMCAV  PCM cavity generation             PCM   :MAKCAV
          $TESCAV  PCM cavity tesselation            PCMCV2:TESIN
          $NEWCAV  PCM escaped charge cavity         PCM   :DISREP
          $IEFPCM  PCM integral equation form. data  PCM   :IEFDAT
          $PCMITR  PCM iterative IEF input           PCMIEF:ITIEFIN
          $DISBS   PCM dispersion basis set          PCMDIS:ENLBS
          $DISREP  PCM dispersion/repulsion          PCMVCH:MORETS
          $COSGMS  conductor-like screening model    COSMO :COSMIN
          $SCRF    self consistent reaction field    SCRF  :ZRFINP

          Integral and integral modification options:

          $ECP     effective core potentials         ECPLIB:ECPPAR
          $MCP     model core potentials             MCPINP:MMPRED
          $RELWFN  relativistic correction           INPUTB:RWFINP
          $EFIELD  external electric field           PRPLIB:INPEF
          $INTGRL  format for 2e- integrals          INT2A :INTIN
          $FMM     fast multipole method             QMFM  :QFMMIN
          $TRANS   integral transformation           TRANS :TRFIN

              continued on the next page...


           name    function                          module:routine
           ----    --------                          --------------

          MCSCF and CI wavefunctions, and their properties:

          $CIINP   control over CI calculation       GAMESS:WFNCI
          $DET     determinant full CI for MCSCF     ALDECI:DETINP
          $CIDET   determinant full CI               ALDECI:DETINP
          $GEN     determinant general CI for MCSCF  ALGNCI:GCIINP
          $CIGEN   determinant general CI            ALGNCI:GCIINP
          $ORMAS   occ. restricted mult. act. sp.    ORMAS :FCINPT
          $GCILST  general determinant list          ALGNCI:GCIGEN
          $SODET   second order determinant CI       FSODCI:SOCINP
          $DRT     distinct row table for MCSCF      GUGDRT:ORDORB
          $CIDRT   distinct row table for CI         GUGDRT:ORDORB
          $MCSCF   parameters for MCSCF              MCSCF :MCSCF
          $MCQDPT  multireference pert. theory       MCQDPT:MQREAD
          $CISORT  integral sorting                  GUGSRT:GUGSRT
          $GUGEM   Hamiltonian matrix formation      GUGEM :GUGAEM
          $GUGDIA  Hamiltonian eigenvalues/vectors   GUGDGA:GUGADG
          $GUGDM   1e- density matrix                GUGDM :GUGADM
          $GUGDM2  2e- density matrix                GUGDM2:GUG2DM
          $LAGRAN  CI lagrangian matrix              LAGRAN:CILGRN
          $TRFDM2  2e- density backtransformation    TRFDM2:TRF2DM
          $TRANST  transition moments, spin-orbit    TRNSTN:TRNSTX

          * this column is more useful to programmers than to users.


          $CONTRL group          (optional)

          This is a free format group specifying global switches.

          SCFTYP             specifies the self-consistent field
                             wavefunction.  You may choose from

                 = RHF       Restricted Hartree Fock calculation

                 = UHF       Unrestricted Hartree Fock calculation

                 = ROHF      Restricted open shell Hartree-Fock.
                             (high spin, see GVB for low spin)

                 = GVB       Generalized valence bond wavefunction
                             or OCBSE type ROHF. (needs $SCF input)

                 = MCSCF     Multiconfigurational SCF wavefunction
                             (this requires $DET or $DRT input)

                 = NONE      indicates a single point computation,
                             rereading a converged SCF function.
                             This option requires that you select
                             CITYP=ALDET, ORMAS, FSOCI, GENCI, or
                             GUGA, requesting only RUNTYP=ENERGY or
                             TRANSITN, and using GUESS=MOREAD.

          The treatment of electron correlation for the above SCF
          wavefunctions is controlled by the keywords MPLEVL, CITYP,
          and CCTYP contained in this group, or DFTTTYP which is
          given in $DFT.  Obviously, at most one of MPLEVL, CITYP,
          CCTYP, or DFTTYP may be chosen in any given run.


          MPLEVL =           chooses Moller-Plesset perturbation
                             theory level, after the SCF.
                             See $MP2 and $MCQDPT input groups.
                 = 0         skip the MP computation (default)
                 = 2         perform second order energy correction.
          MP2 (aka MBPT(2)) is only implemented for RHF, UHF, ROHF,
          and MCSCF wavefunctions.  Gradients are available for RHF
          and UHF, so for the others you may choose a RUNTYP of
          ENERGY, TRUDGE, SURFACE, or FFIELD only.

          CITYP  =           chooses CI computation after the SCF,
                             for any SCFTYP except UHF.
                 = NONE      skips the CI. (default)
                 = CIS       single excitations from a SCFTYP=RHF
                             reference, only.  This is for the
                             treatment of excited states, with
                             analytic nuclear gradients available.
                             See the $CIS input group.
                 = ALDET     runs the Ames Laboratory determinant
                             full CI package, requiring $CIDET
                             input.  Use with RUNTYP=ENERGY only.
                 = ORMAS     runs an Occupation Restricted Multiple
                             Active Space determinant CI.  The input
                             is $CIDET and $ORMAS.
                 = FSOCI     runs a full second order CI using
                             determinants, with RUNTYP=ENERGY only.
                             The input is $CIDET and $SODET.
                 = GENCI     runs a determinant CI program that
                             permits arbitrary specification of
                             the determinants, requiring $CIGEN
                             input.  Use with RUNTYP=ENERGY only.
                 = GUGA      runs the Unitary Group CI package,
                             which requires $CIDRT input.
                             Gradients are available only for RHF,
                             so for other SCFTYPs, you may choose
                             only RUNTYP=ENERGY, TRUDGE, SURFACE,
                             FFIELD, TRANSITN.


          CCTYP              chooses a Coupled-Cluster computation
                             after SCF, available for SCFTYP=RHF.
                             See also the $CCINP group.

                 = NONE      skips CC computation (default).
                 = LCCD      perform a coupled-cluster calculation
                             using the linearized coupled-cluster
                             method with double excitations.
                 = CCD       perform a CC calculation using the 
                             coupled-cluster method with double
                 = CCSD      perform a CC calculation using the
                             coupled-cluster method with single
                             and double excitations.
                 = CCSD(T)   in addition to the CCSD run, the
                             non-iterative triples corrections are
                             calculated to give the standard CCSD[T]
                             and CCSD(T) energies.
                 = R-CC      in addition to standard CCSD, CCSD[T],
                             and CCSD(T) calculations, renormalized
                             R-CCSD[T] and R-CCSD(T) calculations are
                             performed.  The cost of the renormalized
                             calculations equals standard CCSD(T).
                 = CR-CC     in addition to CCSD, CCSD[T], CCSD(T),
                             R-CCSD[T], and R-CCSD(T) calculations,
                             the completely renormalized CR-CCSD[T]
                             and CR-CCSD(T) enegies are computed.
                             The cost of CR-CCSD[T] and CR-CCSD(T)
                             calculations, in their noniterative
                             triples corrections portion, is twice
                             the standard [T] and (T) corrections.

          The most reasonable choices are CCSD, CCSD(T), or CR-CC.

          Analytic gradients are not available, so use CCTYP only
          for RUNTYP=ENERGY, TRUDGE, SURFACE, or maybe FFIELD.

          Any publication describing the results of CC calculations
          obtained using GAMESS should give reference to
             P. Piecuch, S.A. Kucharski, K. Kowalski, and M. Musial,
             Comput.Phys. Commun., 149, 71-96, 2002

          For more information about the R-CCSD(T) and CR-CCSD(T)
          methods, see Section 4, 'Further Information'.


          RUNTYP             specifies the type of computation, for
                             example at a single geometry point:

                 = ENERGY    Molecular energy. (default)
                 = GRADIENT  Molecular energy plus gradient.
                 = HESSIAN   Molecular energy plus gradient plus
                             second derivatives, including harmonic
                             harmonic vibrational analysis.  See the
                             $FORCE and $CPHF input groups.

                             multiple geometry options:

                 = OPTIMIZE  Optimize the molecular geometry using
                             analytic energy gradients. See $STATPT.
                 = TRUDGE    Non-gradient total energy minimization.
                             See groups $TRUDGE and $TRURST.
                 = SADPOINT  Locate saddle point (transition state).
                             See the $STATPT group.
                 = IRC       Follow intrinsic reaction coordinate.
                             See the $IRC group.
                 = VSCF      Compute anharmonic vibrational
                             corrections (see $VSCF)
                 = DRC       Follow dynamic reaction coordinate.
                             See the $DRC group.
                 = GLOBOP    Monte Carlo global optimization.
                             See $GLOBOP.
                 = GRADEXTR  Trace gradient extremal.
                             See the $GRADEX group.
                 = SURFACE   Scan linear cross sections of the
                             potential energy surface.  See $SURF.

                             single geometry property options:

                 = PROP      Properties will be calculated.  A $DATA
                             deck and converged $VEC group should be
                             input.  Optionally, orbital localization
                             can be done.  See $ELPOT, etc.
                 = RAMAN     computes Raman intensities, see $RAMAN.
                 = MOROKUMA  Performs monomer energy decomposition.
                             See the $MOROKM group.
                 = TRANSITN  Compute radiative transition moment or
                             spin-orbit coupling.  See $TRANST group.
                 = FFIELD    applies finite electric fields, most
                             commonly to extract polarizabilities.
                             See the $FFCALC group.
                 = TDHF      analytic computation of time dependent
                             polarizabilities.  See the $TDHF group.
                 = MAKEFP    creates an effective fragment potential.

           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
           Note that RUNTYPs which require the nuclear gradient are
                      GLOBOP, IRC, GRADEXTR, and DRC
           These may not be used for any CI, MP2, or CC calculation
           unless the gradient can be computed, as indicated above.
           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


          EXETYP = RUN       Actually do the run. (default)
                 = CHECK     Wavefunction and energy will not be
                             evaluated.  This lets you speedily
                             check input and memory requirements.
                             See the overview section for details.
                             Note that you must set PARALL=.TRUE.
                             in $SYSTEM to test distributed memory
                 = DEBUG     Massive amounts of output are printed,
                             useful only if you hate trees.
                 = routine   Maximum output is generated by the
                             routine named.  Check the source for
                             the routines this applies to.

          MAXIT  =           Maximum number of SCF iteration cycles.
                             Pertains only to RHF, UHF, ROHF, or
                             GVB runs.  See also MAXIT in $MCSCF.
                             (default = 30)

                           * * * * * * *

          ICHARG =           Molecular charge.  (default=0, neutral)

          MULT   =           Multiplicity of the electronic state
                 = 1         singlet (default)
                 = 2,3,...   doublet, triplet, and so on.

             ICHARG and MULT are used directly for RHF, UHF, ROHF.
             For GVB, these are implicit in the $SCF input, while
             for MCSCF or CI, these are implicit in $DRT/$CIDRT or
             $DET/$CIDET input.  You must still give them correctly.

                           * * * * * * *

          ECP    =           effective core potential control.
                 = NONE      all electron calculation (default).
                 = READ      read the potentials in $ECP group.
                 = SBKJC     use Stevens, Basch, Krauss, Jasien,
                             Cundari potentials for all heavy
                             atoms (Li-Rn are available).
                 = HW        use Hay, Wadt potentials for all the
                             heavy atoms (Na-Xe are available).
                 = MCP       use Huzinaga's Model Core Potentials.
                             Gradients are not available, and see
                             the $MCP group for how to input these.

                           * * * * * * *

          RELWFN = NONE (default)  See also $RELWFN input group.
                 = NESC normalised elimination of small component,
                        the method of K. Dyall
                 = RESC relativistic elimination of small component,
                        the method of T. Nakajima and K. Hirao.

            * * * the next three control molecular geometry * * *

          COORD  = choice for molecular geometry in $DATA.
                 = UNIQUE    only the symmetry unique atoms will be
                             given, in Cartesian coords (default).
                 = HINT      only the symmetry unique atoms will be
                             given, in Hilderbrandt style internals.
                 = CART      Cartesian coordinates will be input.
                             Please read the warning just below!!!
                 = ZMT       GAUSSIAN style internals will be input.
                 = ZMTMPC    MOPAC style internals will be input.
                 = FRAGONLY  means no part of the system is treated
                             by ab initio means, hence $DATA is not
                             given.  The system is specified by $EFRAG.

            Note that the CART, ZMT, ZMTMPC choices require input of
            all atoms in the molecule.  These three also orient the
            molecule, and then determine which atoms are unique.  The
            reorientation is very likely to change the order of the
            atoms from what you input.  When the point group contains
            a 3-fold or higher rotation axis, the degenerate moments
            of inertia often cause problems choosing correct symmetry
            unique axes, in which case you must use COORD=UNIQUE
            rather than Z-matrices.

            Warning:  The reorientation into principal axes is done
            only for atomic coordinates, and is not applied to the
            axis dependent data in the following groups: $VEC, $HESS,
            $GRAD, $DIPDR, $VIB, nor Cartesian coords of effective
            fragments in $EFRAG.  COORD=UNIQUE avoids reorientation,
            and thus is the safest way to read these.

            Note that the choices CART, ZMT, ZMTMPC require the use
            of a $BASIS group to define the basis set.  The first
            two choices might or might not use $BASIS, as you wish.

          UNITS  = distance units, any angles must be in degrees.
                 = ANGS      Angstroms (default)
                 = BOHR      Bohr atomic units

          NZVAR  = 0  Use Cartesian coordinates (default).
                 = M  If COORD=ZMT or ZMTMPC and a $ZMAT is not given:
                      the internal coordinates will be those defining
                      the molecule in $DATA.  In this case, $DATA must
                      not contain any dummy atoms.  M is usually 3N-6,
                      or 3N-5 for linear.
                 = M  For other COORD choices, or if $ZMAT is given:
                      the internal coordinates will be those defined
                      in $ZMAT.  This allows more sophisticated
                      internal coordinate choices.  M is ordinarily
                      3N-6 (3N-5), unless $ZMAT has linear bends.

            NZVAR refers mainly to the coordinates used by OPTIMIZE
            or SADPOINT runs, but may also print the internal's
            values for other run types.  You can use internals to
            define the molecule, but Cartesians during optimizations!


          LOCAL  =          controls orbital localization.
                 = NONE     Skip localization (default).
                 = BOYS     Do Foster-Boys localization.
                 = RUEDNBRG Do Edmiston-Ruedenberg localization.
                 = POP      Do Pipek-Mezey population localization.
                            See the $LOCAL group.   Localization
                            does not work for SCFTYP=GVB or CITYP.

          ISPHER =      Spherical Harmonics option
                 = -1   Use Cartesian basis functions to construct
                        symmetry-adapted linear combination (SALC)
                        of basis functions.  The SALC space is the
                        linear variation space used.  (default)
                 = 0    Use spherical harmonic functions to create
                        SALC functions, which are then expressed
                        in terms of Cartesian functions.  The
                        contaminants are not dropped, hence this
                        option has EXACTLY the same variational
                        space as ISPHER=-1.  The only benefit to
                        obtain from this is a population analysis
                        in terms of pure s,p,d,f,g functions.
                 = +1   Same as ISPHER=0, but the function space
                        is truncated to eliminate all contaminant
                        Cartesian functions [3S(D), 3P(F), 4S(G),
                        and 3D(G)] before constructing the SALC
                        functions.  The computation corresponds
                        to the use of a spherical harmonic basis.

          QMTTOL = linear dependence threshhold
                   Any functions in the SALC variational space whose
                   eigenvalue of the overlap matrix is below this
                   tolerence is considered to be linearly dependent.
                   Such functions are dropped from the variational
                   space.  What is dropped is not individual basis
                   functions, but rather some linear combination(s)
                   of the entire basis set that represent the linear
                   dependent part of the function space.  The default
                   is a reasonable value for most purposes, 1.0E-6.

                   When many diffuse functions are used, it is common
                   to see the program drop some combinations.  On
                   occasion, in multi-ring molecules, we have raised
                   QMTTOL to 3.0E-6 to obtain SCF convergence, at the
                   cost of some energy.


                 * * * interfaces to other programs * * *

          MOLPLT = flag that produces an input deck for a molecule
                   drawing program distributed with GAMESS.
                   (default is .FALSE.)

          PLTORB = flag that produces an input deck for an orbital
                   plotting program distributed with GAMESS.
                   (default is .FALSE.)

          AIMPAC = flag to create an input deck for Bader's Atoms
                   In Molecules properties code. (default=.FALSE.)
                   For information about this program, see the URL

          FRIEND = string to prepare input to other quantum
                   programs, choose from
                 = HONDO    for HONDO 8.2
                 = MELDF    for MELDF
                 = GAMESSUK for GAMESS (UK Daresbury version)
                 = GAUSSIAN for Gaussian 9x
                 = ALL      for all of the above

          PLTORB, MOLPLT, and AIMPAC decks are written to file
          PUNCH at the end of the job.  Thus all of these correspond
          to the final geometry encountered during jobs such as

          In contrast, selecting FRIEND turns the job into a
          CHECK run only, no matter how you set EXETYP.  Thus the
          geometry is that encountered in $DATA.  The input is
          added to the PUNCH file, and may require some (usually
          minimal) massaging.

          PLTORB and MOLPLT are written even for EXETYP=CHECK.
          AIMPAC requires at least RUNTYP=PROP.

             The NBO program of Frank Weinhold's group can be
          attached to GAMESS.  The input to control the natural
          bond order analysis is read by the add in code, so is
          not described here.  The NBO program is available by
          anonymous FTP to ftp.osc.edu, in the directory


                 * * * computation control switches * * *

             For the most part, the default is the only sensible
          value, and unless you are sure of what you are doing,
          these probably should not be touched.

          NPRINT =           Print/punch control flag
                             See also EXETYP for debug info.
                             (options -7 to 5 are primarily debug)
                 = -7        Extra printing from Boys localization.
                 = -6        debug for geometry searches
                 = -5        minimal output
                 = -4        print 2e-contribution to gradient.
                 = -3        print 1e-contribution to gradient.
                 = -2        normal printing, no punch file
                 =  1        extra printing for basis,symmetry,ZMAT
                 =  2        extra printing for MO guess routines
                 =  3        print out property and 1e- integrals
                 =  4        print out 2e- integrals
                 =  5        print out SCF data for each cycle.
                             (Fock and density matrices, current MOs
                 =  6        same as 7, but wider 132 columns output.
                             This option isn't perfect.
                 =  7        normal printing and punching (default)
                 =  8        more printout than 7. The extra output
                             is (AO) Mulliken and overlap population
                             analysis, eigenvalues, Lagrangians, ...
                 =  9        everything in 8 plus Lowdin population
                             analysis, final density matrix.

          NOSYM  = 0     the symmetry specified in $DATA is used
                         as much as possible in integrals, SCF,
                         gradients, etc.  (this is the default)
                 = 1     the symmetry specified in the $DATA group
                         is used to build the molecule, then
                         symmetry is not used again.   Some GVB
                         or MCSCF runs (those without a totally
                         symmetric charge density) require you
                         request no symmetry.

          INTTYP = POPLE use fast Pople-Hehre routines for sp integral
                         blocks, and HONDO Rys polynomial code for
                         all other integrals.  (default)
                 = HONDO use HONDO/Rys integrals for all integrals.
                         This option produces very slightly more
                         accurate integrals but is also slower.

          NORMF  = 0     normalize the basis functions (default)
                 = 1     no normalization

          NORMP  = 0     input contraction coefficients refer to
                         normalized Gaussian primitives. (default)
                 = 1     the opposite.


          ITOL   =       primitive cutoff factor (default=20)
                 = n     products of primitives whose exponential
                         factor is less than 10**(-n) are skipped.

          ICUT   = n     integrals less than 10.0**(-n) are not
                         saved on disk. (default = 9).  Direct
                         SCF will calculate to a cutoff 1.0d-10
                         or 5.0d-11 depending on FDIFF=.F. or .T.

                      * * * restart options * * *

          IREST  =       restart control options
                         (for OPTIMIZE run restarts, see $STATPT)
                         Note that this option is unreliable!
                 = -1    reuse dictionary file from previous run,
                         useful with GEOM=DAF and/or GUESS=MOSAVED.
                         Otherwise, this option is the same as 0.
                 = 0     normal run (default)
                 = 1     2e restart (1-e integrals and MOs saved)
                 = 2     SCF restart (1-,2-e integrls and MOs saved)
                 = 3     1e gradient restart
                 = 4     2e gradient restart

          GEOM   =       select where to obtain molecular geometry
                 = INPUT from $DATA input (default for IREST=0)
                 = DAF   read from DICTNRY file (default otherwise)

              As noted in the first chapter, binary file restart is
          not a well tested option!


          $SYSTEM group         (optional)

              This group provides global control information for
          your computer's operation.  This is system related input,
          and will not seem particularly chemical to you!

          TIMLIM =  time limit, in minutes.  Set to about 95 percent
                    of the time limit given to the batch job so that
                    GAMESS can stop itself gently.  (default=600.0)

          MWORDS =  the maximum replicated memory which your job can
                    use, on every node.  This is given in units of
                    1,000,000 words (as opposed to 1024*1024 words),
                    where a word is always a 64 bit quantity.  Most
                    systems allocate this memory at run time, but
                    some more primitive systems may have an upper
                    limit chosen at compile time.  (default=1)
                    In case finer control over the memory is needed,
                    this value can be given in units of words by
                    using the keyword MEMORY instead of MWORDS.

          MEMDDI =  the grand total memory needed for the distributed
                    data interface (DDI) storage, given in units of
                    1,000,000 words.  See Chapter 5 of this manual for
                    an extended explanation of running with MEMDDI.

          note: the memory required on each node for a run using
                p processors is therefore MEMDDI/p + MWORDS.

          The parallel runs that currently require MEMDDI are:
                SCFTYP=RHF   MPLEVL=2 energy or gradient
                SCFTYP=UHF   MPLEVL=2 energy or gradient
                SCFTYP=ROHF  MPLEVL=2 OSPT=ZAPT energy
                SCFTYP=MCSCF MPLEVL=2 energy
                SCFTYP=MCSCF FULLNR=.TRUE.
                SCFTYP=any   CITYP=GUGA
          All other parallel runs should enter MEMDDI=0.

          PARALL =  a flag to cause the distributed data parallel
                    MP2 program to execute the parallel algorithm,
                    even if you are running on only one node.
                    The main purpose of this is to allow you to
                    do EXETYP=CHECK runs to learn what the correct
                    value of MEMDDI needs to be.


          KDIAG  =    diagonalization control switch
                 = 0  use a vectorized diagonalization routine
                      if one is available on your machine,
                      else use EVVRSP. (default)
                 = 1  use EVVRSP diagonalization.  This may
                      be more accurate than KDIAG=0.
                 = 2  use GIVEIS diagonalization
                      (not as fast or reliable as EVVRSP)
                 = 3  use JACOBI diagonalization
                      (this is the slowest method)

          COREFL =  a flag to indicate whether or not GAMESS
                    should produce a "core" file for debugging
                    when subroutine ABRT is called to kill
                    a job.  This variable pertains only to
                    UNIX operating systems.  (default=.FALSE.)

          * * * the next three refer to parallel GAMESS * * *

          The next three apply only to parallel runs, and as they
          are more or less obsolete, their use is discourged.

          BALTYP =  Parallel load balence scheme
                    LOOP turns off dynamic load balancing (DLB)
                    NXTVAL uses dynamic load balancing
                    (default = LOOP)

          XDR    =  a flag to indicate whether or not messages
                    should be converted into a generic format
                    known as external data representation.
                    If true, messages can exchange between
                    machines of different vendors, at the cost
                    of performing the data type conversions.
                    (default=.FALSE.)  --inactive at present--

          PTIME  =  a logical flag to print extra timing info
                    during parallel runs.  This is not currently




          $BASIS group          (optional)

              This group allows certain standard basis sets to be
          easily given.  If this group is omitted, the basis set
          must be given instead in the $DATA group.

          GBASIS =        Name of the Gaussian basis set.
                 = MINI - Huzinaga's 3 gaussian minimal basis set.
                          Available H-Rn.
                 = MIDI - Huzinaga's 21 split valence basis set.
                          Available H-Rn.
                 = STO  - Pople's STO-NG minimal basis set.
                          Available H-Xe, for NGAUSS=2,3,4,5,6.
                 = N21  - Pople's N-21G split valence basis set.
                          Available H-Xe, for NGAUSS=3.
                          Available H-Ar, for NGAUSS=6.
                 = N31  - Pople's N-31G split valence basis set.
                          Available H-Ne,P-Cl for NGAUSS=4.
                          Available H-He,C-F for NGAUSS=5.
                          Available H-Zn, for NGAUSS=6.
                          For Ga-Kr, N31 selects the BC basis.
                 = N311 - Pople's "triple split" N-311G basis set.
                          Available H-Ne, for NGAUSS=6.
                          Selecting N311 implies MC for Na-Ar.
                 = DZV  - "double zeta valence" basis set.
                          a synonym for DH for H,Li,Be-Ne,Al-Cl.
                          (14s,9p,3d)/[5s,3p,1d] for K-Ca.
                          (14s,11p,5d/[6s,4p,1d] for Ga-Kr.
                 = DH   - Dunning/Hay "double zeta" basis set.
                          (3s)/[2s] for H.
                          (9s,4p)/[3s,2p] for Li.
                          (9s,5p)/[3s,2p] for Be-Ne.
                          (11s,7p)/[6s,4p] for Al-Cl.
                 = TZV  - "triple zeta valence" basis set.
                          (5s)/[3s] for H.
                          (10s,3p)/[4s,3p] for Li.
                          (10s,6p)/[5s,3p] for Be-Ne.
                          a synonym for MC for Na-Ar.
                          (14s,9p)/[8s,4p] for K-Ca.
                          (14s,11p,6d)/[10s,8p,3d] for Sc-Zn.
                 = MC   - McLean/Chandler "triple split" basis.
                          (12s,9p)/[6s,5p] for Na-Ar.
                          Selecting MC implies 6-311G for H-Ne.

              additional values for GBASIS are on the next page.


               * * * the next two are ECP bases only * * *

          GBASIS = SBKJC- Stevens/Basch/Krauss/Jasien/Cundari
                          valence basis set, for Li-Rn.  This choice
                          implies an unscaled -31G basis for H-He.
                 = HW   - Hay/Wadt valence basis.
                          This is a -21 split, available Na-Xe,
                          except for the transition metals.
                          This implies a 3-21G basis for H-Ne.

               * * * semiempirical basis sets * * *

                   The elements for which these exist can be found
                   in the 'further information' section of this
                   manual.  If you pick one of these, all other data
                   in this group is ignored.  Semi-empirical runs
                   actually use valence-only STO bases, not GTOs.

          GBASIS = MNDO - selects MNDO model hamiltonian

                 = AM1  - selects AM1 model hamiltonian

                 = PM3  - selects PM3 model hamiltonian

          NGAUSS = the number of Gaussians (N).   This parameter
                   pertains only to GBASIS=STO, N21, N31, or N311.

          NDFUNC = number of heavy atom polarization functions to
                   be used.  These are usually d functions, except
                   for MINI/MIDI.  The term "heavy" means Na on up
                   when GBASIS=STO, HW, or N21, and from Li on up
                   otherwise.  The value may not exceed 3.  The
                   variable POLAR selects the actual exponents to
                   be used, see also SPLIT2 and SPLIT3. (default=0)

          NFFUNC = number of heavy atom f type polarization
                   functions to be used on Li-Cl.  This may only
                   be input as 0 or 1.  (default=0)

          NPFUNC = number of light atom, p type polarization
                   functions to be used on H-He.  This may not
                   exceed 3, see also POLAR.  (default=0)

          DIFFSP = flag to add diffuse sp (L) shell to heavy atoms.
                   Heavy means Li-F, Na-Cl, Ga-Br, In-I, Tl-At.
                   The default is .FALSE.

          DIFFS  = flag to add diffuse s shell to hydrogens.
                   The default is .FALSE.

          Warning: if you use diffuse functions, please read QMTTOL
          and INTTYP in the $CONTRL group for numerical concerns.


          POLAR  = exponent of polarization functions
                 = POPLE     (default for all other cases)
                 = POPN311   (default for GBASIS=N311, MC)
                 = DUNNING   (default for GBASIS=DH, DZV)
                 = HUZINAGA  (default for GBASIS=MINI, MIDI)
                 = HONDO7    (default for GBASIS=TZV)

          SPLIT2 = an array of splitting factors used when NDFUNC
                   or NPFUNC is 2.  Default=2.0,0.5

          SPLIT3 = an array of splitting factors used when NDFUNC
                   or NPFUNC is 3.  Default=4.00,1.00,0.25

          EXTFIL = a flag to read basis sets from an external file,
                   defined by EXTBAS, instead of $DATA.
                   No external file is provided with GAMESS, instead
                   you would supply your own.  The GBASIS keyword
                   must give an 8 character string, obviously not
                   using any internally stored names.  Every atom
                   must be defined in the external file by a line
                   giving the chemical symbol, and this string.
                   Following this header line, give the basis in
                   free format $DATA style, containing only S, P, D,
                   F, G, and L shells, and terminating each atom by
                   the usual blank line.  The GBASIS string allows
                   you to have several families of bases in the same
                   file, identified by different strings.


          The splitting factors are from the Pople school, and are
          probably too far apart.  See for example the Binning and
          Curtiss paper.  For example, the SPLIT2 value will usually
          cause an INCREASE over the 1d energy at the HF level for

          The actual exponents used for polarization functions, as
          well as for diffuse sp or s shells, are described in the
          'Further References' section of this manual.  This section
          also describes the sp part of the basis set chosen by
          GBASIS fully, with all references cited.

          Note that GAMESS always punches a full $DATA group.  Thus,
          if $BASIS does not quite cover the basis you want, you can
          obtain this full $DATA group from EXETYP=CHECK, and then
          change polarization exponents, add Rydbergs, etc.



          $DATA group                                      (required)
          $DATAS group  (if NESC chosen, gives small component basis)
          $DATAL group  (if NESC chosen, gives large component basis)

              This group describes the global molecular data such as
          point group symmetry, nuclear coordinates, and possibly
          the basis set.  It consists of a series of free format
          card images. See $RELWFN for more information on large and
          small component basis sets.  The input structure of $DATAS
          and $DATAL is identical to the COORD=UNIQUE $DATA input.


          -1-   TITLE     a single descriptive title card.


          -2-   GROUP, NAXIS

          GROUP is the Schoenflies symbol of the symmetry group,
          you may choose from
              C1, Cs, Ci, Cn, S2n, Cnh, Cnv, Dn, Dnh, Dnd,
              T, Th, Td, O, Oh.

          NAXIS is the order of the highest rotation axis, and
          must be given when the name of the group contains an N.
          For example, "Cnv 2" is C2v.  "S2n 3" means S6.  Use of
          NAXIS up to 8 is supported in each axial groups.

          For linear molecules, choose either Cnv or Dnh, and enter
          NAXIS as 4.  Enter atoms as Dnh with NAXIS=2.  If the
          electronic state of either is degenerate, check the note
          about the effect of symmetry in the electronic state
          in the SCF section of REFS.DOC.


              In order to use GAMESS effectively, you must be able
          to recognize the point group name for your molecule.  This
          presupposes a knowledge of group theory at about the level
          of Cotton's "Group Theory", Chapter 3.

              Armed with only the name of the group, GAMESS is able
          to exploit the molecular symmetry throughout almost all of
          the program, and thus save a great deal of computer time.
          GAMESS does not require that you know very much else about
          group theory, although a deeper knowledge (character
          tables, irreducible representations, term symbols, and so
          on) is useful when dealing with the more sophisticated


          Cards -3- and -4- are quite complicated, and are rarely
          given.  A *SINGLE* blank card may replace both cards -3-
          and -4-, to select the 'master frame', which is defined on
          the next page.   If you choose to enter a blank card, skip
          to the bottom of the next page.

          If the point group is C1 (no symmetry), skip over cards
          -3- and -4- (which means no blank card).


          -3-  X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2

          For C1 group, there is no card -3- or -4-.
          For CI group, give one point, the center of inversion.
          For CS group, any two points in the symmetry plane.
          For axial groups, any two points on the principal axis.
          For tetrahedral groups, any two points on a two-fold axis.
          For octahedral groups, any two points on a four-fold axis.


          -4-  X3, Y3, Z3, DIRECT

          third point, and a directional parameter.
          For CS group, one point of the symmetry plane,
                        noncollinear with points 1 and 2.
          For CI group, there is no card -4-.

          For other groups, a generator sigma-v plane (if any) is
          the (x,z) plane of the local frame (CNV point groups).

          A generator sigma-h plane (if any) is the (x,y) plane of
          the local frame (CNH and dihedral groups).

          A generator C2 axis (if any) is the x-axis of the local
          frame (dihedral groups).

          The perpendicular to the principal axis passing through
          the third point defines a direction called D1.  If
          DIRECT='PARALLEL', the x-axis of the local frame coincides
          with the direction D1.  If DIRECT='NORMAL', the x-axis of
          the local frame is the common perpendicular to D1 and the
          principal axis, passing through the intersection point of
          these two lines.  Thus D1 coincides in this case with the
          negative y axis.



              The 'master frame' is just a standard orientation for
          the molecule.  By default, the 'master frame' assumes that
              1.   z is the principal rotation axis (if any),
              2.   x is a perpendicular two-fold axis (if any),
              3.  xz is the sigma-v plane (if any), and
              4.  xy is the sigma-h plane (if any).
          Use the lowest number rule that applies to your molecule.

                  Some examples of these rules:
          Ammonia (C3v): the unique H lies in the XZ plane (R1,R3).
          Ethane (D3d): the unique H lies in the YZ plane (R1,R2).
          Methane (Td): the H lies in the XYZ direction (R2).  Since
                   there is more than one 3-fold, R1 does not apply.
          HP=O (Cs): the mirror plane is the XY plane (R4).

          In general, it is a poor idea to try to reorient the
          molecule.  Certain sections of the program, such as the
          orbital symmetry assignment, do not know how to deal with
          cases where the 'master frame' has been changed.

          Linear molecules (C4v or D4h) must lie along the z axis,
          so do not try to reorient linear molecules.

          You can use EXETYP=CHECK to quickly find what atoms are
          generated, and in what order.  This is typically necessary
          in order to use the general $ZMAT coordinates.

                               * * * *

          Depending on your choice for COORD in $CONTROL,

              if COORD=UNIQUE, follow card sequence U
              if COORD=HINT,   follow card sequence U
              if COORD=CART,   follow card sequence C
              if COORD=ZMT,    follow card sequence G
              if COORD=ZMTMPC, follow card sequence M

          Card sequence U is the only one which allows you to define
          a completely general basis here in $DATA.

          Recall that UNIT in $CONTRL determines the distance units.



          -5U-   Atom input.  Only the symmetry unique atoms are
          input, GAMESS will generate the symmetry equivalent atoms
          according to the point group selected above.

             if COORD=UNIQUE   NAME, ZNUC, X, Y, Z

          NAME  = 10 character atomic name, used only for printout.
                  Thus you can enter H or Hydrogen, or whatever.
          ZNUC  = nuclear charge.  It is the nuclear charge which
                  actually defines the atom's identity.
          X,Y,Z = Cartesian coordinates.

             if COORD=HINT


          NAME = 10 character atomic name (used only for print out).
          ZNUC = nuclear charge.
          CONX = connection type, choose from
            'LC'   linear conn.               'CCPA' central conn.
            'PCC'  planar central conn.              with polar atom
            'NPCC' non-planar central conn.   'TCT'  terminal conn.
            'PTC'  planar terminal conn.             with torsion
          R    = connection distance.
          ALPHA= first connection angle
          BETA = second connection angle
          SIGN = connection sign, '+' or '-'
          POINT1, POINT2, POINT3 =
               connection points, a serial number of a previously
               input atom, or one of 4 standard points: O,I,J,K
               (origin and unit points on axes of master frame).
               defaults:  POINT1='O', POINT2='I', POINT3='J'

          ref- R.L. Hilderbrandt, J.Chem.Phys. 51, 1654 (1969).
          You cannot understand HINT input without reading this.

          Note that if ZNUC is negative, the internally stored
          basis for ABS(ZNUC) is placed on this center, but the
          calculation uses ZNUC=0 after this.  This is useful
          for basis set superposition error (BSSE) calculations.

          * * * If you gave $BASIS, continue entering cards -5U-
                until all the unique atoms have been specified.
                When you are done, enter a " $END " card.
          * * * If you did not, enter cards -6U-, -7U-, -8U-.


          -6U-  GBASIS, NGAUSS, (SCALF(i),i=1,4)

          GBASIS has exactly the same meaning as in $BASIS.  You may
          choose from MINI, MIDI, STO, N21, N31, N311, DZV, DH, BC,
          TZV, MC, SBKJC, or HW.  In addition, you may choose S, P,
          D, F, G, or L to enter an explicit basis set.  Here, L
          means both an s and p shell with a shared exponent.

          In addition, GBASIS may be defined as MCP, to indicate that
          the current atom is represented by a model core potential.
          MCP must be followed by the keyword READ to indicate that
          the basis functions are read using the sequence -6U-, -7U-,
          and -8U-, as presently there are no built in basis sets.
          In addition, MCP implies that the parameters of the model
          core potentials together with core basis functions are in
          the input stream in a $MCP group.

          NGAUSS is the number of Gaussians (N) in the Pople style
          basis, or user input general basis.  It has meaning only
          for GBASIS=STO, N21, N31, or N311, and S,P,D,F,G, or L.

          Up to four scale factors may be entered.  If omitted,
          standard values are used.  They are not documented as
          every GBASIS treats these differently.  Read the source
          code if you need to know more.  They are seldom given.

          * * * If GBASIS is not S,P,D,F,G, or L, either add more
                shells by repeating card -6U-, or go on to -8U-.
          * * * If GBASIS=S,P,D,F,G, or L, enter NGAUSS cards -7U-.

          -7U- IG, ZETA, C1, C2

                IG = a counter, IG takes values 1, 2, ..., NGAUSS.
              ZETA = Gaussian exponent of the IG'th primitive.
                C1 = Contraction coefficient for S,P,D,F,G shells,
                     and for the s function of L shells.
                C2 = Contraction coefficient for the p in L shells.

          * * * For more shells on this atom, go back to card -6U-.
          * * * If there are no more shells, go on to card -8U-.

          -8U-    A blank card ends the basis set for this atom.

          Continue entering atoms with -5U- through -8U- until all
          are given, then terminate the group with a " $END " card.

                 --- this is the end of card sequence U ---


          COORD=CART input:


          -5C- Atom input.

          Cartesian coordinates for all atoms must be entered.  They
          may be arbitrarily rotated or translated, but must possess
          the actual point group symmetry.  GAMESS will reorient the
          molecule into the 'master frame', and determine which
          atoms are the unique ones.  Thus, the final order of the
          atoms may be different from what you enter here.

                NAME, ZNUC, X, Y, Z

          NAME  = 10 character atomic name, used only for printout.
                  Thus you can enter H or Hydrogen, or whatever.
          ZNUC  = nuclear charge.  It is the nuclear charge which
                  actually defines the atom's identity.
          X,Y,Z = Cartesian coordinates.


          Continue entering atoms with card -5C- until all are
          given, and then terminate the group with a " $END " card.

                 --- this is the end of card sequence C ---


          COORD=ZMT input:       (GAUSSIAN style internals)


          -5G-      ATOM

          Only the name of the first atom is required.
          See -8G- for a description of this information.

          -6G-      ATOM  i1 BLENGTH

          Only a name and a bond distance is required for atom 2.
          See -8G- for a description of this information.

          -7G-      ATOM  i1 BLENGTH  i2 ALPHA

          Only a name, distance, and angle are required for atom 3.
          See -8G- for a description of this information.

          -8G-      ATOM  i1 BLENGTH  i2 ALPHA  i3 BETA i4

          ATOM    is the chemical symbol of this atom.  It can be
                  followed by numbers, if desired, for example Si3.
                  The chemical symbol implies the nuclear charge.
          i1      defines the connectivity of the following bond.
          BLENGTH is the bond length "this atom-atom i1".
          i2      defines the connectivity of the following angle.
          ALPHA   is the angle "this atom-atom i1-atom i2".
          i3      defines the connectivity of the following angle.
          BETA    is either the dihedral angle "this atom-atom i1-
                  atom i2-atom i3", or perhaps a second bond
                  angle "this atom-atom i1-atom i3".
          i4      defines the nature of BETA,
                  If BETA is a dihedral angle, i4=0 (default).
                  If BETA is a second bond angle, i4=+/-1.
                  (sign specifies one of two possible directions).

           o  Repeat -8G- for atoms 4, 5, ...
           o  The use of ghost atoms is possible, by using X or BQ
              for the chemical symbol.  Ghost atoms preclude the
              option of an automatic generation of $ZMAT.
           o  The connectivity i1, i2, i3 may be given as integers,
              1, 2, 3, 4, 5,...  or as strings which match one of
              the ATOMs.  In this case, numbers must be added to the
              ATOM strings to ensure uniqueness!


           o  In -6G- to -8G-, symbolic strings may be given in
              place of numeric values for BLENGTH, ALPHA, and BETA.
              The same string may be repeated, which is handy in
              enforcing symmetry.  If the string is preceeded by a
              minus sign, the numeric value which will be used is
              the opposite, of course.  Any mixture of numeric data
              and symbols may be given.  If any strings were given
              in -6G- to -8G-, you must provide cards -9G- and
              -10G-, otherwise you may terminate the group now with
              a " $END " card.


          -9G-   A blank line terminates the Z-matrix section.


          -10G-   STRING VALUE

          STRING is a symbolic string used in the Z-matrix.
          VALUE  is the numeric value to substitute for that string.


          Continue entering -10G- until all STRINGs are defined.
          Note that any blank card encountered while reading -10G-
          will be ignored.  GAMESS regards all STRINGs as variables
          (constraints are sometimes applied in $STATPT).  It is not
          necessary to place constraints to preserve point group
          symmetry, as GAMESS will never lower the symmetry from
          that given at -2-.  When you have given all STRINGs a
          VALUE, terminate the group with a " $END " card.

                 --- this is the end of card sequence G ---

                                * * * *

              The documentation for sequence G above and sequence M
          below presumes you are reasonably familiar with the input
          to GAUSSIAN or MOPAC.  It is probably too terse to be
          understood very well if you are unfamiliar with these.  A
          good tutorial on both styles of Z-matrix input can be
          found in Tim Clark's book "A Handbook of Computational
          Chemistry", published by John Wiley & Sons, 1985.

              Both Z-matrix input styles must generate a molecule
          which possesses the symmetry you requested at -2-.  If
          not, your job will be terminated automatically.


          COORD=ZMTMPC input:       (MOPAC style internals)


          -5M-     ATOM

          Only the name of the first atom is required.
          See -8M- for a description of this information.

          -6M-     ATOM BLENGTH

          Only a name and a bond distance is required for atom 2.
          See -8M- for a description of this information.

          -7M-     ATOM BLENGTH j1 ALPHA j2

          Only a bond distance from atom 2, and an angle with repect
          to atom 1 is required for atom 3.  If you prefer to hook
          atom 3 to atom 1, you must give connectivity as in -8M-.
          See -8M- for a description of this information.

          -8M-     ATOM BLENGTH j1 ALPHA j2 BETA j3 i1 i2 i3

          ATOM, BLENGTH, ALPHA, BETA, i1, i2 and i3 are as described
          at -8G-.  However, BLENGTH, ALPHA, and BETA must be given
          as numerical values only.  In addition, BETA is always a
          dihedral angle.   i1, i2, i3 must be integers only.

          The j1, j2 and j3 integers, used in MOPAC to signal
          optimization of parameters, must be supplied but are
          ignored here.  You may give them as 0, for example.

          Continue entering atoms 3, 4, 5, ... with -8M- cards until
          all are given, and then terminate the group by giving a
          " $END " card.

                 --- this is the end of card sequence M ---

                         This is the end of $DATA!

          If you have any doubt about what molecule and basis set
          you are defining, or what order the atoms will be
          generated in, simply execute an EXETYP=CHECK job to find


          $ZMAT group      (required if NZVAR is nonzero in $CONTRL)

              This group lets you define the internal coordinates in
          which the gradient geometry search is carried out.  These
          need not be the same as the internal coordinates used in
          $DATA.  The coordinates may be simple Z-matrix types,
          delocalized coordinates, or natural internal coordinates.

              You must input a total of M=3N-6 internal coordinates
          (M=3N-5 for linear molecules).  NZVAR in $CONTRL can be
          less than M IF AND ONLY IF you are using linear bends.  It
          is also possible to input more than M coordinates if they
          are used to form exactly M linear combinations for new
          internals.  These may be symmetry coordinates or natural
          internal coordinates.  If NZVAR > M, you must input IJS and
          SIJ below to form M new coordinates.  See DECOMP in $FORCE
          for the only circumstance in which you may enter a larger
          NZVAR without giving SIJ and IJS.

             **** IZMAT defines simple internal coordinates ****

          IZMAT is an array of integers defining each coordinate.
          The general form for each internal coordinate is
                code number,I,J,K,L,M,N

          IZMAT =1 followed by two atom numbers. (I-J bond length)
                =2 followed by three numbers. (I-J-K bond angle)
                =3 followed by four numbers. (dihedral angle)
                   Torsion angle between planes I-J-K and J-K-L.
                =4 followed by four atom numbers. (atom-plane)
                   Out-of-plane angle from bond I-J to plane J-K-L.
                =5 followed by three numbers. (I-J-K linear bend)
                   Counts as 2 coordinates for the degenerate bend,
                   normally J is the center atom.  See $LIBE.
                =6 followed by five atom numbers. (dihedral angle)
                   Dihedral angle between planes I-J-K and K-L-M.
                =7 followed by six atom numbers. (ghost torsion)
                   Let A be the midpoint between atoms I and J, and
                   B be the midpoint between atoms M and N.  This
                   coordinate is the dihedral angle A-K-L-B.  The
                   atoms I,J and/or M,N may be the same atom number.
                   (If I=J AND M=N, this is a conventional torsion).
                   Examples: N2H4, or, with one common pair, H2POH.

          Example - a nonlinear triatomic, atom 2 in the middle:
                $ZMAT IZMAT(1)=1,1,2,  2,1,2,3,  1,2,3  $END
          This sets up two bonds and the angle between them.
          The blanks between each coordinate definition are
          not necessary, but improve readability mightily.


               **** the next define delocalized coordinates ****

          DLC    is a flag to request delocalized coordinates.
                 (default is .FALSE.)

          AUTO   is a flag to generate all redundant coordinates,
                 automatically.  The DLC space will consist of all
                 non-redundant combinations of these which can be
                 found.  The list of redundant coordinates will
                 consist of bonds, angles, and torsions only.
                 (default is .FALSE.)

          NONVDW is an array of atom pairs which are to be joined
                 by a bond, but might be skipped by the routine
                 that automatically includes all distances shorter
                 than the sum of van der Waals radii.  Any angles
                 and torsions associated with the new bond(s) are
                 also automatically included.

          The format for IXZMAT, IRZMAT, IFZMAT is that of IZMAT:

          IXZMAT is an extra array of simple internal coordinates
                 which you want to have added to the list generated
                 by AUTO.  Unlike NONVDW, IXZMAT will add only the
                 coordinate(s) you specify.

          IRZMAT is an array of simple internal coordinates which
                 you would like to remove from the AUTO list of
                 redundant coordinates.  It is sometimes necessary
                 to remove a torsion if other torsions around a bond
                 are being frozen, to obtain a nonsingular G matrix.

          IFZMAT is an array of simple internal coordinates which
                 you would like to freeze.  See also FVALUE below.
                 Note that IFZMAT/FVALUE work only with DLC, see the
                 IFREEZ option in $STATPT to freeze coordinates if
                 you wish to freeze simple or natural coordinates.

          FVALUE is an array of values to which the internal
                 coordinates should be constrained.  It is not
                 necessary to input $DATA such that the initial
                 values match these desired final values, but it is
                 helpful if the initial values are not too far away.

                                                         $ZMAT $LIBE

             **** SIJ,IJS define natural internal coordinates ****

          SIJ is a transformation matrix of dimension NZVAR x M,
              used to transform the NZVAR internal coordinates in
              IZMAT into M new internal coordinates.  SIJ is a
              sparse matrix, so only the non-zero elements are
              given, by using the IJS array described below.
              The columns of SIJ will be normalized by GAMESS.
              (Default: SIJ = I, unit matrix)

          IJS is an array of pairs of indices, giving the row and
              column index of the entries in SIJ.

          example - if the above triatomic is water, using
               IJS(1) = 1,1, 3,1,   1,2, 3,2,   2,3
               SIJ(1) = 1.0, 1.0,   1.0,-1.0,   1.0

              gives the matrix S=  1.0   1.0   0.0
                                   0.0   0.0   1.0
                                   1.0  -1.0   0.0

          which defines the symmetric stretch, asymmetric stretch,
          and bend of water.

          references for natural internal coordinates:
            P.Pulay, G.Fogarasi, F.Pang, J.E.Boggs
               J.Am.Chem.Soc. 101, 2550-2560(1979)
            G.Fogarasi, X.Zhou, P.W.Taylor, P.Pulay
               J.Am.Chem.Soc. 114, 8191-8201(1992)
          reference for delocalized coordinates:
            J.Baker, A. Kessi, B.Delley
               J.Chem.Phys. 105, 192-212(1996)


          $LIBE group  (required if linear bends are used in $ZMAT)

          A degenerate linear bend occurs in two orthogonal planes,
          which are specified with the help of a point A.  The first
          bend occurs in a plane containing the atoms I,J,K and the
          user input point A.  The second bend is in the plane
          perpendicular to this, and containing I,J,K.  One such
          point must be given for each pair of bends used.

          APTS(1)= x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,...  for linear bends 1,2,...

          Note that each linear bend serves as two coordinates, so
          that if you enter 2 linear bends (HCCH, for example), the
          correct value of NZVAR is M-2, where M=3N-6 or 3N-5, as




          $SCF group         relevant if SCFTYP = RHF, UHF, or ROHF,
                             required if SCFTYP = GVB)

              This group of parameters provides additional control
          over the RHF, UHF, ROHF, or GVB SCF steps.  It must be
          given for GVB open shell or perfect pairing wavefunctions.

          DIRSCF = a flag to activate a direct SCF calculation,
                   which is implemented for all the Hartree-Fock
                   type wavefunctions:  RHF, ROHF, UHF, and GVB.
                   This keyword also selects direct MP2 computation.
                   The default of .FALSE. stores integrals on disk
                   storage for a conventional SCF calculation.

          FDIFF  = a flag to compute only the change in the Fock
                   matrices since the previous iteration, rather
                   than recomputing all two electron contributions.
                   This saves much CPU time in the later iterations.
                   This pertains only to direct SCF, and has a
                   default of .TRUE.  This option is implemented
                   only for the RHF, ROHF, UHF cases.

                   Cases with many diffuse functions in the basis
                   set sometimes oscillate at the end, rather than
                   converging.  Turning this parameter off will
                   normally give convergence.

          ---- The next flags affect convergence rates.

          NOCONV = .TRUE. means neither SOSCF nor DIIS will be used.
                   The default is .FALSE., making the choice of the
                   primary converger as follows:
                     for RHF, GVB, or Abelian group ROHF, use SOSCF.
                     for any DFT, UHF, or non-Abelian ROHF, use DIIS.
          DIIS   = selects Pulay's DIIS interpolation.
          SOSCF  = selects second order SCF orbital optimization.

               Once either DIIS or SOSCF are initiated, the following
          less important accelerators are put in abeyance:

          EXTRAP = selects Pople extrapolation of the Fock matrix.
          DAMP   = selects Davidson damping of the Fock matrix.
          SHIFT  = selects level shifting of the Fock matrix.
          RSTRCT = selects restriction of orbital interchanges.
          DEM    = selects direct energy minimization, which is
                   implemented only for RHF.  (default=.FALSE.)

          defaults for     EXTRAP  DAMP  SHIFT RSTRCT  DIIS  SOSCF
          ab initio:         T      F      F      F     F/T   T/F
          semiempirical:     T      F      F      F      F     F

               The above parameters are implemented for all SCF
          wavefunction types, except that DIIS will work for GVB
          only for those cases with NPAIR=0 or NPAIR=1.


          ---- These parameters fine tune the various convergers.

          CONV  =  SCF density convergence criteria.
                   Convergence is reached when the density change
                   between two consecutive SCF cycles is less than
                   this in absolute value.  One more cycle will be
                   executed after reaching convergence.   Less
                   accuracy in CONV gives questionable gradients.
                   The default is 1.0d-05, except runs involving
                   CI or MP2 gradients or CC energies use 1.0d-06.

          SOGTOL = second order gradient tolerance.  SOSCF will be
                   initiated when the orbital gradient falls below
                   this threshold.  (default=0.25 au)

          ETHRSH = energy error threshold for initiating DIIS.  The
                   DIIS error is the largest element of e=FDS-SDF.
                   Increasing ETHRSH forces DIIS on sooner.
                   (default = 0.5 Hartree)

          MAXDII = Maximum size of the DIIS linear equations, so
                   that at most MAXDII-1 Fock matrices are used
                   in the interpolation.  (default=10)

          DEMCUT = Direct energy minimization will not be done
                   once the density matrix change falls below
                   this threshold.  (Default=0.5)

          DMPCUT = Damping factor lower bound cutoff.  The damping
                   damping factor will not be allowed to drop
                   below this value. (default=0.0)
             note: The damping factor need not be zero to achieve
                   valid convergence (see Hsu, Davidson, and
                   Pitzer, J.Chem.Phys., 65, 609 (1976), see
                   especially the section on convergence control),
                   but it should not be astronomical either.

                 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                 For more info on the convergence methods,
                 see the 'Further Information' section.
                 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

                  ----- miscellaneous options -----

          NPUNCH = SCF punch option
                 =  0  do not punch out the final orbitals
                 =  1  punch out the occupied orbitals
                 =  2  punch out occupied and virtual orbitals
                       The default is NPUNCH = 2.

          UHFNOS = flag controlling generation of the natural
                   orbitals of a UHF function. (default=.FALSE.)


          MVOQ   = 0  Skip MVO generation (default)
                 = n  Form modified virtual orbitals, using a cation
                      with n electrons removed.   Implemented for
                      RHF, ROHF, and GVB.   If necessary to reach a
                      closed shell cation, the program might remove
                      n+1 electrons.  Typically, n will be about 6.
                 = -1 The cation used will have each valence orbital
                      half filled, to produce MVOs with valence-like
                      character in all regions of the molecule.
                      Implemented for RHF and ROHF only.

          ACAVO  =    Flag to request Approximate Correlation-Adapted
                      Virtual Orbitals.  Implemented for RHF, ROHF,
                      and GVB.  The default is .FALSE.

          PACAVO =    Parameters used to define the ACAVO generating
                      operator, which is the operator
                    a*T + b*Vne + c*Jcore + d*Jval + e*Kcore + f*Kval
                      The default corresponds to Whitten orbitals,
                      J.L.Whitten, J.Chem.Phys.  56, 458-546(1972)
                      which maximize the exchange interaction with
                      the valence orbitals, PACOVO(1)=0,0,0,0,0,-1.0.
                      A better set of parameters, in terms of possibly
                      producing a lower CI-SD energy, is PACAVO(1)=

                  ----- options for virial scaling -----

          VTSCAL =   A flag to request that the virial theorem be
                     satisfied.  An analysis of the total energy
                     as an exact sum of orbital kinetic energies
                     is printed.  The default is .FALSE.

             This option is implemented for RHF, UHF, and ROHF,
             for RUNTYP=ENERGY, OPTIMIZE, or SADPOINT.  Related
             input is as follows:

          SCALF  =   initial exponent scale factor when VTSCAL is
                     in use, useful when restarting.  The default
                     is 1.0.

          MAXVT  =   maximum number of iterations (at a single
                     geometry) to satisfy the energy virial theorem.
                     The default is 20.

          VTCONV =   convergence criterion for the VT, which is
                     satisfied when 2 +  + R x dE/dR is less
                     than VTCONV.  The default is 1.0D-6 Hartree.

          For more information on this option, which is most
          economically employed during a geometry search, see
          M.Lehd and F.Jensen, J.Comput.Chem. 12, 1089-1096(1991).


              The next parameters define the GVB wavefunction.  Note
          that ALPHA and BETA also have meaning for ROHF.  See also
          MULT in the $CONTRL group.  The GVB wavefunction assumes
          orbitals are in the order core, open, pairs.

          NCO    =   The number of closed shell orbitals.  The
                     default almost certainly should be changed!

          NSETO  =   The number of sets of open shells in the
                     function.  Maximum of 10. (default=0)

          NO     =   An array giving the degeneracy of each open
                     shell set.  Give NSETO values.

          NPAIR  =   The number of geminal pairs in the -GVB-
                     function.  Maximum of 12.  The default
                     corresponds to open shell SCF (default=0).

          CICOEF =   An array of ordered pairs of CI coefficients
                     for the -GVB- pairs.  For example, a two pair
                     case for water, say, might be
                     CICOEF(1)=0.95,-0.05,0.95,-0.05.  If not
                     normalized, as in the default, they will be.
                     This parameter is useful in restarting a GVB
                     run, with the current CI coefficients.
                     (default = 0.90,-0.20,0.90,-0.20,...)

          COUPLE =   A switch controlling the input of F, ALPHA,
                     and BETA.  The default is to use internally
                     stored values for these variables.   Note
                     ALPHA and BETA can be given for -ROHF-, as
                     well as -GVB-.  (Default=.FALSE.)

          F      =   An vector of fractional occupations.

          ALPHA  =   An array of A coupling coefficients given in
                     lower triangular order.

          BETA   =   An array of B coupling coefficients given in
                     lower triangular order.

              Note:  The default for F, ALPHA, and BETA depends on
          the state chosen.  Defaults for the most commonly occuring
          cases are internally stored.

                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                      For more discussion of GVB/ROHF input
                      see the 'further information' section
                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




          $SCFMI group            (optional, relevant if SCFTYP=RHF)

              The SCF-MI method is a modification of the Roothaan
          equations that avoids basis set superposition error (BSSE)
          in intermolecular interaction calculations, by expanding
          each monomer's orbitals using only its own basis set.
          Thus, the resulting orbitals are not orthogonal.  The
          presence of a $SCFMI group in the input triggers the use
          of this option.

              The implementation is limited to two monomers, treated
          at the RHF level.  The energy, gradient, and therefore
          numerical hessian are available.  The SCF step may be run
          in direct SCF mode.  The first 4 parameters must be given.
          All atoms of monomer A must be given in $DATA before the
          atoms of monomer B.

          NA        = number of doubly occupied MOs on fragment A.
          NB        = number of doubly occupied MOs on fragment B.
          MA        = number of basis functions on fragment A.
          MB        = number of basis functions on fragment B.

          ITER      = maximum number of SCF-MI cycles, overriding
                      the usual MAXIT value.  (default is 50).

          DTOL      = SCF-MI density convergence criteria.
                      (default is 1.0d-10)

          ALPHA     = possible level shift parameter.
                      (default is 0.0, meaning shifting is not used)

          IOPT      =   prints additional debug information.
                    = 0 standard outout (default)
                    = 1 print for each SCF-MI cycle MOs, overlap
                        between the MOs, CPU times.
                    = 2 print some extra informations in secular
                        systems solution.

          MSHIFT    = debugging option that permits to shift all
                      the memory pointer of the SCF-MI section
                      of code of the quantity MSHIFT (default is 0).


             "Modification of Roothan Equations to Exclude BSSE
                 from Molecular Interaction Calculations"
              E. Gianinetti, M. Raimondi, E. Tornaghi
              Int. J. Quantum Chem. 60, 157 (1996)

              A. Famulari, E. Gianinetti, M. Raimondi, and M. Sironi
              Int. J. Quantum Chem. (1997), submitted.



          $DFT group               (relevant if SCFTYP=RHF,UHF,ROHF)

              Note that if DFTTYP=NONE, an ab initio calculation
          will be performed, rather than density functional theory.

               This group permits the use of various one electron
          (usually empirical) operators instead of the true many
          electron Hamiltonian.  Two programs are provided, METHOD=
          GRID or GRIDFREE.  The programs have different functionals
          available, and so the keyword DFTTYP and other associated
          inputs are documented separately below.  Every functional
          that has the same name in both lists is the identical
          functional, but each METHOD has a few functionals that are
          missing in the other.

              The grid free implementation is based on the use of
          the resolution of the identity to simplify integrals so
          that they may be analytically evaluated, without using
          grid quadratures.  The grid free DFT computations in their
          present form have various numerical errors, primarily in
          the gradient vectors.  Please do not use the grid-free DFT
          program without reading the discussion in the 'Further
          References' section regarding the gradient accuracy.

              The grid based DFT uses a typical grid quadrature to
          compute integrals over the rather complicated functionals.

              Achieving a self-consistent field with DFT is rather
          more difficult than for normal HF, so DIIS is the default
          converger.  The use of GUESS=MOREAD to input HF orbitals is
          very helpful in facilitating DFT convergence, and at the 
          least, saves considerable time in doing DFT iterations.

              Both DFT programs will run in parallel.  


          DFTTYP = NONE     means no DFT is performed (default)

          METHOD = selects grid based DFT or grid free DFT.
                 = GRID     Grid based DFT (default)
                 = GRIDFREE Grid free DFT

                  ----- options for METHOD=GRID -----

          DFTTYP = specifies exchange and correlation functionals.
                        pure exchange functionals (no correlation):
                 = SLATER   Slater exchange
                 = BECKE    Becke 1988 exchange
                 = GILL     Gill 1996 exchange
                 = PBE      Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange
                            Note that the PBE correlation functional
                            is not implemented.
                        pure correlation functionals (HF exchange):
                 = VWN      Vosko-Wilk-Nusair correlation, using
                            their electron gas formula 5 (VWN5)
                 = LYP      Lee-Yang-Parr correlation
                 = OP       One-parameter Progressive correlation
                        combination functionals:
                 = SVWN     SLATER exchange + VWN5 correlation
                            Called LDA/LSDA by physicists for RHF/UHF.
                 = SLYP     SLATER exchange + LYP correlation
                 = SOP      SLATER exchange + OP correlation
                 = BVWN     BECKE exchange + VWN5 correlation
                 = BLYP     BECKE exchange + LYP correlation
                 = BOP      BECKE exchange + OP correlation
                 = GVWN     GILL exchange + VWN5 correlation
                 = GLYP     GILL exchange + LYP correlation
                 = GOP      GILL exchange + OP correlation
                 = PBEVWN   PBE exchange + VWN5 correlation
                 = PBELYP   PBE exchange + LYP correlation
                 = PBEOP    PBE exchange + OP correlation
                        hybrid functionals:
                 = BHHLYP   HF and BECKE exchange + LYP correlation
                 = B3LYP    this is a hybrid method combining five
                            functionals, namely Becke + Slater + HF
                            exchange and LYP + VWN5 correlation.

          An extensive bibliography for these functionals can be
          found in the 'Further References' section of this manual.


          NRAD   = number of radial grids in Euler-Maclaurin
                   quadrature. (default=96)

          NTHE   = number of angle theta grids in Gauss-Legendre
                   quadrature. (default=12)

          NPHI   = number of angle phi grids in Gauss-Legendre
                   quadrature.  NPHI should be double NTHE so that
                   points are spherically distributed. (default=24)

          NRAD*NTHE*NPHI grid points will be constructed around each
          atom.  Time is linear in the number of grid points, so be
          careful.  Energies can be compared only when the identical
          grid density has been used, analogous to needing to compare
          with the identical basis set expansions.  A very accurate
          "army grade" grid capable of producing an integration error
          less than a microHartree/atom is NRAD=96 NTHE=36 NPHI=72.
          The default grid has an error probably no worse than about
          20 microHartree/atom, depending on the type of atom.

          NRAD0, NTHE0, NPHI0 define a smaller grid used during the
          SCF iterations before some initial convergence is reached. 
          After that, the full grid defined by NRAD, NTHE, NPHI will
          be used.  This can save considerable CPU time in the early
          SCF iterations.

          SWITCH = when the change in the density matrix between
                   iterations falls below this threshhold, switch
                   to use of the desired full grid (default=3.0E-4)
          NRAD0  = same as NRAD, but defines initial (smaller) grid. 

          NTHE0  = same as NTHE, but defines initial (smaller) grid. 
          NPHI0  = same as NPHI, but defines initial (smaller) grid. 

          Default values for the initial grid depend upon NRAD, NTHE,
          and NPHI.  For the default full grid settings, the initial
          grid is NRAD0=24, NTHE0=8, NPHI0=16, for other values the
          formula is NRAD0 the larger of NRAD/4 or 24, for NTHE0 the
          larger of NTHE/3 or 8, and for NPHI0 the larger of NPHI/3
          or 16.  In case of slow convergence of the SCF or if using
          the "army grade grid", NRAD0=48 NTHE0=12 NPHI0=24 and
          SWITCH=1.0E-4 may be better.  Numerical hessian runs set
          the coarse grid to the same size as the full grid, by
          THRESH = threshold for ignoring small contributions to the
                   Fock matrix.  The default is designed to produce
                   no significant energy loss, even when the grid is
                   as good as "army grade".  If for some reason you
                   want to turn all threshhold tests off, of course
                   requiring more CPU, enter 1.0e-15.
                   default: 1.0e-4/Natoms/NRAD/NTHE/NPHI


                  ----- options for METHOD=GRIDFREE -----

          DFTTYP = NONE     means ab initio computation (default)
                               exchange functionals:
                 = XALPHA   X-Alpha exchange (alpha=0.7)
                 = SLATER   Slater exchange (alpha=2/3)
                 = BECKE    Becke's 1988 exchange
                 = DEPRISTO Depristo/Kress exchange
                 = CAMA     Handy et al's mods to Becke exchange
                 = HALF     50-50 mix of Becke and HF exchange
                               correlation functionals:
                 = VWN      Vosko/Wilke/Nusair correlation, formula 5
                 = PWLOC    Perdew/Wang local correlation
                 = LYP      Lee/Yang/Parr correlation
                               exchange/correlation functionals:
                 = BVWN     Becke exchange + VWN5 correlation
                 = BLYP     Becke exchange + LYP correlation
                 = BPWLOC   Becke exchange + Perdew/Wang correlation
                 = B3LYP    hybridized HF/Becke/LYP using VWN formula 5
                 = CAMB     CAMA exchange + Cambridge correlation
                 = XVWN     Xalpha exchange + VWN5 correlation
                 = XPWLOC   Xalpha exchange + Perdew/Wang correlation
                 = SVWN     Slater exchange + VWN5 correlation
                 = SPWLOC   Slater exchange + PWLOC correlation
                 = WIGNER   Wigner exchange + correlation
                 = WS       Wigner scaled exchange + correlation
                 = WIGEXP   Wigner exponential exchange + correlation

          AUXFUN = AUX0  uses no auxiliary basis set for resolution
                         of the identity, limiting accuracy.
                 = AUX3  uses the 3rd generation of RI basis sets,
                         These are available for the elements H to
                         Ar, but have been carefully considered for
                         H-Ne only.  (DEFAULT)

          THREE  = a flag to use a resolution of the identity to
                   turn four center overlap integrals into three
                   center integrals.  This can be used only if
                   no auxiliary basis is employed. (default=.FALSE.)




          $MP2 group   (relevant to SCFTYP=RHF,UHF,ROHF if MPLEVL=2)

               Controls 2nd order Moller-Plesset perturbation runs,
          if requested by MPLEVL in $CONTRL.  See also the DIRSCF
          keyword in $SCF to select direct MP2.  MP2 is implemented
          for RHF, high spin ROHF, or UHF wavefunctions, but see also
          $MCQDPT for MCSCF.  Analytic gradients and the first order
          correction to the wavefunction (i.e. properties) are only
          available for RHF and UHF.  The $MP2 group is not usually

          NACORE = n Omits the first n occupied orbitals from the
                     calculation.  The default for n is the number
                     of chemical core orbitals.

          NBCORE =   Same as NACORE, for the beta orbitals of UHF.
                     It is almost always the same value as NACORE.

          MP2PRP=    a flag to turn on property computation for RHF
                     or UHF MP2 jobs with RUNTYP=ENERGY.  This is
                     appreciably more expensive than just evaluating
                     the 2nd order energy correction alone, so the
                     default is .FALSE.  Properties are always
                     computed during gradient runs, when they are
                     an almost free byproduct. (default=.FALSE.)

          LMOMP2=    a flag to analyze the closed shell MP2 energy
                     in terms of localized orbitals.  Any type of
                     localized orbital may be used.  This option
                     is implemented only for RHF, and its selection
                     forces use of the METHOD=3 transformation.
                     The default is .FALSE.

          OSPT=      selects open shell spin-restricted perturbation.
                     This parameter applies only when SCFTYP=ROHF.
                     Please see the 'further information' section for
                     more information about this choice.
              = ZAPT picks Z-averaged perturbation theory. (default)
              = RMP  picks RMP (aka ROHF-MBPT) perturbation theory.

          CUTOFF=    transformed integral retention threshold, the
                     default is 1.0d-9.


          CPHFBS =   BASISMO solves the response equations during
                     gradient computations in the MO basis.  This
                     is programmed only for RHF references without
                     frozen core orbitals, when it is the default.
                 =   BASISAO solves the response equations using
                     AO integrals, for frozen core MP2 with a RHF
                     reference, or for any UHF based MP2.

          The last 3 input variables apply to any serial MP2 run,
          or to parallel ROHF+MP2 runs using OSPT=RMP.

          NWORD =    controls memory usage.  The default uses all
                     available memory.  (default=0)

          METHOD= n  selects transformation method, 2 being the
                     segmented transformation, and 3 being a more
                     conventional two phase bin sort implementation.
                     3 requires more disk, but less memory.  The
                     default is to attempt method 2 first, and
                     method 3 second.

          AOINTS=    defines AO integral storage during conventional
                     integral transformations, during parallel runs.
                  DUP stores duplicated AO lists on each node, and
                     is the default for parallel computers with slow
                     interprocessor communication, e.g. ethernet.
                  DIST distributes the AO integral file across all
                     nodes, and is the default for parallel
                     computers with high speed communications.



          $CIS group                         Required when CITYP=CIS

             The CIS method (singly excited CI) is the simplest way
          to treat excited states.  By Brillouin's Theorem, a single
          determinant reference such as RHF will have zero matrix
          elements with singly substituted determinants.  The ground
          state reference therefore has no mixing with the excited
          states treated with singles only.  Reading the references
          given in Section 4 of this manual will show the CIS method
          can be thought of as a non-correlated method, rigorously
          so for the ground state, and effectively so for the various
          excited states.  Some issues making CIS rather less than a
          black box method are:
              a) any states characterized by important doubles are
                 simply missing from the calculation.
              b) excited states commonly possess Rydberg (diffuse)
                 character, so the AO basis used must allow this.
              c) excited states often have different point group
                 symmetry than the ground state, so the starting
                 geometries for these states must reflect their
                 actual symmetry.
              d) excited state surfaces frequently cross, and thus
                 root flipping may very well occur.
          The implementation allows the use of only RHF references,
          but can pick up both singlet and triplet excited states.
          Nuclear gradients are available, as are properties.

          NACORE = n Omits the first n occupied orbitals from the
                     calculation.  The default for n is the number
                     of chemical core orbitals.

          NSTATE =   Number of states to be found (excluding the
                     ground state).

          ISTATE =   State for which properties and/or gradient will
                     be calculated.  Only one state can be chosen.

          HAMTYP =   Type of CI Hamiltonian to use.
                 =   SAPS spin-adapted antisymmetrized product of
                          the desired MULT will be used (default)
                 =   DETS determinant based, so both singlets and
                          triplets will be obtained.

          MULT   =   Multiplicity (1 or 3) of the singly excited
                     SAPS (the reference is necessarily single RHF).
                     Only relevant for SAPS based run.

          DIAGZN =   Hamiltonian diagonalization method.
                 =   DAVID use Davidson diagonalization.  (default)
                 =   FULL  construct the full matrix in memory and
                           diagonalize, thus determining all states
                           (not recommended except for small cases).
                                                        $CIS $CISVEC

          DGAPRX =   Flag to control whether approximate diagonal
                     elements of the CIS Hamiltonian (based only on
                     the orbital energies) are used in the Davidson
                     algorithm.  Note, this only affects the rate of
                     convergence, not the resulting final energies.
                     If set .FALSE., the exact diagonal elements are
                     determined and used.  Default=.TRUE.

          NGSVEC =   Dimension of the Hamiltonian submatrix that is
                     diagonalized to form the initial CI vectors.
                     The default is the greater of NSTATE*2 and 10.

          MXVEC  =   Maximum number of expansion basis vectors in the
                     iterative subspace during Davidson iterations,
                     before the expansion basis is truncated.  The
                     default is the larger of 8*NSTATE and NGSVEC.

          NDAVIT =   Maximum number of Davidson iterations. Default=50.

          DAVCVG =   Convergence criterion for Davidson eigenvectors.
                     Eigenvector accuracy is proportional to DAVCVG,
                     while the energy accuracy is proportional to its
                     square.  The default is 1.0E-05.

          CISPRP =   Flag to request the determination of CIS level
                     properties, using the relaxed density.  Relevant
                     to RUNTYP=ENERGY jobs, although the default is
                     .FALSE. because additional CPHF calculation will
                     be required.  Properties are computed as a normal
                     byproduct of runs involving the CIS gradient.

          CHFSLV =   Chooses type of CPHF solver to use.
                 =   CONJG selects an ordinary preconditioned conjugate 
                           gradient solver.  This is the default.
                 =   DIIS  selects a diis-like iterative solver.

          RDCISV =   Flag to read CIS vectors from a $CISVEC group
                     in the input file.  Default is .FALSE.

          MNMEDG =   Flag to force the use of the minimal amount of
                     memory in construction of the CIS Hamiltonian
                     diagonal elements.  This is only relevant when
                     DGAPRX=.FALSE., and is meant for debug purposes.
                     The default is .FALSE.

          MNMEOP =   Flag to force the use of the minimal amount of
                     memory during the Davidson iterations. This is
                     for debug purposes. The default is .FALSE. 

          $CISVEC group         required if RDCISV in $CIS is chosen

          This is formatted data generated by a previous CIS run, to
          be read back in as starting vectors.  Sometimes molecular
          orbital phase changes make these CI vectors problematic.



          $CCINP group       (optional, relevant for any CCTYP)

               This group controls a coupled-cluster calculation of
          the type specified by CCTYP in $CONTRL.  If omitted, all
          valence electrons will be correlated.  See the "Further
          Information" section of this manual for more details.

          NCORE  = gives the number of frozen core orbitals to be
                   omitted from the CC calculation.  The default
                   is the number of chemical core orbitals.

          NFZV   = the number of frozen virtual orbitals to be
                   omitted from the calculation.  The default is 0.

          MAXCC  = defines the maximum number of CCSD (or LCCD, CCD)
                   iterations.  The default is 30.

          ICONV  = defines the convergence criterion for the cluster
                   amplitudes.  CC iterations are converged when the
                   maximum change in amplitudes is less than
                   10**(-ICONV).  The default is 7.

          NWORD  = a limit on memory to be used in the CC steps.
                   The default is 0, meaning all memory available
                   will be used.

          IREST  = defines the restart option.  If the value of IREST
                   is greater or equal 3, program will restart from
                   the earlier CC run.  This requires saving the disk
                   file CCREST from the previous CC run.  Values of
                   IREST between 0 and 3 should not be used.  In
                   general, the value of IREST is used by the program
                   to set the iteration counter in the restarted run.
                   The default is 0, meaning no restart is attempted.

          MXDIIS = defines the number of cluster amplitude vectors
                   from previous iterations to be included in the
                   DIIS extrapolation during the CCSD (or LCCD, CCD)
                   iterative process.  The default value of MXDIIS is
                   5 for all but small problems.  The DIIS solver can
                   be disengaged by entering MXDIIS = 0.  It is not
                   necessary to change the default value of MXDIIS,
                   unless the CC equations do not converge in spite
                   of increasing the value of MAXCC.

          AMPTSH = defines a threshold for eliminating small cluster
                   amplitudes from the CC calculations.  Amplitudes
                   with absolute values smaller than AMPTSH are set
                   to zero.  The default is to retain all small
                   amplitudes, meaning fully accurate CC iterations.
                   Default = 0.0.



          $GUESS group         (optional, relevant for all SCFTYP's)

              This group controls the selection of initial molecular

          GUESS = Selects type of initial orbital guess.
                = HUCKEL   Carry out an extended Huckel calculation
                           using a Huzinaga MINI basis set, and
                           project this onto the current basis.
                           This is implemented for atoms up to Rn,
                           and will work for any all electron or
                           ECP basis set.  (default for most runs)
                = HCORE    Diagonalize the one electron Hamiltonian
                           to obtain the initial guess orbitals.
                           This method is applicable to any basis
                           set, but does not work as well as the
                           HUCKEL guess.
                = MOREAD   Read in formatted vectors punched by an
                           earlier run.  This requires a $VEC group,
                           and you MUST pay attention to NORB below.
                = RDMINI   Read in a $VEC group from a converged
                           calculation that used GBASIS=MINI and no
                           polarization functions, and project these
                           orbitals onto the current basis.  Do not
                           use this option if the current basis
                           involve ECP basis sets.
                = MOSAVED  (default for restarts)  The initial
                           orbitals are read from the DICTNRY file
                           of the earlier run.
                = SKIP     Bypass initial orbital selection.  The
                           initial orbitals and density matrix are
                           assumed to be in the DICTNRY file.  Mostly
                           used for RUNTYP=HESSIAN when the hessian
                           is being read in from the input.

              All GUESS types except 'SKIP' permit reordering of the
          orbitals, carry out an orthonormalization of the orbitals,
          and generate the correct initial density matrix, for RHF,
          UHF, ROHF, and GVB, but note that correct computation of
          the GVB density requires also CICOEF in $SCF.  The density
          matrix cannot be generated from the orbitals alone for MP2,
          CI, or MCSCF, so property evaluation for these should be
          RUNTYP=ENERGY rather than RUNTYP=PROP using GUESS=MOREAD.

          PRTMO = a flag to control printing of the initial guess.

          PUNMO = a flag to control punching of the initial guess.


          MIX    = rotate the alpha and beta HOMO and LUMO orbitals
                   so as to generate inequivalent alpha and beta
                   orbital spaces.  This pertains to UHF singlets
                   only.  This may require use of NOSYM=1 in $CONTRL
                   depending on your situation.  (default=.FALSE.)

          NORB   = The number of orbitals to be read in the $VEC
                   group.  This applies only to GUESS=MOREAD.

          For -RHF-, -UHF-, -ROHF-, and -GVB-, NORB defaults to the
          number of occupied orbitals.  NORB must be given for -CI-
          and -MCSCF-.  For -UHF-, if NORB is not given, only the
          occupied alpha and beta orbitals should be given, back to
          back.  Otherwise, both alpha and beta orbitals must
          consist of NORB vectors.
          NORB may be larger than the number of occupied MOs, if you
          wish to read in the virtual orbitals.  If NORB is less
          than the number of atomic orbitals, the remaining orbitals
          are generated as the orthogonal complement to those read.

          NORDER = Orbital reordering switch.
                 = 0  No reordering (default)
                 = 1  Reorder according to IORDER and JORDER.

          IORDER = Reordering instructions.
                   Input to this array gives the new molecular
                   orbital order.  For example, IORDER(3)=4,3 will
                   interchange orbitals 3 and 4, while leaving the
                   other MOs in the original order.  This parameter
                   applies to all orbitals (alpha and beta) except
                   for -UHF-, where it only affects the alpha MOs.
                   (default is IORDER(i)=i )

          JORDER = Reordering instructions.
                   Same as IORDER, but for the beta MOs of -UHF-.

         INSORB = the first INSORB orbitals specified in the $VEC
                  group will be inserted into the Huckel guess,
                  making the guess a hybrid of HUCKEL/MOREAD.  This
                  keyword is meaningful only when GUESS=HUCKEL, and
                  it is useful mainly for QM/MM runs where some
                  orbitals (buffer) are frozen and need to be
                  transferred to the initial guess vector set,
                  see $MOFRZ.  (default=0)


            * * * the next are 3 ways to clean up orbitals * * *

          PURIFY = flag to symmetrize starting orbitals.  This is the
                   most soundly based of the possible procedures.
                   However it may fail in complicated groups when the
                   orbitals are very unsymmetric.  (default=.FALSE.)

          TOLZ   = level below which MO coefficients will be set
                   to zero.  (default=1.0E-7)

          TOLE   = level at which MO coefficients will be equated.
                   This is a relative level, coefficients are set
                   equal if one agrees in magnitude to TOLE times
                   the other.  (default=5.0E-5)

          SYMDEN = project the initial density in order to generate
                   symmetric orbitals.  This may be useful if the
                   HUCKEL or HCORE guess types give orbitals of
                   impure symmetry (?'s present).  The procedure
                   will generate a fairly high starting energy, and
                   thus its use may not be a good idea for orbitals
                   of the quality of MOREAD.  (default=.FALSE.)




          $VEC group           (optional, relevant for all SCFTYP's)
                               (required if GUESS=MOREAD)

                This group consists of formatted vectors, as written
          onto file PUNCH in a previous run.  It is considered good
          form to retain the titling comment cards punched before
          the $VEC card, as a reminder to yourself of the origin of
          the orbitals.

                For Morokuma decompositions, the names of this group
          are $VEC1, $VEC2, ... for each monomer, computed in the
          identical orientation as the supermolecule.  For transition
          moment or spin-orbit coupling runs, orbitals for states
          one and possibly two are $VEC1 and $VEC2.


          $MOFRZ group       (optional, relevant for RHF, ROHF, GVB)

              This group controls freezing the molecular orbitals
          of your choice during the SCF procedure.  If you choose
          this option, select DIIS in $SCF since SOSCF will not
          converge as well.  GUESS=MOREAD is required in $GUESS.

          FRZ   = flag which triggers MO freezing. (default=.FALSE.)

          IFRZ  = an array of MOs in the input $VEC set which are
                  to be frozen.  There is no default for this.




          $STATPT group  (optional, for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE or SADPOINT)

              This group controls the search for stationary points.
          Note that NZVAR in $CONTRL determines if the geometry
          search is conducted in Cartesian or internal coordinates.

          METHOD = optimization algorithm selection.  Pick from

                   NR   Straight Newton-Raphson iterate. This will
                        attempt to locate the nearest stationary
                        point, which may be of any order. There
                        is no steplength control. RUNTYP can be
                        either OPTIMIZE or SADPOINT

                   RFO  Rational Function Optimization. This is
                        one of the augmented Hessian techniques
                        where the shift parameter(s) is(are) chosen
                        by a rational function approximation to
                        the PES. For SADPOINT searches it involves
                        two shift parameters. If the calculated
                        stepsize is larger than DXMAX the step is
                        simply scaled down to size.

                   QA   Quadratic Approximation. This is another
                        version of an augmented Hessian technique
                        where the shift parameter is chosen such
                        that the steplength is equal to DXMAX.
                        It is completely equivalent to the TRIM
                        method. (default)

                   SCHLEGEL The quasi-NR optimizer by Schlegel.

                   CONOPT, CONstrained OPTimization. An algorithm
                        which can be used for locating TSs.
                        The starting geometry MUST be a minimum!
                        The algorithm tries to push the geometry
                        uphill along a chosen Hessian mode (IFOLOW)
                        by a series of optimizations on hyperspheres
                        of increasingly larger radii.
                        Note that there currently are no restart
                        capabilitites for this method, not even

          OPTTOL = gradient convergence tolerance, in Hartree/Bohr.
                   Convergence of a geometry search requires the
                   largest component of the gradient to be less
                   than OPTTOL, and the root mean square gradient
                   less than 1/3 of OPTTOL.  (default=0.0001)

          NSTEP  = maximum number of steps to take.  Restart data
                   is punched if NSTEP is exceeded. (default=20)


                --- the next four control the step size ---

          DXMAX  = initial trust radius of the step, in Bohr.
                   For METHOD=RFO, QA, or SCHLEGEL, steps will
                   be scaled down to this value, if necessary.
                   (default=0.3 for OPTIMIZE and 0.2 for SADPOINT)
                   For METHOD=NR, DXMAX is inoperative.
                   For METHOD=CONOPT, DXMAX is the step along the
                   previous two points to increment the hypersphere
                   radius between constrained optimizations.

              the next three apply only to METHOD=RFO or QA:

          TRUPD  = a flag to allow the trust radius to change as
                   the geometry search proceeds.  (default=.TRUE.)

          TRMAX  = maximum permissible value of the trust radius.
                   (default=0.5 for OPTIMIZE and 0.3 for SADPOINT)

          TRMIN  = minimum permissible value of the trust radius.

               --- the next three control mode following ---

          IFOLOW = Mode selection switch, for RUNTYP=SADPOINT.
                   For METHOD=RFO or QA, the mode along which the
                   energy is maximized, other modes are minimized.
                   Usually refered to as "eigenvector following".
                   For METHOD=SCHLEGEL, the mode whose eigenvalue
                   is (or will be made) negative.  All other
                   curvatures will be made positive.
                   For METHOD=CONOPT, the mode along which the
                   geometry is initially perturbed from the minima.
                   (default is 1)
                   In Cartesian coordinates, this variable doesn't
                   count the six translation and rotation degrees.
                   Note that the "modes" aren't from mass-weighting.

          STPT   = flag to indicate whether the initial geometry
                   is considered a stationary point. If .true.
                   the initial geometry will be perturbed by
                   a step along the IFOLOW normal mode with
                   stepsize STSTEP. (default=.false.)
                   The positive direction is taken as the one where
                   the largest component of the Hessian mode is
                   positive. If there are more than one largest
                   component (symmetry), the first is taken as
                   Note that STPT=.TRUE. has little meaning with
                   HESS=GUESS as there will be many degenerate

          STSTEP = Stepsize for jumping off a stationary point.
                   Using values of 0.05 or more may work better.


          IFREEZ = array of coordinates to freeze.  These may be
                   internal or Cartesian coordinates.  For example,
                   IFREEZ(1)=1,3 freezes the two bond lengths in
                   the $ZMAT example, while optimizing the angle.
                   If NZVAR=0, so that this value applies to the
                   Cartesian coordinates instead, the input of
                   IFREEZ(1)=4,7 means to freeze the x coordinates
                   if the 2nd and 3rd atoms in the molecule.

                   See also IFZMAT and FVALUE in $ZMAT, and IFCART
                   below, as IFREEZ does not apply to DLC internals.

                   In a numerical Hessian run, IFREEZ specifies
                   Cartesian displacements to be skipped for a
                   Partial Hessian Analysis.  For more information:
                   J.D.Head, Int.J.Quantum Chem. 65, 827, 1997
                   H.Li, J.H.Jensen
                       Theoret. Chem. Acc. 107, 211-219(2002)

          IFCART = array of Cartesian coordinates to freeze during
                   a geometry optimization using delocalized internal

           --- The next two control the hessian matrix quality ---

          HESS   = selects the initial hessian matrix.
                 = GUESS chooses a positive definite diagonal
                         hessian. (default for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE)
                 = READ  causes the hessian to be read from a $HESS
                         group. (default for RUNTYP=SADPOINT)
                 = RDAB  reads only the ab initio part of the
                         hessian, and approximates the effective
                         fragment blocks.
                 = RDALL reads the full hessian, then converts
                         any fragment blocks to 6x6 T+R shape.
                         (this option is seldom used).
                 = CALC  causes the hessian to be computed, see
                         the $FORCE group.

          IHREP  = the number of steps before the hessian is
                   recomputed.  If given as 0, the hessian will
                   be computed only at the initial geometry if
                   you choose HESS=CALC, and never again.  If
                   nonzero, the hessian is recalculated every
                   IHREP steps, with the update formula used on
                   other steps.  (default=0)

          HSSEND = a flag to control automatic hessian evaluation
                   at the end of a successful geometry search.


             --- the next two control the amount of output ---
              Let 0 mean the initial geometry, L mean the last
              geometry, and all mean every geometry.
              Let INTR mean the internuclear distance matrix.
              Let HESS mean the approximation to the hessian.
              Note that a directly calculated hessian matrix
              will always be punched, NPUN refers only to the
              updated hessians used by the quasi-Newton step.

          NPRT   =  1  Print INTR at all, orbitals at all
                    0  Print INTR at all, orbitals at 0+L (default)
                   -1  Print INTR at all, orbitals never
                   -2  Print INTR at 0+L, orbitals never

          NPUN   =  3  Punch all orbitals and HESS at all
                    2  Punch all orbitals at all
                    1  same as 0, plus punch HESS at all
                    0  Punch all orbitals at 0+L, otherwise only
                       occupied orbitals (default)
                   -1  Punch occ orbitals at 0+L only
                   -2  Never punch orbitals

           ---- the following parameters are quite specialized ----

          PURIFY = a flag to help eliminate the rotational and
                   translational degrees of freedom from the
                   initial hessian (and possibly initial gradient).
                   This is much like the variable of the same name
                   in $FORCE, and will be relevant only if internal
                   coordinates are in use.  (default=.FALSE.)

          PROJCT = a flag to eliminate translation and rotational
                   degrees of freedom from Cartesian optimizations.
                   The default is .TRUE. since this normally will
                   reduce the number of steps, except that this
                   variable is set false when POSITION=FIXED is
                   used during EFP runs.

          ITBMAT = number of micro-iterations used to compute the
                   step in Cartesians which corresponds to the
                   desired step in internals.  The default is 5.

          UPHESS = SKIP     do not update Hessian (not recommended)
                   BFGS     default for OPTIMIZE using RFO or QA
                   POWELL   default for OPTIMIZE using NR or CONOPT
                   POWELL   default for SADPOINT
                   MSP      mixed Murtagh-Sargent/Powell update
                   SCHLEGEL only choice for METHOD=SCHLEGEL

          MOVIE  = a flag to create a series of structural data
                   which can be show as a movie by the MacIntosh
                   program Chem3D.  The data is written to the
                   file IRCDATA.  (default=.FALSE.)


           ---- NNEG, RMIN, RMAX, RLIM apply only to SCHLEGEL ----

          NNEG   = The number of negative eigenvalues the force
                   constant matrix should have. If necessary the
                   smallest eigenvalues will be reversed. The
                   default is 0 for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE, and 1 for

          RMIN   = Minimum distance threshold. Points whose root
                   mean square distance from the current point is
                   less than RMIN are discarded. (default=0.0015)

          RMAX   = Maximum distance threshold. Points whose root
                   mean square distance from the current point is
                   greater than RMAX are discarded. (default=0.1)

          RLIM   = Linear dependence threshold. Vectors from the
                   current point to the previous points must not
                   be colinear.  (default=0.07)

                 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                 See the 'further information' section for
                 some help with OPTIMIZE and SADPOINT runs
                 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



          $TRUDGE group       (optional, required for RUNTYP=TRUDGE)

              This group defines the parameters for a non-gradient
          optimization of exponents or the geometry.  The TRUDGE
          package is a modified version of the same code from Michel
          Dupuis' HONDO 7.0 system, origially written by H.F.King.
          Presently the program allows for the optimization of 10

              Exponent optimization works only for uncontracted
          primitives, without enforcing any constraints.  Two
          non-symmetry equivalent H atoms would have their p
          function exponents optimized separately, and so would two
          symmetry equivalent atoms!  A clear case of GIGO.

              Geometry optimization works only in HINT internal
          coordinates (see $CONTRL and $DATA groups).  The total
          energy of all types of SCF wavefunctions can be optimized,
          although this would be extremely stupid as gradient
          methods are far more efficient.  The main utility is for
          open shell MP2 or CI geometry optimizations, which may
          not be done in any other way with GAMESS.  If your run
          requires NOSYM=1 in $CONTRL, you must be sure to use only
          C1 symmetry in the $DATA group.

          OPTMIZ = a flag to select optimization of either geometry
                   or exponents of primitive gaussian functions.
                 = BASIS    for basis set optimization.
                 = GEOMETRY for geometry optimization (default).
                   This means minima search only, there is no saddle
                   point capability.

          NPAR   = number of parameters to be optimized.

          IEX    = defines the parameters to be optimized.

                   If OPTMIZ=BASIS, IEX declares the serial number
              of the Gaussian primitives for which the exponents
              will be optimized.

                   If OPTMIZ=GEOMETRY, IEX define the pointers to
              the HINT internal coordinates which will be optimized.
              (Note that not all internal coordinates have to be
              optimized.) The pointers to the internal coordinates
              are defined as:  (the number of atom on the input
              list)*10 + (the number of internal coordinate for that
              atom).  For each atom, the HINT internal coordinates
              are numbered as 1, 2, and 3 for BOND, ALPHA, and BETA,


          P  =  Defines the initial values of the parameters to be
                optimized.  You can use this to reset values given
                in $DATA.  If omitted, the $DATA values are used.
                If given here, geometric data must be in Angstroms
                and degrees.

          A complete example is a TCSCF multireference 6-31G
          geometry optimization for methylene,

                   COORD=HINT $END
           $BASIS  GBASIS=N31 NGAUSS=6 $END
          Methylene TCSCF+CISD geometry optimization
          Cnv 2

          C    6.     LC  0.00  0.0  0.00  -  O  K
          H    1.    PCC  1.00  53.  0.00  +  O  K  I
           $SCF    NCO=3 NPAIR=1 $END
                   IEX(1)=21,22   P(1)=1.08 $END
                   NEXT=-1 $END

          using GVB-PP(1), or TCSCF orbitals in the CI.  The starting
          bond length is reset to 1.09, while the initial angle will
          be 106 (twice 53).  Result after 17 steps is R=1.1283056,
          half-angle=51.83377, with a CI energy of -38.9407538472

              Note that you may optimize the geometry for an excited
          CI state, just specify
                    $GUGDIA   NSTATE=5  $END
                    $GUGDM    IROOT=3   $END
          to find the equilibrium geometry of the third state (of
          five total states) of the symmetry implied by your $CIDRT.




          $TRURST group       (optional, relevant for RUNTYP=TRUDGE)

                This  group  specifies restart parameters for TRUDGE
          runs and accuracy thresholds.

          KSTART indicates the conjugate gradient direction in which
          the optimization will proceed. ( default = -1 )
               -1 .... indicates that this is a non-restart run.
                0 .... corresponds to a restart run.

          FNOISE accuracy of function values.
          Variation smaller than FNOISE are not considered to be
          significant (Def. 0.0005)

          TOLF accuracy required of the function (Def. 0.001)

          TOLR accuracy required of conjugate directions (Def. 0.05)

              For geometry optimization, the values which give
          better results (closer to the ones obtained with gradient
          methods) are:  TOLF=0.0001, TOLR=0.001, FNOISE=0.00001




          $FORCE group

          (optional, relevant for RUNTYP=HESSIAN,OPTIMIZE,SADPOINT)

              This group controls the computation of the hessian
          matrix (the energy second derivative tensor, also known
          as the force constant matrix), and an optional harmonic
          vibrational analysis.  This can be a very time consuming
          calculation.  However, given the force constant matrix,
          the vibrational analysis for an isotopically substituted
          molecule is very cheap.  Related input is HESS= in
          $STATPT, and the $MASS, $HESS, $GRAD, $DIPDR, $VIB groups.

          METHOD = chooses the computational method.
                 = ANALYTIC is implemented only for SCFTYPs RHF,
                            ROHF, and GVB (when NPAIR is 0 or 1).
                            This is the default for these cases.
                 = NUMERIC  is the default for all other cases:
                            UHF or MCSCF, RESC or NESC relativistic 
                            correction, and all MP2, CI, or DFT runs.

          RDHESS = a flag to read the hessian from a $HESS group,
                   rather than computing it.  This variable pertains
                   only to RUNTYP=HESSIAN.  See also HESS= in the
                   $STATPT group.  (default is .FALSE.)

          PURIFY = controls cleanup
                   Given a $ZMAT, the hessian and dipole derivative
                   tensor can be "purified" by transforming from
                   Cartesians to internals and back to Cartesians.
                   This effectively zeros the frequencies of the
                   translation and rotation "modes", along with
                   their IR intensities.  The purified quantities
                   are punched out.  Purification does change the
                   Hessian slightly, frequencies at a stationary
                   point can change by a wave number or so.  The
                   change is bigger at non-stationary points.
                   (default=.FALSE. if $ZMAT is given)

          PRTIFC = prints the internal coordinate force constants.
                   You MUST have defined a $ZMAT group to use this.


            --- the next four apply only to METHOD=NUMERIC ----

          NVIB   =    Number of displacements in each Cartesian
                      direction for force field computation.
                 = 1  Move one VIBSIZ unit in each positive
                      Cartesian direction.  This requires 3N+1
                      evaluations of the wavefunction, energy, and
                      gradient, where N is the number of SYMMETRY
                      UNIQUE atoms given in $DATA.  (default)
                 = 2  Move one VIBSIZ unit in the positive direction
                      and one VIBSIZ unit in the negative direction.
                      This requires 6N+1 evaluations of the
                      wavefunction and gradient, and gives a small
                      improvement in accuracy.  In particular, the
                      frequencies will change from NVIB=1 results by
                      no more than 10-100 wavenumbers, and usually
                      much less.  However, the normal modes will be
                      more nearly symmetry adapted, and the residual
                      rotational and translational "frequencies"
                      will be much closer to zero.

          VIBSIZ =    Displacement size (in Bohrs). Default=0.01

                 Let 0 mean the Vib0 geometry, and
                 D mean all the displaced geometries

          NPRT   = 1  Print orbitals at 0 and D
                 = 0  Print orbitals at 0 only (default)

          NPUN   = 2  Punch all orbitals at 0 and D
                 = 1  Punch all orbitals at 0 and occupied orbs at D
                 = 0  Punch all orbitals at 0 only (default)

            ----- the rest control normal coordinate analysis ----

          VIBANL = flag to activate vibrational analysis.
                   (the default is .TRUE. for RUNTYP=HESSIAN, and
                   otherwise is .FALSE.)

          SCLFAC = scale factor for vibrational frequencies, used
                   in calculating the zero point vibrational energy.
                   Some workers correct for the usual overestimate
                   in SCF frequencies by a factor 0.89.  ZPE or other
                   methods might employ other factors, see A.P.Scott,
                   L.Radom  J.Phys.Chem.  100, 16502-16513 (1996).
                   The output always prints unscaled frequencies, so
                   this value is used only during the thermochemical
                   analysis.  (Default is 1.0)


          TEMP   = an array of up to ten temperatures at which the
                   thermochemistry should be printed out.  The
                   default is a single temperature, 298.15 K.  To
                   use absolute zero, input 0.001 degrees.

          FREQ   = an array of vibrational frequencies.  If the
                   frequencies are given here, the hessian matrix
                   is not computed or read.  You enter any imaginary
                   frequencies as negative numbers, omit the
                   zero frequencies corresponding to translation
                   and rotation, and enter all true vibrational
                   frequencies.  Thermodynamic properties will be
                   printed, nothing else is done by the run.

          PRTSCN = flag to print contribution of each vibrational
                   mode to the entropy.  (Default is .FALSE.)

          DECOMP = activates internal coordinate analysis.
                   Vibrational frequencies will be decomposed into
                   "intrinsic frequencies", by the method of
                   J.A.Boatz and M.S.Gordon, J.Phys.Chem., 93,
                   1819-1826(1989).  If set .TRUE., the $ZMAT group
                   may define more than 3N-6 (3N-5) coordinates.

          PROJCT = controls the projection of the hessian matrix.
                   The projection technique is described by
                   W.H.Miller, N.C.Handy, J.E.Adams in J. Chem.
                   Phys. 1980, 72, 99-112.  At stationary points,
                   the projection simply eliminates rotational and
                   translational contaminants.  At points with
                   non-zero gradients, the projection also ensures
                   that one of the vibrational modes will point
                   along the gradient, so that there are a total of
                   7 zero frequencies.  The other 3N-7 modes are
                   constrained to be orthogonal to the gradient.
                   Because the projection has such a large effect on
                   the hessian, the hessian punched is the one
                   BEFORE projection.  For the same reason, the
                   default is .FALSE. to skip the projection, which
                   is mainly of interest in dynamical calculations.


          There is a set of programs for the calculation of kinetic
          or equilibrium isotope effects from the group of Piotr
          Paneth at the University of Lodz.  This ISOEFF package will
          accept data computed by GAMESS, and can be downloaded at



          $CPHF group         (relevant for analytic RUNTYP=HESSIAN)

              This group controls the solution of the response
          equations, also known as coupled Hartree-Fock.

          POLAR = a flag to request computation of the static
                  polarizability, alpha.  Because this property
                  needs 3 additional response vectors, beyond those
                  needed for the hessian, the default is to skip the
                  property.  (default = .FALSE.)

          NWORD = controls memory usage for this step.  The default
                  uses all available memory.  (default=0)


                                                  $HESS $GRAD $DIPDR


          $HESS group (relevant for RUNTYP=HESSIAN if RDHESS=.TRUE.)
                   (relevant for RUNTYP=IRC if FREQ,CMODE not given)
                (relevant for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE,SADPOINT if HESS=READ)

              Formatted force constant matrix (FCM), i.e. hessian
          matrix.  This data is punched out by a RUNTYP=HESSIAN job,
          in the correct format for subsequent runs.  The first card
          in the group must be a title card.

              A $HESS group is always punched in Cartesians.  It
          will be transformed into internal coordinate space if a
          geometry search uses internals.  It will be mass weighted
          (according to $MASS) for IRC and frequency runs.

              The initial FCM is updated during the course of a
          geometry optimization or saddle point search, and will be
          punched if a run exhausts its time limit.  This allows
          restarts where the job leaves off.  You may want to read
          this FCM back into the program for your restart, or you
          may prefer to regenerate a new initial hessian.  In any
          case, this updated hessian is absolutely not suitable for
          frequency prediction!


          $GRAD group     (relevant for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE or SADPOINT)
                    (relevant for RUNTYP=HESSIAN when RDHESS=.TRUE.)

              Formatted gradient vector at the $DATA geometry.  This
          data is read in the same format it was punched out.

              For RUNTYP=HESSIAN, this information is used to
          determine if you are at a stationary point, and possibly
          for projection.  If omitted, the program pretends the
          gradient is zero, and otherwise proceeds normally.

              For geometry searches, this information (if known) can
          be read into the program so that the first step can be
          taken instantly.


          $DIPDR group   (relevant for RUNTYP=HESSIAN if RDHESS=.T.)

          Formatted dipole derivative tensor, punched in a previous
          RUNTYP=HESSIAN job.  If this group is omitted, then a
          vibrational analysis will be unable to predict the IR
          intensities, but the run can otherwise proceed.


                                                          $VIB $MASS


          $VIB group   (relevant for RUNTYP=HESSIAN, METHOD=NUMERIC)

              Formatted card image -restart- data.  This data is
          read in the format it was punched by a previous HESSIAN
          job to the file IRCDATA.  Just add a " $END" card, and if
          the final gradient was punched as zero, delete the last
          set of data.  Normally, IREST in $CONTRL will NOT be used
          in conjunction with a HESSIAN restart.  The mere presence
          of this deck triggers the restart from cards.  This deck
          can also be used to turn a single point differencing run
          into double differencing, as well as recovering from time
          limits, or other bombouts.


          $MASS group     (relevant for RUNTYP=HESSIAN, IRC, or DRC)

              This group permits isotopic substitution during the
          computation of mass weighted Cartesian coordinates.  Of
          course, the masses affect the frequencies and normal modes
          of vibration.

          AMASS = An array giving the atomic masses, in amu. The
                  default is to use the mass of the most abundant
                  isotope.  Masses through element 104 are stored.

          example - $MASS AMASS(3)=2.0140 $END
          will make the third atom in the molecule a deuterium.




          $IRC group                       (relevant for RUNTYP=IRC)

              This group governs the location of the intrinsic
          reaction coordinate, a steepest descent path in mass
          weighted corrdinates, that connects the saddle point to
          reactants and products.

          ----- there are five integration methods chosen by PACE.

          PACE = GS2    selects the Gonzalez-Schlegel second order
                        method.  This is the default method.
                        Related input is:

            GCUT   cutoff for the norm of the mass-weighted gradient
                   tangent (the default is chosen in the range from
                   0.00005 to 0.00020, depending on the value for
                   STRIDE chosen below.
            RCUT   cutoff for Cartesian RMS displacement vector.
                   (the default is chosen in the range 0.0005 to
                   0.0020 Bohr, depending on the value for STRIDE)
            ACUT   maximum angle from end points for linear
                   interpolation (default=5 degrees)
            MXOPT  maximum number of contrained optimization steps
                   for each IRC point (default=20)
            IHUPD  is the hessian update formula.  1 means Powell,
                   2 means BFGS (default=2)
            GA     is a gradient from the previous IRC point, and is
                   used when restarting.
            OPTTOL is a gradient cutoff used to determine if the IRC
                   is approaching a minimum.  It has the same meaning
                   as the variable in $STATPT.  (default=0.0001)

          PACE = LINEAR selects linear gradient following (Euler's
                        method).  Related input is:

            STABLZ switches on Ishida/Morokuma/Komornicki reaction
                   path stabilization.  The default is .TRUE.
            DELTA  initial step size along the unit bisector, if
                   STABLZ is on.  Default=0.025 Bohr.
            ELBOW  is the collinearity threshold above which the
                   stabilization is skipped.  If the mass weighted
                   gradients at QB and QC are almost collinear, the
                   reaction path is deemed to be curving very little,
                   and stabilization isn't needed.  The default is
                   175.0 degrees.  To always perform stabilization,
                   input 180.0.
            READQB,EB,GBNORM,GB are energy and gradient data
                   already known at the current IRC point.  If it
                   happens that a run with STABLZ on decides to skip
                   stabilization because of ELBOW, this data will be
                   punched to speed the restart.


          PACE = QUAD   selects quadratic gradient following.
                        Related input is:

            SAB    distance to previous point on the IRC.
            GA     gradient vector at that historical point.

          PACE = AMPC4  selects the fourth order Adams-Moulton
                        variable step predictor-corrector.
                        Related input is:

            GA0,GA1,GA2 which are gradients at previous points.

          PACE = RK4    selects the 4th order Runge-Kutta variable
                        step method.  There is no related input.

          ----- The next two are used by all PACE choices -----

          STRIDE = Determines how far apart points on the reaction
                   path will be.  STRIDE is used to calculate the
                   step taken, according to the PACE you choose.
                   The default is good for the GS2 method, which is
                   very robust.  Other methods should request much
                   smaller step sizes, such as 0.10 or even 0.05.
                   (default = 0.30 sqrt(amu)-Bohr)
          NPOINT = The number of IRC points to be located in this
                   run. The default is to find only the next point.
                   (default = 1)

          ----- The next two let you choose your output volume -----

              Let F mean the first IRC point found in this run,
              and L mean the final IRC point of this run.
              Let INTR mean the internuclear distance matrix.

          NPRT   =  1  Print INTR at all, orbitals at all IRC points
                    0  Print INTR at all, orbitals at F+L (default)
                   -1  Print INTR at all, orbitals never
                   -2  Print INTR at F+L, orbitals never

          NPUN   =  1  Punch all orbitals at all IRC points
                    0  Punch all orbitals at F+L, only occupied
                       orbitals at IRC points between (default)
                   -1  Punch all orbitals at F+L only
                   -2  Never punch orbitals


          ----- The next two tally the reaction path results.  The
                defaults are appropriate for starting from a saddle
                point, restart values are automatically punched out.

          NEXTPT = The number of the next point to be computed.
          STOTAL = Total distance along the reaction path to next
                   IRC point, in mass weighted Cartesian space.

          ----- The following controls jumping off the saddle point.
                If you give a $HESS group, FREQ and CMODE will be
                generated automatically.

          SADDLE = A logical variable telling if the coordinates
                   given in the $DATA deck are at a saddle point
                   (.TRUE.) or some other point lying on the IRC
                   (.FALSE.).  If SADDLE is true, either a $HESS
                   group or else FREQ and CMODE must be given.
                   (default = .FALSE.)  Related input is:

          TSENGY = A logical variable controlling whether the energy
                   and wavefunction are evaluated at the transition
                   state coordinates given in $DATA.  Since you
                   already know the energy from the transition state
                   search and force field runs, the default is .F.
          FORWRD = A logical variable controlling the direction to
                   proceed away from a saddle point. The forward
                   direction is defined as the direction in which
                   the largest magnitude component of the imaginary
                   normal mode is positive. (default =.TRUE.)
          EVIB   = Desired decrease in energy when following the
                   imaginary normal mode away from a saddle point.
                   (default=0.0005 Hartree)
          FREQ   = The magnitude of the imaginary frequency, given
                   in cm**-1.
          CMODE  = An array of the components of the normal mode
                   whose frequency is imaginary, in Cartesian
                   coordinates.  Be careful with the signs!

             You must give FREQ and CMODE if you don't give a $HESS
             group, when SADDLE=.TRUE.  The option of giving these
             two variables instead of a $HESS does not apply to the
             GS2 method, which must have a hessian input, even for
             restarts.  Note also that EVIB is ignored by GS2 runs.


                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                      For hints about IRC tracking, see
                      the 'further information' section.
                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



          $VSCF group            (optional, relevant to RUNTYP=VSCF)

              This group governs the computation of frequencies
          including anharmonic effects.  Besides the values shown
          below, the input file must contain a $HESS group and
          perhaps a $DIPDR group, to start with previously obtained
          harmonic vibrational information.  Energies are sampled
          along the directions of harmonic normal modes, and along
          pairs of harmonic normal modes, after which vibrational
          nuclear wavefunctions are obtained at an SCF-like level,
          termed VSCF, using product nuclear wavefunctions.  An
          MP2-like correction to the vibrational energy, termed
          correlation corrected (cc-VSCF), is also obtained.  In
          addition, degenerate pertubation theory is performed, 
          based on a CI reference that includes linear combinations
          of degenerate states.  By default, the dipole is computed
          at every grid point to give improved IR intensity values.
          See also the restart group $VIBSCF.

          NGRID  = number of grid points to be computed along each
                   harmonic normal mode, and if NCOUP=2, along each
                   pair of modes.  Reasonable values are 8 or 16,
                   with 16 considered significantly more accurate.

          NCOUP  = the order of mode couplings included.
                 = 1 computes 1-D grids along each harmonic mode
                 = 2 adds additionally, 2-D grids along each pair
                     of normal modes. (default)

             The total number of energy and dipole evaluations
             for NCOUP=2 is M*NGRID + M*(M-1)/2*NGRID**2, where
             M is the number of normal modes: M = 3N-6 or 3N-5.
          The next five relate to the solver for the vibrational 
          states.  The default is a degenerate perturbation theory
          treatment including the ground and every singly excited 
          vibrational level.

          VDPT   = flag to use 2nd order degenerate perturbation
                   theory to find vibrational energys.  Turning this
                   off causes only a CI singles and doubles treatment
                   to be made.  (default=.true.)
          ICASX  = vibrational excitation level to include in the
                   solver's basis.  1,2... mean first, second...
                   excitations will be included.  The default, 1,
                   includes single quantum excited states only.

          ICAS1, ICAS2 = starting and ending vibrations whose quanta
                   are included, according to ICASX.  The default is
                   all modes, ICAS1=1 and ICAS2=3N-6.
          SFACT  = a numerical cutoff for small contributions in
                   the solver.  The default is 1d-5.

          CASMIN = a flag, largely redundant, that ensures default
                   settings for ICAS1 and ICAS2

          The solver finds the ground state (v=0) by default, but
          will readily find excited levels (such as all v=1) if
          restarted.  Note that IEXC is one greater than the sum of
          the vibrational quantum numbers.

          IEXC   = 1 obtain fundamental frequencies (default)
                 = 2 instead, obtain first overtones
                 = 3 instead, obtain second overtones

                     IEXC higher than 1 may be speedily obtained
                     using the next parameter to restart with a
                     completed $VIBSCF group.

          READV  = flag to indicate restart data $VIBSCF should be
                   read in to resume an interrupted calculation, or
                   to obtain overtones in follow-on runs.
                   (default is .FALSE.)

          IMODE  = array of modes for which anharmonic effects will
                   be computed.  IMODE(1)=10,19 computes anharmonic
                   energies and wavefunctions for modes 10 and 19,
                   only.  In the current implementation, pairs of
                   modes cannot be coupled, so NCOUP is forced to 1
                   if this option is specified.

          PROJCT = controls the projection of the hessian matrix
                   (same meaning as in $FORCE).  Default is .FALSE.,
                   but is .TRUE. if IFREEZ is specified in $STATPT.

          The next two relate to simplified intensity computation.
          These simplifications are aimed at speeding up MP2 runs,
          if one cares not so much about intensities, and so would
          like to reduce CPU for computing dipoles.  It is pointless
          to select DMDR for SCF electronic structure, where the
          dipoles are easily obtainable.  DMDR must not be used if
          overtones are being computed.

          DMDR   = if true, indicates that the harmonic dipole
                   derivative tensor $DIPDR is input, rather than
                   computing the dipoles.  (default is .FALSE.)

          MPDIP  = for MP2 electronic structure, a value of .FALSE.
                   uses SCF level dipoles in order to save the time
                   needed to obtain the MP2 density at every grid
                   point.  It is more accurate to use the DMDR flag
                   instead of this option, if $DIPDR is available.
                   Obviously this variable is irrelevant for SCF
                   level electronic structure.  (default=.TRUE.)

          VCFCT  = scaling factor for pair-coupling potential.
                   Sometimes when pair-coupling potential values
                   are larger than the corresponding single mode
                   values, they must be scaled down.  (Default=1.0)



          $VIBSCF group          (optional, relevant to RUNTYP=VSCF)

          This is restart data, as written to file IRCDATA in a
          partially completed previous run.  Append a " $END" line,
          and select READV=.TRUE. to read the data.





          $DRC group                       (relevant for RUNTYP=DRC)

              This group governs the dynamical reaction coordinate,
          a classical trajectory method based on quantum chemical
          potential energy surfaces.  In GAMESS these may be either
          ab initio or semi-empirical.  Because the vibrational
          period of a normal mode with frequency 500 wavenumbers is
          67 fs, a DRC needs to run for many steps in order to
          sample a representative portion of phase space.  Almost
          all DRCs break molecular symmetry, so build your molecule
          with C1 symmetry in $DATA, or specify NOSYM=1 in $CONTRL.
          Restart data can be found in the job's OUTPUT file, with
          important results summarized to the IRCDATA file.

          NSTEP  = The number of DRC points to be calculated, not
                   including the initial point.  (default = 1000)

          DELTAT = is the time step.  (default = 0.1 fs)

          TOTIME = total duration of the DRC computed in a previous
                   job, in fs.  The default is the correct value
                   when initiating a DRC.  (default=0.0 fs)

                                     * * *

                In general, a DRC can be initiated anywhere,
                so $DATA might contain coordinates of the
                equilibrium geometry, or a nearby transition
                state, or something else.  You must also
                supply an initial kinetic energy, and the
                direction of the initial velocity, for which
                there are a number of options:

	  EKIN   = The initial kinetic energy (default = 0.0 kcal/mol)
                   See also ENM, NVEL, and VIBLVL regarding alternate
                   ways to specify the initial value.

          VEL    = an array of velocity components, in Bohr/fs.
                   When NVEL is false, this is simply the direction
                   of the velocity vector.  Its magnitude will be
                   automatically adjusted to match the desired initial
                   kinetic energy, and it will be projected so that
                   the translation of the center of mass is removed.
                   Give in the order vx1, vy1, vz1, vx2, vy2, ...

	  NVEL   = a flag to compute the initial kinetic energy from
                   the input VEL using the sum of mass*VEL*VEL/2.
                   This flag is usually selected only for restarts.



                   The next three allow the kinetic energy to be
                   partitioned over all normal modes.  The
                   coordinates in $DATA are likely to be from
                   a stationary point!  You must also supply a
                   $HESS group, which is the nuclear force constant
                   matrix at the starting geometry.

          VIBLVL = a flag to turn this option on (default=.FALSE.)

          VIBENG = an array of energies (in units of multiples of
                   the hv of each mode) to be imparted along each
                   normal mode.  The default is to assign the zero
                   point energy only, VIBENG(1)=0.5, 0.5, ..., 0.5
                   when HESS=MIN, and 0.0, 0.5, ..., 0.5 if HESS=TS.
                   If given as a negative number, the initial
                   direction of the velocity vector is along the
                   reverse direction of the mode.  "Reverse" means
                   the phase of the normal mode is chosen such that
                   the largest magnitude component is a negative
                   value.  An example might be VIBENG(4)=2.5 to add
                   two quanta to mode 4, along with zero point
                   energy in all modes.

          RCENG  = reaction coordinate energy, in kcal/mol.  This is
                   the initial kinetic energy given to the imaginary
                   frequency normal mode when HESS=TS.  If this is
                   given as a negative value, the direction of the
                   velocity vector will be the "reverse direction",
                   meaning the phase of the normal mode will be
                   chosen so its largest component is negative.

                                     * * *

                   The next two pertain to initiating the DRC along
                   a single normal mode of vibration.  No kinetic
                   energy is assigned to the other modes.  You must
                   also supply a $HESS group at the initial geometry.

	  NNM    = The number of the normal mode to which the initial
		   kinetic energy is given.  The absolute value of NNM
                   must be in the range 1, 2, ..., 3N-6.  If NNM is a
                   positive/negative value, the initial velocity will
                   lie in the forward/reverse direction of the mode.
                   "Forward" means the largest component of the normal
                   mode is a positive value.  (default=0)

	  ENM    = the initial kinetic energy given to mode NNM,
                   in units of vibrational quanta hv, so the amount
                   depends on mode NNM's vibrational frequency, v.
                   If you prefer to impart an arbitrary initial
                   kinetic energy to mode NNM, specify EKIN instead.
                   (default = 0.0 quanta)



          To summarize, there are 5 ways to initiate a trajectory:

             1. VEL vector with NVEL=.TRUE.  This is difficult to
                specify at your initial point, and so this option
                is mainly used when restarting your trajectory.
                The restart information is always in this format.
             2. VEL vector and EKIN with NVEL=.FALSE.  This will
                give a desired amount of kinetic energy in the
                direction of the velocity vector.
             3. VIBLVL and VIBENG and possibly RCENG, to give some
                initial kinetic energy to all normal modes.
             4. NNM and ENM to give quanta to a single normal mode.
             5. NNM and EKIN to give arbitrary kinetic energy to
                a single normal mode.

                                     * * *

                 The most common use of the next two is to analyze
                 a trajectory with respect to the normal modes of
                 a minimum energy geometry it travels around.

          NMANAL = a flag to select mapping of the mass-weighted
                   Cartesian DRC coordinates and velocity (conjugate
                   momentum) in terms of normal modes at a nearby
                   reference stationary point (which can be either a
                   minimum or transition state).  This reference
                   geometry could in fact be the same as the initial
                   point of the DRC, but does not need to be.
                   If you choose this option, you must supply C0,
                   HESS2, and a $HESS2 group corresponding to the
                   reference stationary point.  (default=.FALSE.)

          C0     = an array of the coordinates of the stationary
                   reference point (the coordinates in $DATA might
                   well be some other coordinates).  Give in the
                   order x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,... in Angstroms.

                                     * * *

                 The next options apply to input choices which may
                 read a $HESS at the initial DRC point, namely NNM
                 or VIBLVL, or to those that read a $HESS2 at some
                 reference geometry (NMANAL).

          HESS   = MIN indicates the hessian supplied for the initial
                       geometry corresponds to a minimum (default).
                 = TS  indicates the hessian is for a saddle point.
          HESS2  = MIN (default) or TS, the same meaning, for the
                   reference geometry.

                 These are used to decide if modes 1-6 (minimum) or
                 modes 2-7 (TS) are to be excluded from the hessian
                 as the translational and rotational contaminants.
                 If the initial and reference geometries are the same,
                 these two hessians will be duplicates of each other.



              The next variables can cause termination of a run, if
          molecular fragments get too far apart or close together.

          NFRGPR = Number of atom pairs whose distance will be
                   checked.  (default is 0)

          IFRGPR = Array of the atom pairs.  2 times NFRGPR values.

          FRGCUT = Array for a boundary distance (in Bohr) for atom
                   pairs to end DRC calculations.  The run will
                   stop if any distance exceeds the tolerance, or if
                   a value is given as a negative number, if the
                   distance becomes shorter than the absolute value.
                   In case the trajectory starts outside the bounds
                   specified, they do not apply until after the
                   trajectory reaches a point where the criteria
                   are satisfied, and then goes outside again.
                   Give NFRGPR values.

                                     * * *

              The final variables control the volume of output.
              Let F mean the first DRC point found in this run,
              and L mean the last DRC point of this run.

          NPRTSM = summarize the DRC results every NPRTSM steps,
                   to the file IRCDATA.  (default = 1)

          NPRT   =  1  Print orbitals at all DRC points
                    0  Print orbitals at F+L (default)
                   -1  Never print orbitals

          NPUN   =  2  Punch all orbitals at all DRC points
                    1  Punch all orbitals at F+L, and occupied
                       orbitals at DRC points between
                    0  Punch all orbitals at F+L only (default)
                   -1  Never punch orbitals


          References: see REFS.DOC.



          $GLOBOP group        (optional, relevant to RUNTYP=GLOBOP)

              This controls a search for the global minimum energy.
          It is primarily intended for locating the best position 
          for effective fragment "solvent" molecules, perhaps with
          an ab initio "solute" present also.  There are options for
          a single temperature Monte Carlo search, or a multi-
          temperature simulated annealing.  Local minimization of
          some or all of the structures selected by the Monte Carlo
          is optional.  The coordinates of accepted structures are
          written to file IRCDATA, unless MOVIE2 is chosen.  See
          REFS.DOC for an overview of this RUNTYP.

          TEMPI  =  initial temperature used in the simulation.
                    (default = 20000 K)

          TEMPF  =  final temperature. If TEMPF is not given and
                    NTEMPS is greater than 1, TEMPF will be
                    calculated based on a cooling factor of 0.95.

          NTEMPS =  number of temperatures used in the simulation.
                    If NTEMPS is not given but TEMPF is given,
                    NTEMP will be calculated based on a cooling
                    factor of 0.95. If neither NTEMP nor TEMPF is
                    given, the job defaults to a single temperature
                    Monte Carlo calculation.

          NFRMOV =  number of fragments to move on each step.

          NGEOPT =  number of geometries to be evaluated at each
                    temperature.  (default = 100)

          NTRAN  =  number of translational steps in each block.

          NROT   =  number of rotational steps in each block.

          NBLOCK =  the number of blocks of steps can be set directly
                    with this variable, instead of being calculated
                    from NGEOPT, NTRAN, and NROT, according to
                    If NBLOCK is input, the number of geometries at
                    each temperature will be taken as
                    Each block has NTRAN translational steps followed
                    by NROT rotational steps.


          MCMIN  =  flag to enable geometry optimization to minimize
                    the energy is carried out every NSTMIN steps.

          NSTMIN =  After this number of geometry steps are taken, a
                    local (Newton-Raphson) optimization will be
                    carried out.  If this variable is set to 1, a
                    local minimization is carried out on every step,
                    reducing the MC space to the set of local minima.
                    Irrelevant if MCMIN is false.  (default=10)

          OPTN   =  if set to .TRUE., at the end of the run local
                    minimizations are carried out on the final
                    geometry and on the minimum-energy geometry.

          SCALE  =  an array of length two.  The first element is the
                    initial maximum step size for the translational
                    coordinates (Angstroms).  The second element is
                    the initial maximum stepsize for the rotational
                    coordinates (pi-radians). (defaults = 1,1)

          AIMOVE =  step range for moving ab initio atoms in the MC
                    simulation.  If set to zero, the ab initio atoms
                    do not move in MC.  The motion of ab initio atoms
                    is unsophisticated, as the move consists only of
                    shifting each Cartesian coordinate in the range
                    of plus AIMOVE to minus AIMOVE atomic units.  Ab
                    initio atoms are allowed to relax during possible
                    geometry optimizations implied by MCMIN/NSTMIN.

          ALPHA  =  controls the rate at which information from
                    successful steps is folded into the maximum step
                    sizes for each of the 6*(number of fragments)
                    coordinates.  ALPHA varies between 0 and 1.
                    ALPHA=0 means do not change the maximum step
                    sizes, and ALPHA=1 throws out the old step sizes
                    whenever there is a successful step and uses the
                    successful step sizes as the new maxima.  This
                    update scheme was used with the Parks method
                    where all fragments are moved on every step.  It
                    is normally not used with the Metropolis method.
                    (default = 0)

          DACRAT =  the desired acceptance ratio, the program tries
                    to achieve this by adjusting the maximum step
                    size.  (default = 0.5)


          UPDFAC =  the factor used to update the maximum step size
                    in the attempt to achive the desired acceptance
                    ratio (DACRAT).  If the acceptance ratio at the
                    previous temperature was below DACRAT, the step
                    size is decreased by multiplying it by UPDFAC.
                    If the acceptance ratio was above DACRAT, the
                    step size is increased by dividing it by DACRAT
                    It should be between 0 and 1. (default = 0.95)

          SEPTOL =  the separation tolerence between atoms in the ab
                    initio piece and atoms in the fragments, as well
                    as between atoms in different fragments.  If a
                    step moves atoms closer than this tolerence, the
                    step is rejected. (default = 1.5 Angstroms)

          XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX, ZMIN, ZMAX = mimimum and maximum
                    values for the Cartesian coordinates of the
                    fragment.  If the first point in a fragment steps
                    outside these boundaries, periodic boundary
                    conditions are used and the fragment re-enters on
                    the opposite side of the box.  The defaults of
                    -10 for minima and +10 for maxima should usually
                    be changed.

          BOLTWT =  method for calculating the Boltzmann factor,
                    which is used as the probability of accepting a
                    step that increases the energy.
                 =  STANDARD = use the standard Boltzmann factor,
                    exp(-delta(E)/kT)  (default)
                 =  AVESTEP = scale the temperature by the average
                    step size, as recommended in the Parks reference
                    when using values of ALPHA greater than 0.

          NPRT   =  controls the amount of output, with
                 = -2 reduces output below that of -1
                 = -1 reduces output further, needed for MCMIN=.true.
                 =  0 gives minimal output (default)
                 =  1 gives the normal GAMESS amount of output
                 =  2 gives maximum output
                    For large simulations, even IOUT=0 may produce
                    a log file too large to work with easily.
                    If geometry optimization is being done at each
                    Monte Carlo generated structure, you can use
                    the NPRT in $STATPT to further suppress output.

          RANDOM =  controls the choice of random number generator.
                 =  DEBUG uses a simple random number generator with
                    a constant seed. Since the same sequence of
                    random numbers is generated during each job, it
                    is useful for debugging.
                 =  RAND1 uses the simple random number generator
                    used in DEBUG, but with a variable seed.
                 =  RAND3 uses a more sophisticated random number
                    generator described in Numerical Recipes, with a
                    variable seed (default).


          IFXFRG =  array whose length is the number of fragments.
                    It allows one or more fragments to be fixed
                    during the simulation.
                 =0 allows the fragment to move during the run
                 =1 fixes the fragment
                    For example, IFXFRG(3)=1 would fix the third
                    fragment, the default is IFXFRG(1)=0,0,0,...,0

          MOVIE2 = a flag to create a series of structural data
                   which can be shown as a movie by the MacIntosh
                   program Chem3D.  The coordinates of each accepted
                   geometry are written.  The data is written to the
                   file IRCDATA.  (default=.FALSE.)





          $GRADEX group  (optional, for RUNTYP=GRADEXTR)

             This group controls the gradient extremal following
          algorithm.  The GEs leave stationary points parallel to
          each of the normal modes of the hessian.  Sometimes a GE
          leaving a minimum will find a transition state, and thus
          provides us with a way of finding that saddle point.  GEs
          have many unusual mathematical properties, and you should
          be aware that they normally differ a great deal from IRCs.

             The search will always be performed in cartesian
          coordinates, but internal coordinates along the way may
          be printed by the usual specification of NZVAR and $ZMAT.

          METHOD = algorithm selection.
                   SR   A predictor-corrector method due to Sun
                        and Ruedenberg (default).
                   JJH  A method due to Jorgensen, Jensen and

          NSTEP  = maximum number of predictor steps to take.

          DPRED  = the stepsize for the predictor step.
                   (default = 0.10)

          STPT   = a flag to indicate whether the initial geometry
                   is considered a stationary point. If .TRUE.,
                   the geometry will be perturbed by STSTEP along
                   the IFOLOW normal mode.
                   (default = .TRUE.)

          STSTEP = the stepsize for jumping away from a stationary
                   point. (default = 0.01)

          IFOLOW = Mode selection option.  (default is 1)
                   If STPT=.TRUE., the intial geometry will be
                   perturbed by STSTEP along the IFOLOW normal mode.
                   Note that IFOLOW can be positive or negative,
                   depending on the direction the normal mode
                   should be followed in. The positive direction
                   is defined as the one where the largest component
                   of the Hessian eigenvector is positive.

                   If STPT=.FALSE. the sign of IFOLOW determines
                   which direction the GE is followed in. A positive
                   value will follow the GE in the uphill direction.
                   The value of IFOLOW should be set to the Hessian
                   mode which is parallel to the gradient to avoid
                   miscellaneous warning messages.



          GOFRST = a flag to indicate whether the algorithm should
                   attempt to locate a stationary point.  If .TRUE.,
                   a straight NR search is performed once the NR
                   step length drops below SNRMAX.  10 NR step are
                   othen allowed, a value which cannot be changed.
                   (default = .TRUE.)

          SNRMAX = upper limit for switching to straight NR search
                   for stationary point location.
                   (default = 0.10 or DPRED, whichever is smallest)

          OPTTOL = gradient convergence tolerance, in Hartree/Bohr.
                   Used for optimizing to a stationary point.
                   Convergence of a geometry search requires the
                   rms gradient to be less than OPTTOL.

          HESS   = selection of the initial hessian matrix, if
                 = READ causes the hessian to be read from a $HESS
                 = CALC causes the hessian to be computed. (default)



          ---- parameters on this page apply only to METHOD=SR ----

          DELCOR = the corrector step should be smaller than this
                   value before the next predictor step is taken.
                   (default = 0.001)

          MYSTEP = maximum number of micro iteration allowed to
                   bring the corrector step length below DELCOR.

          SNUMH  = stepsize used in the numerical differentiation
                   of the Hessian to produce third derivatives.
                   (default = 0.0001)

          HSDFDB = flag to select determination of third derivatives.
                   At the current geometry we need the gradient, the
                   Hessian, and the partial third derivative matrix
                   in the gradient direction.

                   If .TRUE., the gradient is calculated at the
                   current geometry, and two Hessians are calculated
                   at SNUMH distance to each side in the gradient
                   direction.  The Hessian at the geometry is formed
                   as the average of the two displaced Hessians.

                   If .FALSE., both the gradient and Hessian are
                   calculated at the current geometry, and one
                   additional Hessian is calculated at SNUMH in the
                   gradient direction.

                   The default double-sided differentiation produces
                   a more accurate third derivative matrix, at the
                   cost of an additional wave function and gradient.
                   (default = .TRUE.)


                     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                     See the 'further information' section
                     for some help with GRADEXTR runs.
                     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



          $SURF group                  (relevant for RUNTYP=SURFACE)

              This group allows you to probe a potential energy
          surface along a small grid of points.  Note that there is
          no option to vary angles, only distances.  The scan can
          be made for any SCFTYP, or for the MP2 or CI surface.  You
          may specify two rather different calculations to be done
          at each point on the grid, through the RUNTYPn, SCFTYPn,
          and electron correlation keywords.

          * * * below, 1 and 2 refer to different calculations * * *

          RUNTP1,RUNTYP2 = some RUNTYP supported in $CONTRL
                   First RUNTYP=RUNTP1 and then RUNTYP=RUNTP2 will be
                   performed, for each point on the grid.  The second
                   run is omitted if RUNTP2 is set to NONE.
                   default: RUNTP1=ENERGY RUNTP2=NONE

          SCFTP1,SCFTP2 = some SCFTYP supported in $CONTRL
                   default: SCFTYP in $CONTRL

          CITYP1,CITYP2 = some  CITYP supported in $CONTRL
                   default:  CITYP in $CONTRL

          MPLEV1,MPLEV2 = some MPLEVL supported in $CONTRL
                   default: MPLEVL in $CONTRL

          CCTYP1,CCTYP2 = some  CCTYP supported in $CONTRL
                   default:  CCTYP in $CONTRL

          DFTYP1,DFTYP2 = some DFTTYP supported in $DFT
                   default: DFTTYP in $DFT

          You may need to help by giving values in $CONTRL that will
          permit the program to estimate what is coming in the values
          here.  For example, if you want to request hessians here,
          it may be good to give RUNTYP=HESSIAN in $CONTRL so that
          in its earliest stages of a job, the program can initialize
          for 2nd derivatives.  There is less checking here than on
          $CONTRL input, so don't request something impossible such
          as two correlaton methods simultaneously, or analytic
          hessians for MP2, or other things that are impossible.

          * * * below, 1 and 2 refer to different coordinates * * *

          IVEC1  = an array of two atoms, defining a coordinate from
                   the first atom given, to the second.

          IGRP1  = an array specifying a group of atoms, which must
                   include the second atom given in IVEC1.  The
                   entire group will be translated (rigidly) along
                   the vector IVEC1, relative to the first atom
                   given in IVEC1.


          ORIG1  = starting value of the coordinate, which may be
                   positive or negative.  Zero corresponds to the
                   distance given in $DATA.

          DISP1  = step size for the coordinate.  If DISP1 is set
                   to zero, then the keyword GRID1 is read.

          NDISP1 = number of steps to take for this coordinate.

          GRID1  = an array of grid points at which to compute the
                   energy.  This option is an alternative to the
                   ORIG1, DISP1 input which produces an equidistant
                   grid.  To use GRID1, one has to set DISP1=0.0.
                   The number of grid points is given in NDISP1, and
                   is limite to at most 100 grid points.  The input
                   of GRID1(1)=ORIG1,ORIG1+DISP1,ORIG1+DISP1*2,...
                   would reproduce an equidistant grid given by ORIG1
                   and DISP1.

               ORIG1, DISP1, and GRID1 should be given in Angstrom.
               There are no reasonable defaults for these keywords.

          IVEC2, IGRP2, ORIG2, DISP2, NDISP2, GRID2 have the same
          meaning as their "1" counterparts, and permit you to make
          a two dimensional map along two displacement coordinates.
          If the "2" data are not input, the surface map proceeds in
          only one dimension.




          $LOCAL group  (relevant for LOCAL=RUEDNBRG, BOYS, or POP)

              This group allows input of additional data to control
          the localization methods.  If no input is provided, the
          valence orbitals will be localized as much as possible,
          while still leaving the wavefunction invariant.  There are
          many specialized options for Localized Charge Distribution
          analysis, and for EFP generation.

          N.B.  Since Boys localization needs the dipole integrals,
                do not turn off dipole moment calculation in $ELMOM.

          MAXLOC = maximum number of localization cycles.  This
                   applies to BOYS or POP methods only.  If the
                   localization fails to converge, a different
                   order of 2x2 pairwise rotations will be tried.

          CVGLOC = convergence criterion.  The default provides
                   LMO coefficients accurate to 6 figures.

          SYMLOC = a flag to restrict localization so that orbitals
                   of different symmetry types are not mixed.  This
                   option is not supported in all possible point
                   groups.  The purpose of this option is to give a
                   better choice for the starting orbitals for GVB-PP
                   or MCSCF runs, without destroying the orbital's
                   symmetry.  This option is compatible with each of
                   the 3 methods of selecting the orbitals to be
                   included.  (default=.FALSE.)

          ORIENT = a flag to request orientation of the localized
                   orbitals for bond-order analysis.  After the
                   localization, the orbitals on each atom are
                   rotated only among themselves, in order to direct
                   the orbitals towards neighboring atom's orbitals,
                   to which they are bonded.  The density matrix,
                   or bond-order matrix, of these Oriented LMOs is
                   readily interpreted as atomic populations and
                   bond orders.  This option can be used only for
                   SCFTYP=MCSCF and LOCAL=RUEDENBRG.

          PRTLOC = a flag to control supplemental printout.  The
                   extra output is the rotation matrix to the
                   localized orbitals, and, for the Boys method,
                   the orbital centroids, for the Ruedenberg
                   method, the coulomb and exchange matrices,
                   for the population method, atomic populations.


           ----- The following keywords select the orbitals which
                 are to be included in the localization.  You may
                 select from FCORE, NOUTA/NOUTB, or NINA/NINB,
                 but may choose only one of these three groups.

          FCORE  = flag to freeze all the chemical core orbitals
                   present.   All the valence orbitals will be
                   localized.  You must explicitly turn this
                   option off to choose one of the other two
                   orbital selection options.  (default=.TRUE.)

                                 * * *

          NOUTA  = number of alpha orbitals to hold fixed in the
                   localization.  (default=0)

          MOOUTA = an array of NOUTA elements giving the numbers of
                   the orbitals to hold fixed.  For example, the
                   input NOUTA=2 MOOUTA(1)=8,13 will freeze only
                   orbitals 8 and 13.  You must enter all the
                   orbitals you want to freeze, including any cores.
                   This variable has nothing to do with cows.

          NOUTB =  number of beta orbitals to hold fixed in -UHF-
                   localizations.  (default=0)

          MOOUTB = same as MOOUTA, except that it applies to the
                   beta orbitals, in -UHF- wavefunctions only.

                                 * * *

          NINA   = number of alpha orbitals which are to be
                   included in the localization.  (default=0)

          MOINA  = an array of NINA elements giving the numbers of
                   the orbitals to be included in the localization.
                   Any orbitals not mentioned will be frozen.

          NINB   = number of -UHF- beta MOs in the localization.

          MOINB  = same as MOINA, except that it applies to the
                   beta orbitals, in -UHF- wavefunctions only.

          ORMFUL = this flag is relevant only to CISTEP=ORMAS MCSCF
                   localizations.  By default, the localization is
                   restricted such that the multiple active spaces
                   are not mixed, leaving the total wavefunction
                   invariant.  It may be used to localize within the
                   full range of active MOs.  (Default is .FALSE.)


          ----- The following keywords are used for the localized
                charge distribution (LCD) energy decomposition.

          EDCOMP = flag to turn on LCD energy decomposition.
                   Note that this method is currently implemented
                   for SCFTYP=RHF and ROHF and LOCAL=RUEDNBRG only.
                   The SCF LCD forces all orbitals to be localized,
                   overriding input on the previous page.  See also
                   LMOMP2 in the $MP2 group.  (default = .FALSE.)

          MOIDON = flag to turn on LMO identification and subsequent
                   LMO reordering, and assign nuclear LCD automat-
                   ically.  (default = .FALSE.)

          DIPDCM = flag for LCD molecular dipole decomposition.
                   (default = .FALSE.)

          QADDCM = flag for LCD molecular quadrupole decomposition.
                   (default = .FALSE.)

          POLDCM = flag to turn on LCD polarizability decomposition.
                   This method is implemented for SCFTYP=RHF or ROHF
                   and LOCAL=BOYS or RUEDNBRG. (default=.FALSE.)

          POLNUM = flag to forces numerical rather than analytical
                   calculation of the polarizabilities.  This may be
                   useful in larger molecules.  The numerical
                   polarizabilities of bonds in or around aromatic
                   rings sometimes are unphysical. (default=.FALSE.)
                   See D.R.Garmer, W.J.Stevens
                       J.Phys.Chem. 93, 8263-8270(1989).

          POLAPP = flag to force calculation of the polarizabilities
                   using a perturbation theory expression.  This may
                   be useful in larger molecules. (default=.FALSE.)
                   See R.M. Minikis, V. Kairys, J.H. Jensen
                       J.Phys.Chem.A 105, 3829-3837(2001)

          POLANG = flag to choose units of localized polarizability
                   output. The default is Angstroms**3, while false
                   will give Bohr**3.  (default=.TRUE.)

          ZDO    = flag for LCD analysis of a composite wave function,
                   given in a $VEC group of a van der Waals complex,
                   within the zero differential overlap approximation.
                   The MOs are not orthonormalized and the inter-
                   molecular electron exchange energy is neglected.
                   In addition, the molecular overlap matrix is printed
                   out.  This is a very specialized option.
                   (default = .FALSE.)


          ----- The following keywords can be used to define the
                nuclear part of an LCD.  They are usually used to
                rectify mistakes in the automatic definition
                made when MOIDON=.TRUE.  The index defining the
                LMO number then refers to the reordered list of LMOs.

          NMOIJ  = array giving the number of nuclei assigned to a
                   particular LMO.

          IJMO   = is an array of pairs of indices (I,J), giving
                   the row (nucleus I) and column (orbital J)
                   index of the entries in ZIJ and MOIJ.

          MOIJ   = arrays of integers K, assigning nucleus K as the
                   site of the Ith charge of LCD J.

          ZIJ    = array of floating point numbers assigning a
                   charge to the Ith charge of LCD J.

          IPROT  = array of integers K, defining nucleus K as a

          DEPRNT = a flag for additional decomposition printing,
                   such as pair contributions to various energy
                   terms, and centroids of the Ruedenberg orbitals.
                   (default = .FALSE.)

          ----- The following keywords are used to build large EFPs
                from several RUNTYP=MAKEFP runs on smaller molecular
                fragments, by excluding common regions of overlap.
                For example, an EFP for n-octanol can be build from
                two MAKEFP runs, on n-pentane and n-pentanol,
                by excluding operlapping regions shown in brackets
                from the two EFPs.  See J.Phys.Chem.A 105, 3829-3837,
                (2001) for more information.

          NOPATM = array of atoms that define an area to be excluded
                   from a DMA ($STONE) during a RUNTYP=MAKEFP run.
                   All atomic centers specified, and the midpoints
                   of any bonds to them, are excluded as expansion
                   points.  The density due to all LMOs primarily
                   centered on these atoms are excluded from the DMA
                   (see also KMIDPT).  Furthermore, polarizability
                   tensors for these LMOs are excluded.

          KPOINT = array of "boundary atoms", those atoms that are
                   covalently bonded to the atoms given in NOATM.


          KMIDPT = flag to indicate whether the density due to bond
                   LMOs (and associated expansion points) between
                   the NOPATM atoms and the KPOINT atoms are to be
                   included in the DMA.  (default = .TRUE.)

          NODENS = an array that specifies the atoms for which the
                   associated electronic density will be removed
                   before the multipole expansion.  This provides an
                   EFP with net integer charge.
                   (P.A.Molina, H.Li, J.H.Jensen J.Phys.Chem.B
                   mss in prep, 2003).


                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                      For hints about localizations, and
                      the LCD energy decomposition, see
                      the 'further information' section.
                      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



          $TWOEI group   (relevant for EDCOMP=.TRUE. in $LOCAL)

             Formatted transformed two-electron Coulomb and Exchange
          integrals as punched during a LOCAL=RUEDNBRG run.  If this
          group is present it will automaticall be read in during
          such a run and the two-electron integrals do not have to
          be re-transformed.  This group is especially useful for
          EDCOMP=.TRUE. runs when the localization has to be repeated
          for different definitions of nuclear LCDs.



          $TRUNCN group                 (optional, relevant for RHF)

              This group controls the truncation of some of the
          localized orbitals to just the AOs on a subset of the
          atoms.  This option is particularly useful to generate
          localized orbitals to be frozen when the effective
          fragment potential is used to partition a system across a
          chemical bond.  In other words, this group prepares the
          frozen buffer zone orbitals.  This group should be used in
          conjunction with RUNTYP=ENERGY (or PROP if the orbitals
          are available) and either LOCAL=RUEDNBRG or BOYS, with
          MOIDON set in $LOCAL.

          DOPROJ = flag to activate MO projection/truncation, the
                   default is to skip this (default=.FALSE.)

          AUTOID = forces identification of MOs (analogous to MOIDON
                   in $LOCAL).  This keyword is provided in case the
                   localized orbitals are already present in $VEC,
                   in which case this is a faster RUNTYP=PROP with
                   LOCAL=NONE job.  Obviously, GUESS=MOREAD.

          PLAIN  = flag to control the MO tail truncation.  A value
                   of .FALSE. uses corresponding orbital projections,
                   H.F.King, R.E.Stanton, H.Kim, R.E.Wyatt, R.G.Parr
                   J. Chem. Phys. 47, 1936-1941(1967) and generates
                   orthogonal orbitals.  A value of .TRUE. just sets
                   the unwanted AOs to zero, so the resulting MOs
                   need to go through the automatic orthogonalization
                   step when MOREAD in the next job. (default=.FALSE.)

          IMOPR  = an array specifying which MOs to be truncated. In
                   most cases involving normal bonding, the options
                   MOIDON or AUTOID will correctly identify all
                   localized MOs belonging to the atoms in the zone
                   being truncated.  However, you can inspect the
                   output, and give a list of all MOs which you want
                   to be truncated in this array, in case you feel
                   the automatic assignment is incorrect.
                   Any orbital not in the truncation set, whether
                   this is chosen automatically or by IMOPR, is left
                   completely unaltered.


                                  - - -

          There are now two ways to specify what orbitals are to
          be truncated.  The most common usage is for preparation of
          a buffer zone for QM/MM computations, with an Effective
          Fragment Potential representing the non-quantum part of
          the system.  This input is NATAB, NATBF, ICAPFR, ICAPBF,
          in which case the $DATA input must be sorted into three
          zones.  The first group of atoms are meant to be treated
          in later runs by full quantum mechanics, the second
          group by frozen localized orbitals as a 'buffer', and the
          third group is to be substituted later by an effective
          fragment potential (multipoles, polarizabilities, ...).
          Note that in the DOPROJ=.TRUE. run, all atoms are still
          quantum atoms.

          NATAB  = number of atoms to be in the 'ab initio' zone.

          NATBF  = number of atoms to be in the 'buffer' zone.
                   The program can obtain the number of atoms in
                   the remaining zone by subtraction, so it need
                   not be input.

          In case the MOIDON or AUTOID options lead to confused
          assignments (unlikely in ordinary bonding situations
          around the buffer zone), there are two fine tuning values.

          ICAPFR = array indicating the identity of "capping atoms"
                   which are on the border between the ab initio and
                   buffer zones (in the ab initio zone).

          ICAPBK = array indicating the identity of "capping atoms"
                   which are on the border between the buffer and EFP
                   zones (in the effective fragment zone).

          See also IXCORL and IXLONE below.

                                  - - -

          In case truncation seems useful for some other purpose,
          you can specify the atoms in any order within the $DATA
          group, by the IZAT/ILAT approach.  You are supposed to
          give only one of these two lists, probably whichever is

          IZAT   = an array containing the atoms which are NOT in
                   the buffer zone.

          ILAT   = an array containing the atoms which are in
                   the buffer zone.

          The AO coefficients of the localized orbitals present in
          the buffer zone which lie on atoms outside the buffer will
          be truncated.

          See also IXCORL and IXLONE below.

                                  - - -

          The next two values let you remove additional orbitals
          within the buffer zone from the truncation process, if that
          is desirable.  These arrays can only include atoms that are
          already in the buffer zone, whether this was defined by
          NATBF, or IZAT/ILAT.  The default is to include all core
          and lone pair orbitals, not just bonding orbitals, as the
          buffer zone orbitals.

          IXCORL = an array of atoms whose core and lone pair
                   orbitals are to be considered as not belonging
                   to the buffer zone orbitals.

          IXLONE = an array of atoms for which only the lone pair
                   orbitals are to be considered as not belonging
                   to the buffer zone orbitals.

                                  - - -

          The final option controls output of the truncated orbitals
          to file PUNCH for use in later runs:

          NPUNOP =    punch out option for the truncated orbitals
                 = 1  the MOs are not reordered.
                 = 2  punch the truncated MOs as the first vectors
                      in the $VEC MO set, with untransformed vectors
                      following immediately after. (default)


                                                       $ELMOM $ELPOT
          $ELMOM group   (not required)

          This group controls electrostatic moments calculation.
          The symmetry properties of multipoles are discussed in
                A.Gelessus, W.Thiel, W.Weber
                J.Chem.Ed. 72, 505-508(1995)

          IEMOM  = 0 - skip this property
                   1 - calculate monopole and dipole (default)
                   2 - also calculate quadrupole moments
                   3 - also calculate octopole moments

          WHERE  = COMASS   - center of mass (default)
                   NUCLEI   - at each nucleus
                   POINTS   - at points given in $POINTS.

          OUTPUT = PUNCH, PAPER, or BOTH (default)

          IEMINT = 0 - skip printing of integrals (default)
                   1 - print dipole integrals
                   2 - also print quadrupole integrals
                   3 - also print octopole integrals
                  -2 - print quadrupole integrals only
                  -3 - print octopole integrals only

              The quadrupole and octopole tensors on the printout
          are formed according to the definition of Buckingham.
          Caution: only the first nonvanishing term in the multi-
          ipole charge expansion is independent of the coordinate
          origin chosen, which is normally the center of mass.

          $ELPOT group   (not required)

          This group controls electrostatic potential calculation.

          IEPOT = 0 skip this property (default)
                  1 calculate electric potential

          WHERE  = COMASS   - center of mass
                   NUCLEI   - at each nucleus (default)
                   POINTS   - at points given in $POINTS
                   GRID     - at grid given in $GRID
                   PDC      - at points controlled by $PDC.

          OUTPUT = PUNCH, PAPER, or BOTH (default)

              This property is the electrostatic potential V(a) felt
          by a test positive charge, due to the molecular charge
          density.  A nucleus at the evaluation point is ignored.
          If this property is evaluated at the nuclei, it obeys the
               sum on nuclei(a)   Z(a)*V(a) = 2*V(nn) + V(ne).
          The electronic portion of this property is called the
          diamagnetic shielding.

                                                     $ELDENS $ELFLDG


          $ELDENS group   (not required)

          This group controls electron density calculation.

          IEDEN  = 0 skip this property (default)
                 = 1 compute the electron density.

          MORB   = The molecular orbital whose electron density is
                   to be computed.  If zero, the total density is
                   computed.  (default=0)

          WHERE  = COMASS   - center of mass
                   NUCLEI   - at each nucleus (default)
                   POINTS   - at points given in $POINTS
                   GRID     - at grid given in $GRID

          OUTPUT = PUNCH, PAPER, or BOTH (default)

          IEDINT = 0 - skip printing of integrals (default)
                   1 - print the electron density integrals


          $ELFLDG group   (not required)

              This group controls electrostatic field and electric
          field gradient calculation.

          IEFLD  = 0 - skip this property (default)
                   1 - calculate field
                   2 - calculate field and gradient

          WHERE  = COMASS   - center of mass
                   NUCLEI   - at each nucleus (default)
                   POINTS   - at points given in $POINTS

          OUTPUT = PUNCH, PAPER, or BOTH (default)

          IEFINT = 0 - skip printing these integrals (default)
                   1 - print electric field integrals
                   2 - also print field gradient integrals
                  -2 - print field gradient integrals only

          The Hellman-Feynman force on a nucleus is the nuclear
          charge multiplied by the electric field at that nucleus.
          The electric field is the gradient of the electric
          potential, and the field gradient is the hessian of the
          electric potential.  The components of the electric field
          gradient tensor are formed in the conventional way, i.e.
          see D.Neumann and J.W.Moskowitz.


                                                       $POINTS $GRID


          $POINTS group   (not required)

              This group is used to input points at which properties
          will be computed.  This first card in the group must
          contain the string ANGS or BOHR, followed by an integer
          NPOINT, the number of points to be used.  The next NPOINT
          cards are read in free format, containing the X, Y, and Z
          coordinates of each desired point.


          $GRID group     (not required)

              This group is used to input a grid (plane through the
          molecule) on which properties will be calculated.

          ORIGIN(i) = coordinates of the lower left corner of
                      the plot.
          XVEC(i)   = coordinates of the lower right corner of
                      the plot.
          YVEC(i)   = coordinates of the upper left corner of
                      the plot.
          SIZE      = grid increment, default is 0.25.
          UNITS     = units of the above four values, it can be
                      either BOHR or ANGS (the default).

          Note that XVEC and YVEC are not necessarily parallel to
          the X and Y axes, rather they are the axes which you
          desire to see plotted by the MEPMAP contouring program.


                   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                   For conversion factors, and references
                   see the 'further information' section.
                   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




          $PDC group               (relevant if WHERE=PDC in $ELPOT)

               This group determines the points at which to compute
          the electrostatic potential, for the purpose of fitting
          atomic charges to this potential.  Constraints on the fit
          which determines these "potential determined charges" can
          include the conservation of charge, the dipole, and the

          PTSEL  = determines the points to be used, choose from
	           GEODESIC to use a set of points on several fused
		         sphere van der Waals surfaces, with points
			 selected using an algorithm due to Mark
			 Spackman.  The results are similar to those
			 from the Kollman/Singh method, but are
			 less rotation dependent. (default)
	           CONNOLLY to use a set of points on several fused
		         sphere van der Waals surfaces, with points
			 selected using an algorithm due to Michael
			 Connolly.  This is identical to the method
			 used by Kollman & Singh (see below)
                   CHELPG to use a modified version of the CHELPG
                         algorithm, which produces a symmetric
                         grid of points for a symmetric molecule.

          CONSTR = NONE   - no fit is performed.  The potential at
                            the points is instead output according
                            to OUTPUT in $ELPOT.
                   CHARGE - the sum of fitted atomic charges is
                            constrained to reproduce the total
                            molecular charge. (default)
                   DIPOLE - fitted charges are constrained to
                            exactly reproduce the total charge
                            and dipole.
                   QUPOLE - fitted charges are constrained to
                            exactly reproduce the charge, dipole,
                            and quadrupole.

              Note: the number of constraints cannot exceed
              the number of parameters, which is the number
              of nuclei.  Planar molecules afford fewer
              constraint equations, namedly two dipole
              constraints and three quadrupole constraints,
              instead of three and five, repectively.


          * * * the next 5 pertain to PTSEL=GEODESIC or CONNOLLY * * *

          VDWSCL = scale factor for the first shell of VDW spheres.
                   The default of 1.4 seems to be an empirical best
                   value. Values for VDW radii for most elements up
                   to Z=36 are internally stored.

          VDWINC = increment for successive shells (default = 0.2).
		   The defaults for VDWSCL and VDWINC will result
		   in points chosen on layers at 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 etc
		   times the VDW radii of the atoms.

	  LAYER  = number of layers of points chosen on successive
		   fused sphere VDW surfaces (default = 4)

          NFREQ  = flag for particular geodesic tesselation of
		   points.  Only relevant if PTSEL=GEODESIC.
		   Options are:
                    (10*h + k)  for   {3,5+}h,k tesselations
                   -(10*h + k)  for   {5+,3}h,k tesselations
                   (of course both nh and nk must be less than 10,
		   so NFREQ must lie within the range -99 to 99)
   		   The default value is NFREQ=30 (=03)

	  PTDENS = density of points on the surface of each scaled
		   VDW sphere (in points per square au).  Only relevant
		   if PTSEL=CONNOLLY.  Default is 0.28 per au squared,
		   which corresponds to 1.0 per square Angstrom, the
		   default recommended by Kollman & Singh.

             * * * the next two pertain to PTSEL=CHELPG * * *

          RMAX   = maximum distance from any point to the closest
                   atom.  (default=3.0 Angstroms)

          DELR   = distance between points on the grid.
                   (default=0.8 Angstroms)


          MAXPDC = an estimate of the total number of points whose
                   electrostatic potential will be included in the
                   fit. (default=10000)

                                 * * *

          CENTER = an array of coordinates at which the moments were

          DPOLE  = the molecular dipole.

          QPOLE  = the molecular quadrupole.

          PDUNIT = units for the above values.  ANGS (default) will
                   mean that the coordinates are in Angstroms, the
                   dipole in Debye, and quadrupole in Buckinghams.
                   BOHR implies atomic units for all 3.

            Note: it is easier to compute the moments in the
            current run, by setting IEMOM to at least 2 in
            $ELMOM.  However, you could fit experimental data,
            for example, by reading it in here.


               There is no unique way to define fitted atomic
          charges.  Smaller numbers of points at which the electro-
          static potential is fit, changes in VDW radii, asymmetric
          point location, etc. all affect the results.  A useful
          bibliography is

          U.C.Singh, P.A.Kollman, J.Comput.Chem. 5, 129-145(1984)
          L.E.Chirlain, M.M.Francl, J.Comput.Chem. 8, 894-905(1987)
          R.J.Woods, M.Khalil, W.Pell, S.H.Moffatt, V.H.Smith,
             J.Comput.Chem. 11, 297-310(1990)
          C.M.Breneman, K.B.Wiberg, J.Comput.Chem. 11, 361-373(1990)
          K.M.Merz, J.Comput.Chem. 13, 749(1992)
	  M.A.Spackman, J.Comput.Chem. 17, 1-18(1996)



          $MOLGRF group        (relevant only if you have MOLGRAPH)

             This option provides an interface for viewing orbitals
          through a commercial package named MOLGRAPH, from Daikin
          Industries.  Note that this option uses three disk files
          which are not defined in the GAMESS execution scripts we
          provide, since we don't use MOLGRAPH ourselves.  You will
          need to define files 28, 29, 30, as generic names PRGRID,
          COGRID, MOGRID, of which the latter is passed to MOLGRAPH.

          GRID3D = a flag to generate 3D grid data.
                   (default is .false.).

          TOTAL  = a flag to generate a total density grid data.
                   "Total" means the sum of the orbital densities
                   given by NPLT array.  (default is .false.).

          MESH   = numbers of grids.  You can use different numbers
                   for three axes.  (default is MESH(1)=21,21,21).

          BOUND  = boundary coordinates of a 3D graphical cell.  The
                   default is that the cell is larger than the
                   molecular skeleton by 3 bohr in all directions.
                   E.g., BOUND(1)=xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax

          NPLOTS = number of orbitals to be used to generate 3D grid
                   data. (default is NPLOTS=1).

          NPLT   = orbital IDs.  The default is 1 orbital only, the
                   HOMO or SOMO.  If the LOCAL option is given in
                   $CONTRL, localized orbital IDs should be given.
                   For example, NPLT(1)=n1,n2,n3,...

          CHECK  = debug option, printing some of the grid data.

          If you are interested in graphics, look at the WWW page
          for information about other graphics packages with GAMESS.




          $STONE group      (optional)

              This group defines the expansion points for Stone's
          distributed multipole analysis (DMA) of the electrostatic

              The DMA takes the multipolar expansion of each overlap
          charge density defined by two gaussian primitives, and
          translates it from the center of charge of the overlap
          density to the nearest expansion point.  Some references
          for the method are

              Stone, Chem.Phys.Lett. 83, 233 (1981)
              Price and Stone, Chem.Phys.Lett. 98, 419 (1983)
              Buckingham and Fowler, J.Chem.Phys. 79, 6426 (1983)
              Stone and Alderton, Mol.Phys. 56, 1047 (1985)

              The existence of a $STONE group in the input is what
          triggers the analysis.  Enter as many lines as you wish,
          in any order, terminated by a $END record.


          ATOM i name, where

                ATOM     is a keyword indicating that a particular
                         atom is selected as an expansion center.
                i        is the number of the atom
                name     is an optional name for the atom. If not
                         entered the name will be set to the name
                         used in the $DATA input.


          ATOMS          is a keyword selecting all nuclei in the
                         molecule as expansion points.  No other
                         input on the line is necessary.


          BONDS          is a keyword selecting all bond midpoints
                         in the molecule as expansion points.  No
                         other input on the line is necessary.




          BOND i j name, where

                BOND     is a keyword indicating that a bond mid-
                         point is selected as an expansion center.
                i,j      are the indices of the atoms defining the
                         bond, corresponding to two atoms in $DATA.
                name     an optional name for the bond midpoint.
                         If omitted, it is set to 'BOND'.


          CMASS          is a keyword selecting the center of mass
                         as an expansion point.  No other input on
                         the line is necessary.


          POINT x y z name, where

                POINT    is a keyword indicating that an arbitrary
                         point is selected as an expansion point.
                x,y,z    are the coordinates of the point, in Bohr.
                name     is an optional name for the expansion
                         point.  If omitted, it is set to 'POINT'.


          While making the EFPs for QM/MM run, a single keyword
          QMMMBUF is necessary.  Adding additional keywords may lead
          to meaningless results.  The program will automatically
          select atoms and bond midpoints which are outside the
          buffer zone as the multipole expansion points.

          QMMMBUF  nmo, where

                QMMMBUF  is a keyword specifying the number of QM/MM
                         buffer molecular orbitals, which must be the
                         first NMO orbitals in the MO set.  These
                         orbitals must be frozen in the buffer zone,
                         so this is useful only if $MOFRZ is given.
                NMO      is the number of buffer MO-s
                         (if NMO is omitted, it will be set to the
                         number of frozen MOs in $MOFRZ)


          The second and third moments on the printout can be
          converted to Buckingham's tensors by formula 9 of
            A.D.Buckingham, Quart.Rev. 13, 183-214 (1959)
          These can in turn be converted to spherical tensors
          by the formulae in the appendix of
            S.L.Price, et al.  Mol.Phys. 52, 987-1001 (1984)



          $RAMAN group                    (relevant for all SCFTYPs)

              This input controls the computation of Raman intensity
          by the numerical differentiation produre of Komornicki and
          others.  It is applicable to any wavefunction for which
          the analytic gradient is available, including some MP2 and
          CI cases.  The calculation involves the computation of 19
          nuclear gradients, one without applied electric fields,
          plus 18 no symmetry runs with electric fields applied in
          various directions.  The numerical second differencing
          produces intensity values with 2-3 digits of accuracy.

              This run must follow an earlier RUNTYP=HESSIAN job,
          and the $GRAD and $HESS groups from that first job must be
          given as input.  If the $DIPDR is computed analytically
          by this Hessian job, it too may be read in, if not, the
          numerical Raman job will evaluate $DIPDR.  Once the data
          from the 19 applied fields is available, the $ALPDR tensor
          is evaluated.  Then the nuclear derivatives of the dipole
          moment and alpha polarizability will be combined with the
          normal coordinate information to produce the IR and Raman
          intensity of each mode.

              To study isotopic substitution speedily, input the
          $GRAD, $HESS, $DIPDR, and $ALPDR groups along with the
          desired atomic masses in $MASS.

             The code does not permit any semi-empirical or solvation
          models to be used.

          EFIELD = applied electric field strenth.  The literature
                   suggests values in the range 0.001 to 0.005.
                   (default = 0.002 a.u.)


          $ALPDR group        (relevant for RUNTYP=RAMAN or HESSIAN)

          Formatted alpha derivative tensor, punched by a previous
          RUNTYP=RAMAN job.  If both $DIPDR and this group are found
          in the input file, the applied field computation will be
          skipped, to immediately evaluate IR and Raman intensities.  

          If this group is found during a Hessian job, the Raman
          intensities will be added to the output.  You might want
          to run as RUNTYP=HESSIAN instead of RUNTYP=RAMAN in order
          to have access to PROJCT or the other options available in
          the $FORCE group.




          $MOROKM group               (relevant for RUNTYP=MOROKUMA)

              This group controls how the supermolecule input in the
          $DATA group is divided into two or more monomers.  Both
          the supermolecule and its constituent monomers must be
          well described by RHF wavefunctions.

          MOROKM = a flag to request Morokuma-Kitaura decomposition.
                   (default is .TRUE.)

          RVS    = a flag to request "reduced variation space"
                   decomposition.  This differs from the Morokuma
                   option, and one or the other or both may be
                   requested in the same run.  (default is .FALSE.)

          BSSE   = a flag to request basis set superposition error
                   be computed.  You must ensure that CTPSPL is
                   selected.  This option applies only to MOROKM
                   decompositions, as a basis superposition error is
                   automatically generated by the RVS scheme.  This
                   is not the full Boys counterpoise correction, as
                   explained in the reference.  (default is .FALSE.)

                                     * * *

          IATM   = An array giving the number of atoms in each of
                   the monomer.  Up to ten monomers may be defined.
                   Your input in $DATA must have all the atoms in
                   the first monomer defined before the atoms in the
                   second monomer, before the third monomer...  The
                   number of atoms belonging to the final monomer
                   can be omitted.  There is no sensible default for
                   IATM, so don't omit it from your input.

          ICHM   = An array giving the charges of the each monomer.
                   The charge of the final monomer may be omitted,
                   as it is fixed by ICH in $CONTRL, which is the
                   total charge of the supermolecule.  The default
                   is neutral monomers, ICHM(1)=0,0,0,...

          EQUM   = a flag to indicate all monomers are equivalent
                   by symmetry (in addition to containing identical
                   atoms). If so, which is not often true, then only
                   the unique computations will be done.
                   (default is .FALSE.)

          CTPSPL = a flag to decompose the interaction energy into
                   charge transfer plus polarization terms.  This
                   is most appropriate for weakly interacting
                   monomers. (default is .TRUE.)


          CTPLX  = a flag to combine the CT and POL terms into a
                   single term.  If you select this, you might want
                   to turn CTPSPL off to avoid the extra work that
                   that decomposition entails, or you can analyze
                   both ways in the same run (default=.FALSE.)

          RDENG  = a flag to enable restarting, by reading the
                   lines containing "FINAL ENERGY" from a previous
                   run.  The $ENERGY group is single lines read
                   under format A16,F20.10 containing the E, and a
                   card $END to complete.  The 16 chars = anything.
                   (default is .FALSE.)


          The present implementation has some quirks:

          1. The initial guess of the monomer orbitals is not
             controlled by $GUESS.  The program first looks for a
             $VEC1, $VEC2, ... group for each monomer.  If they
             are found, they will be MOREAD.  If any of these are
             missing, the guess for that monomer will be constructed
             by HCORE.   Check your monomer energies carefully!  The
             initial guess orbitals for the supermolecule are formed
             by a block diagonal matrix of the monomer orbitals.
          2. The use of symmetry is turned off internally.
          3. There is no direct SCF option.  File ORDINT will be a
             full C1 list of integrals.  File AOINTS will contain
             whatever subset of these is needed for each particular
             decomposition step.  So extra disk space is needed
             compared to RUNTYP=ENERGY.
          4. This kind of run applies only to ab initio cases.
          5. This kind of run will work in parallel.
          6. Spherical harmonics may not be used.


          C.Coulson  in "Hydrogen Bonding", D.Hadzi, H.W.Thompson,
             Eds., Pergamon Press, NY, 1957, pp 339-360.
          C.Coulson  Research, 10, 149-159 (1957).
          K.Morokuma  J.Chem.Phys. 55, 1236-44 (1971).
          K.Kitaura, K.Morokuma  Int.J.Quantum Chem. 10, 325 (1976).
          K.Morokuma, K.Kitaura  in "Chemical Applications of
             Electrostatic Potentials", P.Politzer,D.G.Truhlar, Eds.
             Plenum Press, NY, 1981, pp 215-242.
          The method coded is the newer version described in the
          latter two papers.  Note that the CT term is computed
          separately for each monomer, as described in the words
          below equation 16 of the 1981 paper, not simultaneously.

          Reduced Variational Space:
          W.J.Stevens, W.H.Fink, Chem.Phys.Lett. 139, 15-22(1987).


          A comparison of the RVS and Morokuma decompositions can
          be found in the review article: "Wavefunctions and
          Chemical Bonding" M.S.Gordon, J.H.Jensen in "Encyclopedia
          of Computational Chemistry", volume 5, P.V.R.Schleyer,
          editor, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, 1998.

          BSSE during Morokuma decomposition:
          R.Cammi, R.Bonaccorsi, J.Tomasi
          Theoret.Chim.Acta 68, 271-283(1985).

          The present implementation:
          "Energy decomposition analysis for many-body interactions,
           and application to water complexes"
          W.Chen, M.S.Gordon   J.Phys.Chem. 100, 14316-14328(1996)



          $FFCALC group                 (relevant for RUNTYP=FFIELD)

              This group permits the study of the influence of an
          applied electric field on the wavefunction.  The most
          common finite field calculation applies a sequence of
          fields to extract the linear polarizability and first and
          second order hyperpolarizability.  The method is general,
          and so works for all ab initio wavefunctions in GAMESS.

          EFIELD      = applied electric field strength
                        (default=0.001 a.u.)

          IAXIS and JAXIS specify the orientation of the applied
                          field.  1,2,3 mean x,y,z respectively.
                          The default is IAXIS=3 and JAXIS=0.

            If IAXIS=i and JAXIS=0, the program computes alpha(ii),
            beta(iii), and gamma(iiii) from the energy changes, and
            a few more components from the dipole changes.  Five
            wavefunction evaluations are performed.

            If IAXIS=i and JAXIS=j, the program computes the cross
            terms beta(ijj), beta(iij), and gamma(iijj) from the
            energy changes, and a few more components from the
            dipole changes.  This requires nine evaluations of the

          AOFF        = a flag to permit evaluation of alpha(ij)
                        when the dipole moment is not available.
                        This is necessary only for MP2, and means
                        the off-axial calculation will do 13, not
                        9 energy evaluations.  Default=.FALSE.

          SYM         = a flag to specify when the fields to be
                        applied along the IAXIS and/or JAXIS (or
                        according to EONE below) do not break the
                        molecular symmetry.  Since most fields do
                        break symmetry, the default is .FALSE.

          ONEFLD      = a flag to specify a single applied field
                        calculation will be performed.  Only the
                        energy and dipole moment under this field
                        are computed.  If this option is selected,
                        only SYM and EONE input is heeded.  The
                        default is .FALSE.

          EONE        = an array of the three x,y,z components of
                        the single applied field.

          There are notes on RUNTYP=FFIELD on the next page.


              Finite field calculations require large basis sets,
          and extraordinary accuracy in the wavefunction.  To
          converge the SCF to many digits is sometimes problematic,
          but we suggest you use the input to increase integral
          accuracy and wavefunction convergence, for example

             $SCF    CONV=1.0d-10 FDIFF=.FALSE. $END

              In many cases, the applied fields will destroy the
          molecular symmetry.  This means the integrals are
          calculated once with point group symmetry to do the
          initial field free wavefunction evaluation, and then again
          with point group symmetry turned off.  If the fields
          applied do not destroy symmetry, you can avoid this second
          calculation of the integrals by SYM=.TRUE.  This option
          also permits use of symmetry during the applied field
          wavefunction evaluations.

              Examples of fields that do not break symmetry are a
          Z-axis field for an axial point group which is not
          centrosymmetric (i.e. C2v).  However, a second field in
          the X or Y direction does break the C2v symmetry.
          Application of a Z-axis field for benzene breaks D6h
          symmetry.  However, you could enter the group as C6v in
          $DATA while using D6h coordinates, and regain the prospect
          of using SYM=.TRUE.  If you wanted to go on to apply a
          second field for benzene in the X direction, you might
          want to enter Cs in $DATA, which will necessitate the
          input of two more carbon and hydrogen atom, but recovers
          use of SYM=.TRUE.

          Reference: H.A.Kurtz, J.J.P.Stewart, K.M.Dieter
                     J.Comput.Chem.  11, 82-87 (1990).

              For analytic computation of static and also frequency
          dependent NLO proerties, for closed shell cases, see the
          $TDHF group.




          $TDHF group       (relevant for SCFTYP=RHF if RUNTYP=TDHF)

              This group permits the analytic calculation of various
          static and/or frequency dependent polarizabilities, with
          an emphasis on important NLO properties such as second and
          third harmonic generation.  The method is programmed only
          for closed shell wavefunctions, at the semi-empirical or
          ab initio level.  Ab initio calculations may be direct SCF,
          or parallel, if desired.

              Because the Fock matrices computed during the time-
          dependent Hartree-Fock CPHF are not symmetric, you may not
          use symmetry.  You must enter NOSYM=1 in $CONTRL!

              For a more general numerical approach to the static
          properties, see $FFCALC.

          NFREQ  = Number of frequencies to be used. (default=1)

          FREQ   = An array of energy values in atomic units.  For
                   example: if NFREQ=3 then FREQ(1)=0.0,0.1,0.25.
                   By default, only the static polarizabilities are
                   computed.  (default is freq(1)=0.0)

              The conversion factor from Hartree to wave
              numbers is 219,474.6, and the wavelength is
              given (in nm) by 45.56/FREQ.

          MAXITA = Maximum number of iterations for an alpha
                   computation. (default=100)

          MAXITU = Maximum number of iterations in the second order
                   correction calculation.  This applies to iterative
                   beta values and all gammas. (default=100)

          ATOL   = Tolerance for convergence of first-order results.

          BTOL   = Tolerance for convergence of second-order results.

          RETDHF = a flag to choose starting points for iterative
                   calculations from best previous results.


          * * * the following NLO properties are available  * * *

          INIB   = 0 turns off all beta computation (default)
                 = 1 calculates only noniterative beta
                 = 2 calculate iterative and noniterative beta
                     The next flags allow further BETA tuning

          BSHG   = Calculate beta for second harmonic generation.

          BEOPE  = Calculate beta for electrooptic Pockels effect.

          BOR    = Calculate beta for optical rectification.

          INIG   = 0 turns off all gamma computation (default)
                 = 1 calculates only noniterative gamma
                 = 2 calculate iterative and noniterative gamma
                     The next flags allow further GAMMA tuning

          GTHG   = Calculate gamma for third harmonic generation.

          GEFISH = Calculate gamma for electric-field induced
                   second harmonic generation.

          GIDRI  = Calculate gamma for intensity dependent
                   refractive index.

          GOKE   = Calculate gamma for optical Kerr effect.

              These will be computed only if a nonzero energy is
          requested.  The default for each flag is .TRUE., and they
          may be turned off individually by setting some .FALSE.
          Note however that the program determines the best way to
          calculate them.  For example, if you wish to have the SHG
          results but no gamma results are needed, the SHG beta will
          be computed in a non-iterative way from alpha(w) and
          alpha(2w).  However if you request the computation of the
          THG gamma, the second order U(w,w) results are needed and
          an iterative SHG calculation will be performed whether
          you request it or not, as it is a required intermediate.

          S.P.Karna, M.Dupuis J.Comput.Chem.  12, 487-504 (1991).
          P.Korambath, H.A.Kurtz, in "Nonlinear Optical Materials",
          ACS Symposium Series 628, S.P.Karna and A.T.Yeates, Eds.
          pp 133-144, Washington DC, 1996.

          Review: D.P.Shelton, J.E.Rice, Chem.Rev. 94, 3-29(1994).




          $EFRAG group  (optional)

             This group gives the name and position of one or more
          effective fragment potentials.  It consists of a series of
          free format card images, which may not be combined onto a
          single line!  The position of a fragment is defined by
          giving any three points within the fragment, relative to
          the ab initio system defined in $DATA, since the effective
          fragments have a frozen internal geometry.  All other
          atoms within the fragment are defined by information in
          the $FRAGNAME group.


          -1-   a line containing one or more of these options:

               COORD   =CART     selects use of Cartesians coords
                                 to define the fragment position at
                                 line -3-.  (default)
                       =INT      selects use of Z-matrix internal
                                 coordinates at line -3-.
               POLMETHD=SCF      indicates the induced dipole for
                                 each fragment due to the ab initio
                                 electric field and other fragment
                                 fields is updated only once during
                                 each SCF iteration.
                       =FRGSCF   requests microiterations during
                                 each SCF iteration to make induced
                                 dipoles due to ab initio and other
                                 fragment fields self consistent
                                 amoung the fragments.  (default)
                                 Both methods converge to the same
                                 dipolar interaction.
               POSITION=OPTIMIZE Allows full optimization within the
                                 ab initio part, and optimization of
                                 the rotational and translational
                                 motions of each fragment. (default)
                       =FIXED    Allows full optimization of the
                                 ab initio system, but freezes the
                                 position of the fragments.  This
                                 makes sense only with two or more
                                 fragments, as what is frozen is the
                                 fragments' relative orientation.
                       =EFOPT    the same as OPTIMIZE, but if the
                                 fragment gradient is large, up to
                                 5 geometry steps in which only the
                                 fragments move may occur, before
                                 the geometry of the ab initio piece
                                 is relaxed.  This may save time by
                                 reusing the two electron integrals
                                 for the ab initio system.


               NBUFFMO = n       First n orbitals in the MO matrix
                                 are deemed to belong to the QM/MM
                                 buffer and will be excluded from
                                 the interaction with the EFP region.
                                 This makes sense only if these first
                                 MOs are frozen via the $MOFRZ group.

          Note that other parameters in the developing EFP-2 model
          are not documented in the $FRAGNAME documentation below.
               MXBF    = n       maximum number of basis functions
                                 in the EFP-2 potential

               MXMO    = n       maximum number of MOs in the EFP-2

          Input a blank line if all the defaults are acceptable.

          -2-  FRAGNAME=XXX

          XXX is the name of the fragment whose coordinates are to
          be given next.  All other information defining the
          fragment is given in a supplemental $XXX group, which is
          referred to below as a $FRAGNAME group.

          Two different water potentials are internally stored.
          FRAGNAME=H2OEF2 will select a water potential developed
          at the RHF/DZP level, while FRAGNAME=H2ODFT will select
          a poential corresponding to B3LYP/DZP (see $BASIS for
          the precise meaning of DZP).  If you choose one of these
          internally stored potentials, you do not need to input
          either a $FRAGNAME or $FRGPOL groups.

          -3-   NAME, X, Y, Z                           (COORD=CART)

          NAME     = the name of a fragment point.  The name used
                     here must match one of the points in $FRAGNAME.
                     For the internally stored H2OEF2 and H2ODFT
                     potential, the atom names are O1, H2, and H3.

          X, Y, Z  = Cartesian coordinates defining the position of
                     this fragment point RELATIVE TO THE COORDINATE
                     ORIGIN used in $DATA.  The choice of units is
                     controlled by UNITS in $CONTRL.


          I, DISTANCE, J, BEND, K, TORSION = the usual Z-matrix
                     connectivity internal coordinate definition.
                     The atoms I, J, K must be atoms in the ab
                     initio system from in $DATA, or fragment points
                     already defined in the current fragment or
                     previously defined fragments.

          Line -3- must be given a total of three times to define
          this fragment's position.

          Repeat lines -2- and -3- to enter as many fragments as you
          desire, and then end the group with a $END line.

          Note that it is quite typical to repeat the same fragment
          name at line -2-, to use the same fragment system at many
          different positions.


                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                  For tips on effective fragment potentials
                    see the 'further information' section
                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


                        (required for each FRAGNAME given in $EFRAG)
          $FRAGNAME group

             This group gives all pertinent information for a given
          effective fragment potential (EFP).  This information
          falls into three categories:
               electrostatic (distributed multipoles, screening)
               distributed polarizabilities
               exchange repulsion
          It is input using several different subgroups, which
          should be given in the order shown below.  Each subgroup
          is specified by a particular name, and is terminated by
          the word STOP.  You may omit any of the subgroups to omit
          that term from the EFP.  All values are given in atomic

          To input monopoles,             follow input sequence -EM-
          To input dipoles,               follow input sequence -ED-
          To input quadrupoles,           follow input sequence -EQ-
          To input octopoles,             follow input sequence -EO-
          To input screening parameters,  follow input sequence -ES-
          To input polarizable points,    follow input sequence -P-
          To input repulsive points,      follow input sequence -R-


          -1-   a single descriptive title card

          -2-   COORDINATES

          COORDINATES signals the start of the subgroup containing
          the multipolar expansion terms (charges, dipoles, ...).
          Optionally, one can also give the coordinates of the
          polarizable points, or centers of exchange repulsion.

          -3-   NAME, X, Y, Z, WEIGHT, ZNUC

          NAME is a unique string identifying the point.
          X, Y, Z are the Cartesian coordinates of the point.
          WEIGHT and ZNUC are the atomic mass and nuclear charge,
          and are given only for the points which are nuclei.

          Typically the true nuclei will appear twice, once for
          defining the positive nuclear charge and its screening,
          and a second time for defining the electronic distributed

          Repeat line -3- for each expansion point, and terminate
          the list with a "STOP".

          -EM1-  MONOPOLES

          MONOPOLES signals the start of the subgroup containing
          the electronic and nuclear monopoles.

          -EM2-  NAME, CHARGE1, CHARGE2

          NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.
          CHARGE1 = electronic monopole at this point.
          CHARGE2 = nuclear monopole at this point.  Omit or enter
                    zero if this is a bond midpoint or some other
                    expansion point that is not a nucleus.

          Repeat -EM2- to define all desired charges.
          Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".
          -ED1-  DIPOLES

          DIPOLES signals the start of the subgroup containing the
          dipolar part of the multipolar expansion.

          -ED2-  NAME, MUX, MUY, MUZ

          NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.
          MUX, MUY, MUZ are the components of the electronic dipole.

          Repeat -ED2- to define all desired dipoles.
          Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".
          -EQ1-  QUADRUPOLES

          QUADRUPOLES signals the start of the subgroup containing
          the quadrupolar part of the multipolar expansion.

          -EQ2-  NAME, XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, YZ

          NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.
          XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, and YZ are the components of the
          electronic quadrupole moment.

          Repeat -EQ2- to define all desired quadrupoles.
          Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".
          -EO1-  OCTUPOLES     (note: OCTOPOLES is misspelled)

          OCTUPOLES signals the start of the subgroup containing
          the octupolar part of the multipolar expansion.

          -EO2-  NAME, XXX, YYY, ZZZ, XXY, XXZ,
                       XYY, YYZ, XZZ, YZZ, XYZ

          NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.
          XXX, ...  are the components of the electronic octopole.

          Repeat -EO2- to define all desired octopoles.
          Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".

          -ES1-  SCREEN

          SCREEN signals the start of the subgroup containing the
          screening terms (A*exp[-B*r**2]) for the distributed
          multipoles, which account for charge penetration effects.

          -ES2-  NAME, A, B

          NAME must match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup.
          A, B are the parameters of the Gaussian screening term.

          Repeat -ES2- to define all desired screening points.
          Terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".


          POLARIZABLE POINTS signals the start of the subgroup
          containing the distributed polarizability tensors, and
          their coordinates.

          -P2-  NAME, X, Y, Z

          NAME gives a unique identifier to the location of this
          polarizability tensor.  It might match one of the points
          already defined in the COORDINATES subgroup, but often
          does not.  Typically the distributed polarizability
          tensors are located at the centroids of localized MOs.

          X, Y, Z are the coordinates of the polarizability point.
          They should be omitted if NAME did appear in COORDINATES.
          The units are controlled by UNITS= in $CONTRL.

          -P3-  XX, YY, ZZ, XY, XZ, YZ, YX, ZX, ZY

          XX, ... are components of the distributed polarizability,
          which is not a symmetric tensor.  XY means dMUx/dFy, where
          MUx is a dipole component, and Fy is a component of an
          applied field.

          Repeat -P2- and -P3- to define all desired polarizability
          tensors, and terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".


          See also the $FRGRPL input group.

          REPULSIVE POTENTIAL signals the start of the subgroup
          containing the fitted exchange repulsion potential, for
          the interaction between the fragment and the ab initio
          part of the system.  This term also accounts for charge
          transfer effects.  The term has the form

                sum   C * exp[-D  * r**2]
                 i     i        i

          -R2-  NAME, X, Y, Z, N

          NAME may match one given in the COORDINATES subgroup,
          but need not.  If NAME does not match one of the
          known points, you must give its coordinates X, Y, and
          Z, otherwise omit these three values.  N is the total
          number of terms in the fitted repulsive potential.

          -R3-  C, D

          These two values define the i-th term in the repulsive
          potential.  Repeat line -R3- for all N terms.

          Repeat -R2- and -R3- to define all desired repulsive
          potentials,  and terminate this subgroup with a "STOP".


          The entire $FRAGNAME group is terminated by a " $END".



          $FRGRPL group

          This group defines the inter-fragment repulsive potential,
          which consists primarily of exchange repulsions but also
          includes charge transfer.  Note that the functional form
          used for the fragment-fragment repulsion differs from
          that used for the ab initio-fragment repulsion, which is
          defined in the $FRAGNAME group.  The form of the potential
                sum   A * exp[-B * r]
                 i     i        i


          -1-  PAIR=FRAG1 FRAG2

          specifies which two fragment repulsions are being defined.
          $FRAGNAME input for the two names FRAG1 and FRAG2 must
          have been given.

          -2-  NAME1 NAME2 A B
               NAME1 NAME2 'EQ' NAME3 NAME4

          NAME1 must be one of the "NAME" points defined in the
          $FRAG1 group's REPULSION POTENTIAL section.  Similarly
          NAME2 must be a point from the $FRAG2 group.  In addition,
          NAME1 or NAME2 could be the keyword CENTER, indicating the
          center of mass of the fragment.

          A and B are the parameters of the fitted repulsive

          The second form of the input allows equal potential fits
          to be used.  The syntax implies that the potential between
          the points NAME1 and NAME2 should be taken the same as the
          potential previously given in this group for the pair of
          points NAME3 and NAME4.

          If there are NPT1 points in FRAG1, and NPT2 points in
          FRAG2, input line -2- should be repeated NPT1*NPT2 times.
          Terminate the pairs of potentials with a "STOP" card.
          Any pairs which you omit will be set to zero interaction.

          Typically the number of points on which fitted potentials
          might be taken to be all the nuclei in a fragment, plus
          the center of mass.

          Repeat lines -1- and -2- for all pairs of fragments, then
          terminate the group with a $END line.



          $PRTEFP group                                   (optional)

              This group provides control for generating integer
          charge EFP fragments for constructing large EFPs.  See
          P.A.Molina, H.Li, J.H.Jensen J.Phys.Chem.B (2002) mss in

          This group is mainly used in RUNTYP=MAKEFP runs.  However,
          in MOPAC RUNTYP=ENERGY runs, the presence of a $PRTEFP
          group causes AM1 or PM3 charges to be printed and
          punched out in a suitable format for EFP calculations. 

          NOPRT  = an array specifying the atoms for which EFP
                   multipole and polarizability points will not be
                   printed/punched out.  
                   Example: For a molecule with the connectivity
                   A1-A2-A3-A4-A5, NOPRT(1)=4,5 means that multipoles
                   centered on atoms 4 and 5, and bond midpoints BO34
                   and BO45 are not part of the EFP. 

          MIDPRT = an array specifying atoms whose bond midpoints
                   neglected by using NOPRT should be printed out. 
                   Example: MIDPRT(1)=3 forces the printout of bond
                   midpoint BO34. 

                   The neglect of monopoles leads to EFPs with
                   overall non-integer charge.  The next keyword
                   defines "collection points" to which the removed
                   monopoles are added.  Thus, the net charge of the
                   EFP=ICHARG.  The presence of this "fictitious"
                   charge is compensated for by adding an opposing
                   dipole to the collection point.

          NUMFFD = an array that defines (1) a collection point,
                   (2) the number of atoms contributing to monopoles
                   to this point, and (3) the numbers of the atoms.  
                   More than one collection point can be defined.
                   An opposing dipole is calculated as -0.5Q*r (Q =
                   sum of neglected monopoles, r = distance between
                   collection point and nearest neglected monopole)
                   and placed at the collection point. 
                   Example: NUMFFD(1)=3,2,4,5.  The sum of monopoles
                   at A4, A5, BO34 and BO45 (Q) is added to the A3
                   monopole.  A dipole, -0.5Q*r, is placed on A3,
                   where r is the distance between A3 and BO34.
                   If MIDPRT(1)=3, Q does not include the BO34
                   monopole, r is the distance between BO34 and A4,
                   and the resulting dipole is centered on BO34.



          $DAMP group          (optional, relevant if RUNTYP=MAKEFP)

              This group provides control over the screening of the
          distributed multipole expansion used by the EFP model for
          the electrostatic interaction, to account for charge
          penetration.  See M.A.Freitag, M.S.Gordon, J.H.Jensen,
          W.A.Stevens, J.Chem.Phys. 112, 7300-7306(2000).  The
          screening exponents are optimized by fitting a damped
          multipolar electrostatic potential to the actual quantum
          mechanical potential of the wavefunction.  The fit is done
          on a Cartesian grid lying between inner and outer spheres
          on each atom.

              Two different damping functions can be generated.  The
          first contains a single exponential form (1 - exp(a*r))
          where a varies, and initial guess values for a are given
          in $DAMPGS.  The second function is a single Gaussian
          form, (1 - b*exp(-a*r**2)) where the initial values for a
          are taken from a STO-1G fit to the final values of the
          exponential fit.  The exponential fit is used for fragment-
          fragment charge penetration screening, while the Gaussian
          fit is used in ab initio-fragment screening.  See equations
          28 and 4 in the reference.

              If $DAMP is not given, the rather time consuming
          screening fit is skipped, while giving an empty $DAMP is
          sufficient to trigger the fitting.

          IFTTYP = 2 means generate an exponential fit, for use as
                     SCREEN2 input in $FRAGNAME.
                 = 0 means generate a Gaussian fit, for use as
                     SCREEN input in $FRAGNAME.
                 The default is to do both fits, IFTTYP(1)=2,0.

          IFTFIX = 0 means the coefficients in the fit (b) are
                     free parameters
                   1 means the coefficients are held to unity.
                     In case the linear coefficients become large,
                     and particularly if they are negative, a fit
                     with unit coefficients is more reasonable.
                 The default is IFTFIX(1)=1,0.  

          VDWRAD = an array of van der Waals radii for each atom in
                   the molecule.  Defaults are taken from Emsley's
                   yellow book, "The Elements" so are not built in
                   for exotic elements like transition metals.

          RMIN1  = the minimum radius scale factor for each atom, for
                   the Gaussian fitting steps. (default=0.67)

          RMAX1  = the maximum radius scale factor for each atom, for
                   the Gaussian fitting steps. (default=3.00)

                                                       $DAMP $DAMPGS

          RMIN2  = the minumum radius scale factor for each atom, for
                   the exponential fittings.  The reference paper
                   suggests use of 67% of the van der Waals radius.

          RMAX2  = the maximum radius scale factor for each atom, for
                   the exponential fittings.  The reference paper
                   suggests use of 300% of the van der Waals radius.

          XGRID  = spacing between grid points (default = 0.5 a.u.)

          MAXIT  = maximum number of iterations in the fitting step.
                   The default is 10000.

          THRSH  = printing threshold for large deviations.  The
                   default is 4.0 kcal/mol.


          $DAMPGS group                (relevant if $DAMP was given)

             This is a free-format, line by line input group that
          sets the initial values (guess) for the first damping
          function used to screen the multipole expansion.   The
          initial guess for the second fit will be taken from the
          final values of the first fit.

             Each multipole expansion point (typically all atoms
          followed by all bond midpoints) should receive a value.
          A check run may be helpful in listing the names of the
          expansion points that are chosen by MAKEFP jobs.

          This line gives the name of the expansion point, and how
          many terms are in the damping function.  You must enter 1
          for the number of terms.  The second form of this line lets
          you equate the current point to some previous point's
          values in $DAMPGS, skipping line -2-.


          The linear coefficient and exponent of this term in the
          damping function.  Repeat input for -2-  times.
          You must enter the coefficient as 1.0 at the present.
          If the integer  is omitted or given as 0, the
          exponents are optimized, but entering 1 freezes these.

          Repeat -1- and -2- until all multipole centers receive
          their initial guess parameters.


          $PCM group                                      (optional)

             This group controls solvent effect computations using
          the Polarizable Continuum Model.  If this group is found
          in the input file, a PCM computation is performed.  The
          default calculation, chosen by selecting only the SOLVNT
          keyword, is to compute the electrostatic free energy.
          Appropriate numerical constants are provided for a wide
          range of solvents.  Additional keywords allow for more
          sophisticated computations, namely cavitation, repulsion,
          and dispersion free energies.  The methodology for these
          is general, but only numerical constants for water are
          provided.  There is additional information on PCM in the
          References chapter of this manual.

              PCM is programmed only for RHF and MCSCF wavefunctions.

              Tight geometry optimization with PCM might not be able
          to converge to the OPTTOL values below the default $STATPT.
          Use of GEPOL-RT tesselation may result in crisper geometry
          convergence at some cost in machine time, see $TESCAV.

          --- the first set of parameters controls the computation:
                  IEF, ICOMP, ICAV, IDISP, IREP, IDP, and IFIELD.

          IEF      switch to choose the type of PCM model used.
                =  0 isotropic dielectrics using D-PCM
                =  1 anisotropic dielectrics using IEF PCM, see $IEFPCM
                =  2 ionic solutions using IEF PCM, see $IEFPCM
                =  3 isotropic dielectrics using IEF PCM with matrix
                     inversion solver, see IEFPCM
                = -3 isotropic dielectric IEF PCM with iterative solver,
                     see $PCMITR.  Note that IEF=-3 usually reproduces
                     the energy of IEF=3 to within 1.0d-5 Hartrees,
                     but is much faster for large molecules.
                = 10 conductor-like PCM (C-PCM) with matrix inversion.
                     charge scaling factor=(Eps-1.0)/Eps
                =-10 C-PCM, with iterative solver. See $PCMITR.
          The default is 3 for energy calculations, but -3 for gradients.

          The value of IPCDER in $PCMGRD controlling the gradient
          computational method is related to IEF, according to
              IEF= 3 may choose only IPCDER=0,1
              IEF=-3 may choose from IPCDER=0,1,2

          The behaviour of PCM prior to Oct. 2000 can be recovered
          by selecting IEF=0 and ICOMP=2.  Options IEF=1 or 2 are
          incompatible with gradients and also must choose ICOMP=0.
          IEF=3 may not choose ICOMP=3, but if diffuse functions
          are in use, this IEF choice may benefit from ICOMP=2.
          The D-PCM method (IEF=0) should normally choose ICOMP=2.

             *** at the present time, there is a bug with IEF=1 or 2.


          ICOMP  = Compensation procedure for induced charges.
                   Gradient runs require ICOMP be 0 or 2 only.
                 = 0 No. (default)
                 = 1 Yes, each charge is corrected in proportion
                     to the area of the tessera to which it belongs.
                 = 2 Yes, using the same factor for all tesserae.
                 = 3 Yes, with explicit consideration of the
                     portion of solute electronic charge outside
                     the cavity, by the method of Mennucci and
                     Tomasi.  See the $NEWCAV group.

          ICAV   = At the end of the run, calculate the cavitation
                   energy, by the method of Pierotti and Claverie:
                 = 0 skip the computation (default)
                 = 1 perform the computation.

            If ICAV=1, the following parameter is relevant:

          TABS   = the absolute temperature, in units K.

               There are two procedures for the calculation
               of the repulsion and dispersion free energy.
               IDISP is incompatible with IREP and IDP.

          IDISP  = Calculation of both dispersion and repulsion
                   free energy through the empirical method of
                   Floris and Tomasi.
                 = 0 skip the computation (default)
                 = 1 perform the computation.  See $DISREP group.

            The next two options add repulsive and dispersive terms
            to the solute hamiltonian, in an ab initio manner, by
            the method of Amovilli and Mennucci.

          IREP   = Calculation of repulsion free energy
                 = 0 skip the computation (default)
                 = 1 perform the computation.  See $NEWCAV group.

          IDP    = Calculation of dispersion free energy
                 = 0 skip the computation (default)
                 = 1 perform the computation.  See $DISBS group.

            If IDP=1, then three additional parameters must be
            defined.  The two solvent values correspond to water,
            and therefore these must be input for other solvents.

          WA     = solute average transition energy.  This is
                   computed from the orbital energies for RHF,
                   but must be input for MCSCF runs.
          WB     = ionization potential of solvent, in Hartrees.
          ETA2   = square of the zero frequency refractive index
                   of the solvent.  (default=1.75)


          IFIELD = At the end of a run, calculate the electric
                   potential and electric field generated by the
                   apparent surface charges.
                 = 0 skip the computation (default)
                 = 1 on nuclei
                 = 2 on a planar grid

            If IFIELD=2, the following data must be input:

          AXYZ,BXYZ,CXYZ = each defines three components of the
                           vertices of the plane where the reaction
                           field is to be computed (in Angstroms)
                A ===> higher left corner of the grid
                B ===> lower left corner of the grid
                C ===> higher right corner of the grid
          NAB = vertical subdivision (A--B edge) of the grid
          NAC = horizontal subdivision (A--C edge) of the grid.

          --- the next group of keywords defines the solvent

          SOLVNT = keyword naming the solvent of choice.  The eight
                   numerical constants defining the solvent are
                   internally stored for the following:
                       WATER (or H2O)
                       CH3OH                      C2H5OH
                       CLFORM (or CHCl3)          CTCL (or CCl4)
                       METHYCL (or CH2Cl2)        12DCLET (or C2H4Cl2)
                       BENZENE (or C6H6)          TOLUENE (or C6H5CH3)
                       CLBENZ (or C6H5Cl)         NITMET (or CH3NO2)
                       NEPTANE (or C7H16)         CYCHEX (or C6H12)
                       ANILINE (or C6H5NH2)       ACETONE (or CH3COCH3)
                       THF                        DMSO (or DMETSOX)
                   The default solvent name is "INPUT" which indicates
                   you are giving the following 8 numerical values:

          RSOLV  = the solvent radius, in units Angstrom
          EPS    = the dielectric constant
          EPSINF = the dielectric constant at infinite frequency.
                   This value must be given only for RUNTYP=TDHF,
                   if the external field frequency is in the optical
                   range and the solvent is polar; in this case the
                   solvent response is described by the electronic
                   part of its polarization.  Hence the value of the
                   dielectric constant to be used is that evaluated
                   at infinite frequency, not the static one (EPS).
                   For nonpolar solvents, the difference between
                   the two is almost negligible.
          TCE    = the thermal expansion coefficient, in units 1/K
          VMOL   = the molar volume, in units ml/mol
          STEN   = the surface tension, in units dyne/cm
          DSTEN  = the thermal coefficient of log(STEN)
          CMF    = the cavity microscopic coefficient

          Values for TCE, VMOL, STEN, DSTEN, CMF need to be given
          only for the case ICAV=1.  Input of any or all of these
          values will override the internally stored value.


          --- the next set of keywords defines the molecular cavity

          NESFP  = the number of initial spheres.
                   (default = number of atoms in solute molecule)

          ICENT  = option for definition of initial spheres.
                 = 0 centers spheres on each nucleus.  (default)
                 = 1 sphere centers XE, YE, ZE and radii RIN will be
                     specified explicitly in $PCMCAV.

             The cavity generation algorithm may use additional
             spheres to smooth out sharp grooves, etc.  The
             following parameters control how many extra spheres
             are generated:

          OMEGA and FRO = GEPOL parameters for the creation of the
                   'added spheres' defining the solvent accessible
                   surface. When an excessive number of spheres is
                   created, which may cause problems of convergence,
                   the value of OMEGA and/or FRO must be increased.
                   For example, OMEGA from 40 to 50 ... up to 90,
                                FRO from 0.2 ... up to 0.7.
                   (defaults are OMEGA=40.0, FRO=0.7)

          RET    = minimum radius (in A) of the added spheres.
                   Increasing RET decreases the number of added
                   spheres.  A value of 100.0 (default) inhibits the
                   addition of any spheres, while 0.2 fills in many.

          IPRINT = 0 normal printing (default)
                 = 1 turns on debugging printout




          $PCMGRD group                                   (optional)

              This group controls the PCM gradient computations.

          IPCDER = selects different methods for PCM gradients
                 = 0  fixed-cavity approximation
                      Implemented only for C-PCM and IEF-PCM
                   1  use Ux(q) approximation (C-PCM and IEF-PCM)
                      or use charge-derivative method (D-PCM).
                      This is the default for D-PCM
                   2  Variable-Tessera-Number Approximation
                      Implemented only for C-PCM and IEF-PCM, and
                      the default for both of these.

          note: If ICAV = 1 or IDISP = 1 in $PCM, the derivatives
                of the cavitation energy or dispersion-repulsion,
                respectively, will automatically be calculated.
                These particular steps are evaluated numerically.

          IFAST  = Controls the PCM calculations for RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE.
                   0  update PCM charges at each SCF cycle at every
                      geometry (default)
                   1  update PCM charges at each SCF cycle for the
                      initial geometry.
                      For the subsequent geometries, calculate PCM
                      charges at the first SCF cycle and use the PCM
                      charges for the following SCF cycles; after
                      the density change falls below DENTOL, update
                      the PCM charges one time (to save CPU time).




          $PCMCAV group                                   (optional)

             This group controls generation of the cavity holding
          the solute during Polarizable Continuum Model runs.
          The cavity is a union of spheres, according to ICENT and
          associated input values given in $PCM.  The data given
          here must be given in Angstrom units.

          XE,YE,ZE = arrays giving the coordinates of the spheres.
              if ICENT=0, the atomic positions will be used.
              if ICENT=1, you must supply NESFP values here.

          RADII = VANDW selects van der Waals radii (Angstrom),
                        which is the default.  VDW radii for atoms
                        H,He,  B,C,N,O,F,Ne,   Na,Al,Si,P,S,Cl,Ar,
                               K,As,Se,Br,Kr,  Rb,Sb,Te,I,  Cs,Bi
                        are internally tabulated, for others give RIN.
                =  VDWEFP, similar to VANDW, except that radii not
                        tabulated by VANDW are assigned as 1.60A.
                        This option is most useful for protein-EFP
                = SUAEFP, the simplified united atomic radii will be
                        be used for the array RIN, namely
                  H:0.01   C:1.77   N:1.68   O:1.59   P:2.10   S:2.10
                  For the other elements with Z<16, 1.50 will be used.
                  For the elements with Z>16, 2.30 will be applied.
                  This is for the purpose of protein EFP calculations

          note: Radii explicitly defined with RIN will overwrite the
                defaults selected by VANDW, VDWEFP, or SUAEFP.

          RIN = an array giving the sphere radii.
              if ICENT=0, the program will look up the internally
                          data according to the RADII keyword.
              if ICENT=1, give NESFP values.

          ALPHA = an array of scaling factors, for the definition of
                  the solvent accessible surface.  If only the first
                  value is given, all radii are scaled by the same
                  factor.  (default is ALPHA(1)=1.2)

          Example: Suppose the 4th atom in your molecule is Fe, but
                   all other atoms have van der Waals radii.  You
                   decide a good guess for Fe is twice the covalent
                   radius:  $PCMCAV RIN(4)=2.33 $END

          The source for the van der Waals radii is "The Elements",
          2nd Ed., John Emsley, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991,
          except that for C,N,O, the U.Pisa's experience with the
          best radii for PCM treatment of singly bonded C,N,O atoms
          is used instead.  The radii for a few transition metals
          are given by A.Bondi, J.Phys.Chem. 68, 441-451(1964).




          $TESCAV group                                   (optional)

              This group controls the tessellation procedure for the
          molecular surface in the PCM computations.  The default
          values for this group will normally be satisfactory.  To
          converge to smaller OPTTOL values may take a high density
          of tessera on the cavity surface:
             MTHALL=3 NTSALL=960 AREATL=0.0010 BONDRY=1000.0
          This set of options may require raising the maximum number
          of tessera, MXTS in the source code (see PROG.DOC).  It
          is reasonable to try just MTHALL=3 first, as this may be
          sufficient w/o increasing the tessera density.  See also
          IFAST=1 in $PCMGRD.

          --- The first two arrays control the density of tesserae
          and the method to generate the tesserae.

          INITS  =  array defines the initial number of tesserae for
                    each sphere. Only 60, 240 and 960 are allowed,
                    but the value can be different for each sphere.
                    (Default=60 for all spheres)

          METHOD =  array defining the tessellation method for each
                    sphere. Only 1 and 3 are allowed, but the value
                    can be different for each sphere.  The default
                    is 1 for all spheres.
                 =  1  GEPOL-GB, "Gauss-Bonet" tesselation 
                    3  GEPOL-RT, "regular tesselation".  

          --- The next three parameters are presets for filling the
              arrays INITS and METHOD

          NTSALL =  60, 240 or 960 (default = 60)
                    All values in the array INITS are set to NTSALL

          MTHALL =  1 or 3 (default = 1)
                    All values in the array METHOD are set to MTHALL

          MTHAUT =  0 or 1 (default = 0)
                    If RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE and frozen atoms are defined
                    by IFCART, MTHAUT=1 will select METHOD=1 for
                    frozen atoms. See also AUTFRE and NTSFRZ

          note: Explicitly defining INITS and METHOD from the input
                deck will overrule the presets from NTSALL, MTHALL
                and/or MTHAUT.

          --- The following two parameters control GEPOL-RT

          AREATL =  The area criterion (A*A) for GEPOL-RT.
                    Tesserae with areas < AREATL at the boundary of
                    intersecting spheres will be neglected.
                    Default=0.010 A*A. Smaller AREATL cause larger
                    number of tesserae.  AREATL < 0.00010 is not

                                                     $TESCAV $NEWCAV

          BONDRY =  Controls (by scaling) the distance within which
                    tesserae are considered "close" to the boundary.
                    Such tesserae will be recursively divided into
                    smaller ones until their areas are < AREATL.
                    The default (= 1.0) means the distance is the
                    square root of the tessera area.
                    A large BONDRY value like 1000.0 will lead to
                    fine tessellation for the entire surface with
                    all tessera areas < AREATL.

          --- The next two parameters are only relevant if MTHAUT=1

          AUTFRE =  Distance (A) for frozen atoms to be treated as
                    moving atoms when MTHAUT=1. Default=2.0 A.

          NTSFRZ =  60, 240 OR 960, initial tessera number for
                    frozen atoms. Default=60


          $NEWCAV group                                   (optional)

             This group controls generation of the "escaped charge"
          cavity, used when ICOMP=3 or IREP=1 in $PCM.  This cavity
          is used only to calculate the fraction of the solute
          electronic charge escapes from the original cavity.

          IPTYPE = choice for tessalation of the cavity's spheres.
                 = 1 uses a tetrahedron
                 = 2 uses a pentakisdodecahedron (default)

          ITSNUM = m, the number of tessera to use on each sphere.
                 if IPTYPE=1, input m=30*(n**2), with n=1,2,3 or 4
                 if IPTYPE=2, input m=60*(n**2), with n=1,2,3 or 4
                 (default is 60)

             *** the next three parameters pertain to IREP=1 ***

          RHOW   = density, relative to liquid water (default = 1.0)

          PM     = molecular weight (default = 18.0)

          NEVAL  = number of valence electrons on solute (default=8)

          The defaults for RHOW, PM, and NEVAL correspond to water,
          and therefore must be correctly input for other solvents.



          $IEFPCM group                                   (optional)

              This group defines data for the integral equation
          formalism version of PCM solvation.  It includes special
          options for ionic or anisotropic solutions.

          The next two sets are relevant only for anisotropic
          solvents, namely IEF=1:

          EPS1, EPS2, EPS3 =
                  diagonal values of the dielectric permittivity
                  tensor with respect to the laboratory frame.
                  The default is EPS in $PCM

          EUPHI, EUTHE, EUPSI =
                  Eulerian angles which give the rotation of the
                  solvent orientation with respect to the lab frame.
                  The term lab frame means $DATA orientation.
                  The default for each is zero degrees.

          The next two are relevant to ionic solvents, namely IEF=2:

          EPSI = the ionic solutions's dielectric, the default is
                 EPS from $PCM.

          DISM = the ionic strength, in Molar units (mol/dm**3)
                 The default is 0.0




          $PCMITR group               (optional, for IEF=-3 in $PCM)

              This group provides control over the iterative 
          isotropic IEF-PCM calculation.  See
               C.S.Pomelli, J.Tomasi, V.Barone 
                  Theoret.Chem.Acc. 105, 446-451(2001)
               H.Li, C.S.Pomelli, J.H.Jensen
                  Theoret.Chem.Acc. 109, 71-84(2003)

          MXDIIS =  Maximum size of the DIIS linear equations, the
                    value impacts the amount of memory used by PCM.
                    Memory=2*MXDIIS*NTS, where NTS is the number of 
                    tesserae. MXDIIS=0 means no DIIS, instead the
                    point Jacobi iterative method will be used.

          MXITR1 =  Maximum number of iters in phase 1. (Default=50)

          MXITR2 =  Maximum number of iters in phase 2. (Default=50) 
               note: if MXDIIS is larger than both MXITR1 and MXITR2
               MXDIIS will be reset to be the larger of these two.
          THRES  =  Convergence threshold for the PCM Apparent
                    Surface Charges (ASC). (Default=1.0D-08)

          THRSLS =  Loose threshold used in the early SCF cycles when
                    the density change is above DENSLS.  If THRSLS <
                    THRESH, this option is turned off.
                    Default is 5.0D-04. 

          DENSLS =  If the density change is above DENSLS the loose
                    threshold THRSLS applies.  (Default = 0.01 au)
          IDIRCT =  1, Directly compute the electronic potential at
                       each tessera and the ASC potential at the
                       electronic coordinates, with no disk storage.
                    0, Compute and save above data to hard disk. 

          Keywords for region wise multipole expansion of ASCs
          in approximating interaction among tesserae:

          (C.S.Pomelli, J.Tomasi THEOCHEM 537, 97-105(2001))

          IMUL   =  Region wise multipole expansion order in the
                    approximate interaction among tesserae.
                 =  0, Neglected (Only for test purposes)
                 =  1, Monopole
                 =  2, Monopole+Dipole
                 =  3, Monopole+Dipole+Quadrupole (Default)


          RCUT1  =  Cutoff radius (Angstrom) for mid-range
                    interactions among tesserae. Default=15.0 A
                    If RCUT1 is larger than your molecule, the
                    option is effectively turned off.

          RCUT2  =  Cutoff radius (Angstrom) for long range
                    interactions among tesserae. Default=30.0 A

          The remaining keywords apply only to PCM calculations with
          a QM/EFP solute (see Li et al.)
          Keywords for region wise multipole expansion of ASCs
          in approximating interaction between ASCs and QM region:

          IMGASC =  1, Use region wise multipole expansion of ASCs
                       to compute the ASC potential at QM region.
                    0, no use of the multipole expansion method.

          RASC   =  Cutoff radius (Angstrom) for used of the IMGASC
                    multipole expansion (Default=20.0 A)

          Keywords for multipole expansion of the QM region in
          approximating the QM region potential:
          IMGABI =  0, multipole expansion of the QM region is turned
                       off (default). 
                    1, turn multipole expansion of the QM region on.
          RABI   =  Cutoff radius (Angstrom) for used of the IMGABI
                    multipole expansion (Default=4.0 A)

          Keywords for the coupling of PCM and EFP polarizability
          IEFPOL =  1, PCM ASCs induce EFP dipoles.(default)
                    0, PCM ASCs do not induce EFP dipoles.
          REFPOL =  When IEFPOL=1, if the distance (Angstrom) between
                    a polarizability point and a tessera is less than
                    REFPOL, they are considered too close and the
                    field from the tessera will not induce dipole for
                    the polarizability point. Default=0.0 A means
                    always induce the dipole. 



          $DISBS group                                    (optional)

             This group defines auxiliary basis functions used to
          evaluate the dispersion free energy by the method of
          Amovilli and Mennucci.  These functions are used only for
          the dispersion calculation, and thus have nothing to do
          with the normal basis given in $BASIS or $DATA.  If the
          input group is omitted, only the normal basis is used for
          the IDP=1 dispersion energy.

          NADD   = the number of added shells

          XYZE   = an array giving the x,y,z coordinates (in bohr)
                   of the center, and exponent of the added shell,
                   for each of the NADD shells.

          NKTYPE = an array giving the angular momenta of the shells

          An example placing 2s,2p,2d,1f on one particular atom,

           $DISBS  NADD=7 NKTYP(1)= 0 0 1 1 2 2 3
                   XYZE(1)=2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.2
                           2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.05
                           2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.2
                           2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.05
                           2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.75
                           2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.2
                           2.9281086   0.0  .0001726   0.2  $END




          $DISREP group                                   (optional)

             This group controls evaluation of the dispersion and
          repulsion energies by the empirical method of Floris and
          Tomasi.  The group must be given with IDISP=1 in $PCM.
          The two options are controlled by ICLAV and ILJ, only one
          of which should be selected.

          ICLAV = selects Claverie's disp-rep formalism.
                = 0 skip computation.
                = 1 Compute the solute-solvent disp-rep interaction
                    as a sum over atom-atom interactions through a
                    Buckingham-type formula (R^-6 for dispersion,
                    exp for repulsion).  (default)
                    Ref: Pertsin-Kitaigorodsky "The atom-atom
                         potential method", page 146.

          ILJ   = selects a Lennard-Jones formalism.
                = 0 skip computation. (default)
                = 1 solute atom's-solvent molecule interaction is
                    modeled by Lennard-Jones type potentials, R^-6
                    for dispersion, R^-12 for repulsion).

          ---- the following data must given for ICLAV=1:

          RHO   = solvent numeral density
          N     = number of atom types in the solvent molecule
          NT    = an array of the number of atoms of each type in a
                  solvent molecule
          RDIFF = distances between the first atoms of each type
                  and the cavity
          DKT   = array of parameters of the dis-rep potential for
                  the solvent
          RWT   = array of atomic radii for the solvent

          The defaults are chosen for water,

          DKA   = array of parameters of the dis-rep potential for
                  the solute.  Defaults are provided for some common
                  H: 1.00   Be: 1.00   B: 1.00   C: 1.00
                  N: 1.10    O: 1.36   P: 2.10   S: 1.40


          RWA   = array of atomic radii for the solute to compute
                  dis-rep.  Defaults are provided for some common
                  H: 1.20   Be: 1.72   B: 1.72   C: 1.72
                  N: 1.60    O: 1.50   P: 1.85   S: 1.80
           Other elements have DKA and RWA values of 0.0 and must be
           given in the input deck, or the DIS-REP energy will be 0.
           For EFP/PCM calculations, only QM atoms need DKA and RWA
           values to calculate the DIS-REP energy.

          ---- the following data must given for ILJ=1:

          RHO   = solvent numeral density
          EPSI  = an array of energy constants referred to each atom
                  of the solute molecule.
          SIGMA = an array of typical distances, relative to each
                  solute atom


                                                       $COSGMS $SCRF


          $COSGMS group                                   (optional)

              The presence of this group in the input turns on the
          use of the conductor-like screening model with molecular
          shaped cavity for RHF and closed shell MP2.  For RHF, the
          energy and gradient can be computed, while MP2 is limited
          to the energy only.

          EPSI   = the dielectric constant, 80 is often used for H2O
                   This parameter must be given.

          RSOLV  = the multiplicative factor for the van der Waals
                   radius used for cavity construction.

          NSPA   = the number of surface points on each atomic
                   sphere that form the cavity.  (default=92)

               Additional information on the COSMO model can be
                found in the References chapter of this manual.


          $SCRF group                                     (optional)

              The presence of this group in the input turns on the
          use of the Kirkwood-Onsager spherical cavity model for the
          study of solvent effects.  The method is implemented for
          RHF, UHF, ROHF, GVB and MCSCF wavefunctions and gradients,
          and so can be used with any RUNTYP involving the gradient.
          The method is not implemented for MP2, CI, any of the
          semiempirical models, or for analytic hessians.

          DIELEC = the dielectric constant, 80 is often used for H2O

          RADIUS = the spherical cavity radius, in Angstroms

          G      = the proportionality constant relating the solute
                   molecule's dipole to the strength of the reaction
                   field.  Since G can be calculated from DIELEC and
                   RADIUS, do not give G if they were given.

               Additional information on the SCRF model can be
               found in the References chapter of this manual.



          $ECP group               (required if ECP=READ in $CONTRL)

              This group lets you read in effective core potentials,
          for some or all of the atoms in the molecule.  You can
          use built in potentials for some of the atoms if you like.
          This is a free format (positional) input group.

          *** Give a card set -1-, -2-, and -3- for each atom ***

          -card 1-    PNAME, PTYPE, IZCORE, LMAX+1

          PNAME is a 8 character descriptive tag for this potential.
                If it is repeated for a subsequent atom, no other
                information need be given on this card, and cards
                -2- and -3- may also be skipped.  The information
                will be copied from the first atom by this PNAME.

                Do not use the option to repeat the previously read
                ECP for an atom with PTYPE=NONE, instead type "NONE"
                over and over again.

          PTYPE = GEN    a general potential should be read.
                = SBKJC  look up the Stevens/Basch/Krauss/Jasien/
                         Cundari potential for this type of atom.
                = HW     look up the Hay/Wadt built in potential
                         for this type of atom.
                = NONE   treat all electrons on this atom.
          IZCORE is the number of core electrons to be removed.
                 Obviously IZCORE must be an even number, or in other
                 words, all core orbitals being removed must be 
                 completely occupied.
          LMAX   is the maximum angular momentum occupied in the
                 core orbitals being removed (usually).  Give
                 IZCORE and LMAX only if PTYPE is GEN.

          *** For the first occurence of PNAME, if PTYPE is GEN, ***
          *** then give cards -2- and -3-.  Otherwise go to -1-. ***

          *** Card sets -2- and -3- are repeated LMAX+1 times    ***

              The potential U(LMAX+1) is given first,
              followed by U(L)-U(LMAX+1), for L=1,LMAX.

          -card 2-    NGPOT

          NGPOT is the number of Gaussians in this part of the
                local effective potential.

          -card 3-    CLP,NLP,ZLP   (repeat this card NGPOT times)

          CLP is the coefficient of this Gaussian in the potential.
          NLP is the power of r for this Gaussian.
          ZLP is the exponent of this Gaussian.


          Note that PTYPE lets you to type in one or more atoms
          explicitly, while using built in data for other atoms.

          By far the easiest way to use the SBKJC potential for all
          atoms in the formic acid molecule is to request ECP=SBKJC
          in $CONTRL.  But here we show two alternatives.

          The first way is to look up the program's internally
          stored SBKJC potentials one atom at a time:

          C-ECP SBKJC
          H-ECP NONE
          O-ECP SBKJC
          H-ECP NONE

          The second oxygen duplicates the first, no core electrons
          are removed on hydrogen.  The order of the atoms must
          follow that generated by $DATA.  All atoms must be given
          here in $ECP, not just the symmetry unique atoms.

          The second example reads all SBKJC potentials explicitly:

          C-ECP GEN 2 1
          1      ----- CARBON U(P) -----
           -0.89371  1  8.56468
          2      ----- CARBON U(S)-U(P) -----
            1.92926  0  2.81497
           14.88199  2  8.11296
          H-ECP NONE
          O-ECP GEN 2 1
          1      ----- OXYGEN U(P) -----
           -0.92550  1 16.11718
          2      ----- OXYGEN U(S)-U(P) -----
            1.96069  0  5.05348
           29.13442  2 15.95333
          H-ECP NONE

          Again, the 2nd oxygen copies from the first.  It is handy
          to use the rest of card -2- as a descriptive comment.

          As a final example, for antimony we have LMAX+1=3 (there
          are core d's).  One must first enter U(f), followed by
          U(s)-U(f), U(p)-U(f), U(d)-U(f).



          $MCP group   (required if MCP READ was given on card -6U-)

              This group lets you read in model core potentials, for
          some or all of the atoms in the molecule.  This is a fixed
          format input group.  For the review of the MCP method, see
          M.Klobukowski, Y.Sakai, and S.Huzinaga, pp. 49-74 in J.
          Leszczynski, "Computational Chemistry", vol. 3 (1999) .

          *** Give input -1-, -2-, ..., -9- for each MCP atom ***

          -card 1-    ANAT

                ANAT  is a 8 character name for the MCP atom. 
                      It must match the name given for that atom
                      in the $DATA group.

          -card 2- NOAN, (NO(IS),NG(IS), IS=1,4)        FORMAT(9I3)
                 IS = 1, 2, 3, 4 for s, p, d, and f symmetry, resp.

              NOAN   is the number of terms in the MCP
              NO(IS) is the number of core orbitals in symmetry IS
              NG(IS) is the number of basis functions used to 
                    expand the core orbitals in symmetry IS

          -card 3-    ZEFF, MCPFMT                 FORMAT(F10.2, A8)

                ZEFF   is the number of valence electrons, e.g. 7.0
                       for Fluorine
                MCPFMT is the format for reading floating-point
                       numbers in the MCP data

          -card 4-    (ACOEF(L), L=1,NOAN)            FORMAT(MCPFMT)

                ACOEF(L) is the L-th coefficient in the expansion of
                         the model core potential; more than one
                         line may be provided
                         ACOEF(L) is the defined as A(l) in Eq. (38)
                         of the MCP review paper.

          -card 5-    (AEXPN(L), L=1,NOAN)            FORMAT(MCPFMT)

                AEXPN(L) is the L-th exponent in the expansion of the
                         model core potential; more than one line
                         may be provided
                         AEXPN(L) is the defined as alpha(l) in Eq.
                         (38) of the MCP review paper.

          -card 6-    (NINT(L), L=1,NOAN)                FORMAT(10I3)

                NINT(L)  is the power of R in the expansion of the
                         model core potential; NINT(L) is defined
                         as n(l) in Eq. (38) of the MCP review paper.

           *** For each symmetry IS present in the core orbitals ***
           *** read the card set -7-, -8-, and -9-               ***

          -card 7-    (BPAR(K), K=1,NO(IS))           FORMAT(MCPFMT)
                BPAR(K)  is the constant in the core projector
                         operator, B(k) in Eq. (41) of the review.

          -card 8-    (EX(I), I=1,NG(IS))             FORMAT(MCPFMT)
                EX(I)    is the exponent of the I-th Gaussian
                         function used to expand the core orbitals

           *** Repeat -9- for each core orbital in symmetry IS ***
          -card 9-    (C(I), I=1,NG(IS))              FORMAT(MCPFMT)
                C(I)     expansion coefficients of the core orbital

           The following example input file is for H2CO, and by
          the way, provides another example of COORD=HINT.

          Formaldehyde H2CO
          CNV      2
          C   6.0     LC   0.00          0.0     0.0  - O K
           MCP READ               <<<< this is an MCP atom
            L       3             <<<< (311/311/1) basis
            1  18.517235         -0.16370140          0.22673090E-01
            2  2.5787547         -0.26304451          0.19109693
            3 0.58994362          0.58040872          0.50918856
            L       1
            1 0.17330638           1.0000000           1.0000000
            L       1
            1 0.60957120E-01       1.0000000           1.0000000
            D 1;  1  0.600  1.0
          O  8.0   LC   1.2031          0.0     0.0  - O K
           MCP READ               <<<< this is an MCP atom
            L       3             <<<< (311/311/1) basis
            1  44.242510         -0.13535836          0.17372951E-01
            2  6.2272700         -0.30476423          0.16466813
            3  1.4361751          0.43955753          0.46721611
            L       1
            1 0.40211473           1.0000000           1.0000000
            L       1
            1 0.12688798           1.0000000           1.0000000
            D 1;  1  1.154  1.0
           H  1.0   PCC  1.1012   121.875  0.0  + O K I
            TZV                   <<<< not an MCP atom, TZV+pol basis
           P 1;  1  1.100  1.0
           $MCP                               <<<< start of the MCP data
                                              <<<< empty lines allowed
          MCP for  C  NR (2S/2P)    S(2)P(2)  <<<< comment
                                              <<<< empty lines allowed
            C                                 <<<< MCP for the atom C
            2  1 14                           <<<< NOAN, NO(1), NG(1)
                4.00(4D15.8)                  <<<< ZEFF, MCPFMT
            .41856306      .99599513E-01      <<<< ACOEF
            16.910482      7.4125554          <<<< AEXPN
            0  0                              <<<< NINT
            22.676882                         <<<< B(1s)
            26848.283      8199.1206      2798.3668      1048.2982
            423.36984      181.26843      81.068295      37.403931
            17.629539      8.4254263      4.0611964      1.9672294
            .95541420      .46459041
            .10743274D-03  .21285491D-03  .99343100D-03  .28327774D-02
            .83154481D-02  .21694082D-01  .52916004D-01  .11618593D+00
            .21812785D+00  .32180986D+00  .29375407D+00  .10974353D+00
            .70844050D-02  .17825971D-02
          MCP for  O  NR (2S/2P)             S(2)P(4)
            O                                 <<<< MCP for the atom O
            2  1 16  
            .31002267      .27178756E-01
            25.973731      13.843290
            0  0
            57480.749      17270.167      5766.9282      2107.0076
            829.06758      346.04791      151.12147      68.233250
            31.542773      14.815300      7.0298236      3.3561489
            1.6077662      .77153240      .37052330      .17799002
            .85822477D-04  .18173691D-03  .84803428D-03  .25439914D-02
            .76877460D-02  .20823429D-01  .52424753D-01  .11864010D+00
            .22782741D+00  .33492260D+00  .28833079D+00  .93046197D-01
            .55937988D-02  .16121923D-02  .10915544D-04  .21431633D-03



          $RELWFN group                                   (optional)

              This group is relevant if RELWFN in $CONTRL chose the
          NESC or RESC option for elimination of small components
          from relativistic wavefunctions, to produce a corrected
          single component wavefunction.  In case of RESC, only the
          one electron integral corrections are added, whereas for
          NESC, corrections to two electron integrals are accounted
          for by means of a relativistically averaged basis set.

              Analytic gradients are programmed for both RESC and
          NESC computations.  For NESC, the one electron part of
          the spin-orbit operator can be corrected, while for RESC,
          one can compute spin-orbit coupling with relativistic
          corrections to both one and two electron SOC integrals,
          unless internal uncontraction is requested.  In this case
          only one electron SOC integrals are modified.  It should
          be noted that internally uncontracted basis functions with
          very large exponents have large SOC integrals, thus the
          average asymmetry due to RESC appears to be larger (before

              For NESC, you must provide three basis sets, for the
          large and small components and an averaged one, which are
          given in $DATAL, $DATAS, $DATA, respectively.  The only
          possible choice for these basis sets is due to Dyall, and
          these are available from
          Their names are similar to cc-pVnZ(pt/sf/lc), pt=point or
          fi=finite nucleus, sf for spin-free and the final field is
          lc=large component ($DATAL), sc=small component ($DATAS),
          and wf is a typo for Foldy-Wouthuysen 2e- basis ($DATA).
          In GAMESS you can only use point nucleus approximation.
          The need to input three basis sets means that you cannot
          use a $BASIS group, and you must use COORD=UNIQUE style
          input in the various $DATA's.  The three $DATA groups must
          contain identical information except for the primitive
          expansion coefficients, as the three basis sets must have
          the same exponents.  In case the option to treat only some
          atoms relativistically is chosen, all non-relativistic
          atoms must have identical basis input in all three groups.

              For RESC, ordinary basis sets are used.  This however
          is a misleading statement, for while any basis set will
          run, accurate answers may be hard to obtain without the
          use of basis sets contracted using the RESC approximation.
          Experience is showing that large uncontracted basis sets
          using non-relativistic exponents are probably OK, but that
          standard contractions of these in NR calculations can lead
          to spurious results.  Unfortunately, contractions using
          the RESC approximation are not yet available for ordinary


          OPRESC gives additive (bitwise) options, which pertain to
                 the RESC method:
                 = 0 original RESC implementation, reproduces the
                     results prior to June 2001.  The accuracy of
                     the RI may be inadequate.  (default)
                 = 1 to obtain more accurate integrals, use the 
                     Gaussian primitives rather than the contracted
                     basis set to define the resolution of the
                     identity (RI), used to simplify the integrals in
                     order to evaluate them in closed form.  This
                     internally uncontracted basis set can be large,
                     but produces considerably increased accuracy in
                     the integrals (see also NRATOM/CHARGE).
                 = 2 HONDO's implementation of the RI for RESC is
                     mimicked, namely that for ISPHER=+1 the space
                     used for the RI will not have spherical
                     contaminants (similarly to MO space).
                     No gradients for HONDO style are available.
                 = 4 split L-shells into s and p when generating the
                     internally uncontracted basis set.  This is
                     necessary if you are using s or p primitives
                     with the same exponents declared as some L
                     shell.  In such a case, the L shell must be
                     entered before the s or p.  4 requires 1.
                 These options are additive, for example OPRESC=5
                 is needed to select 1 as well as 4.

          NESOC  =   relativistic corrections to SOC integrals.
                     Choose only if RELWFN=RESC or NESC, and if
                     OPERAT=HSO1, HSO2P, or HSO2, for RUNTYP=TRANSITN
                 = 0 no corrections
                 = 1 one-electron spin-orbit integrals (NESC default)
                 = 2 one and two-electron integrals (RESC default)
                 For RESC and OPRESC=1, NESOC=2 is not implemented,
                 use NESOC=1 as the closest available possibility.

          NRATOM the number of different elements to be treated
                 nonrelativistically.  For example, in Pb3O4, to
                 treat only lead relativistically, enter NRATOM=1.
                 For NESC, this parameter affects the choice of the
                 basis sets, you should use identical large, small,
                 and averaged basis set for such atoms.
                 For RESC, this parameter means that OPRESC=1 will
                 not cause uncontracting primitives for such atoms.

          CHARGE array containing charges of atoms to be treated
                 nonrelativistically.  (e.g. CHARGE(1)=8.0, to drop
                 all oxygen atoms)


          * * * the next parameters are used only with RELWFN=RESC:

          QMTTOL same as in $CONTRL, but used for the preparation of
                 the RI space for RESC.  (default: from $CONTRL).

          RESCTO tolerance for equating nearly degenerate eigenvalues
                 of the kinetic energy and overlaps, which is used
                 for evaluating RESC gradient.  Values that are too
                 large (>1e-6) can cause numerical errors in the
                 gradient, approximately on the same order as RESCTO.
                 Too small values can add very large values to the
                 gradient due to division by numbers that are zero
                 within machine precision that are not avoided with
                 this tolerance filter.  The recommended values for
                 OPRESC=1 are 1e-6 for gold to 1e-7 for silver.  For
                 OPRESC=0, 1d-8 or smaller can be used.




          $EFIELD group   (not required)

              This group permits the study of the influence of an
          external electric field on the molecule.  The method is
          general, and so works for all ab initio SCFTYPs.

          EVEC        = an array of the three x,y,z components of
                        the applied electric field, in a.u., where
                        1 Hartree/e*bohr = 5.1422082(15)d+11 V/m

          SYM         = a flag to specify when the field to be
                        applied breaks the molecular symmetry.
                        Since most fields break symmetry, the
                        default is .FALSE.


          Restrictions: analytic hessians are not available, but
          numerical hessians are.  Because an external field causes
          a molecule with a dipole to experience a torque, geometry
          optimizations must be done in Cartesian coordinates only.
          Internal coordinates eliminate the rotational degrees of
          freedom, which are no longer free.

          Notes: a hessian calculation will have two rotational
          modes with non-zero "frequency", caused by the torque.
          A gas phase molecule will rotate so that the dipole
          moment is anti-parallel to the applied field.  To carry
          out this rotation during geometry optimization will take
          many steps, and you can help save much time by inputting
          a field opposite the molecular dipole.  There is also
          a stationary point at higher energy with the dipole
          parallel to the field, which will have two imaginary
          frequencies in the hessian.  Careful, these will appear
          as the first two modes in a hessian run, but will not
          have the i for imaginary included on the printout since
          they are rotational modes.

          For an application, see
              H.Kono, S.Koseki, M.Shiota, Y.Fujimura
              J.Phys.Chem.A  105, 5627-5636(2001)



          $INTGRL group                                   (optional)

              This group controls AO integral formats.  It should
          probably never be given, as the program always picks
          sensible values.

           SCHWRZ = a flag to activate use of the Schwarz inequality
                    to predetermine small integrals.  There is no
                    loss of accuracy when choosing this option, and
                    there are appreciable time savings for bigger
                    molecules.  Default=.TRUE. for over 5 atoms, or
                    for direct SCF, and is .FALSE. otherwise.

           QFMM   = a flag to use the quantum fast multipole method
                    for linear scaling Fock matrix builds.  This is
                    available for RHF, UHF, and ROHF wavefunctions,
                    and for DFT, but not with any other correlation
                    treatment.  You must select DIRSCF=.TRUE. in
                    $SCF if you use this option.  
                    The Optimal Parameter FMM code will run at a
                    comparable speed to a ordinary run doing all
                    integrals for molecules about 15 Angstroms in
                    size, and should run faster for 20 Angtroms or
                    more.  See also the $FMM group.  (default=.FALSE.)

           NINTMX =   Maximum no. of integrals in a record block.
                      (default=15000 for J or P file, =10000 for PK)

                Various antiquated parameters follow:
           NOPK   = 0 PK integral option on, which is permissible
                      for RHF, UHF, ROHF, GVB energy/gradient runs.
                  = 1 PK option off (default for all jobs).
                      Must be off for anything with a transformation.
           NORDER = 0 (default)
                  = 1 Sort integrals into canonical order.  There
                      is little point in selecting this option, as
                      no part of GAMESS requires ordered integrals.
                      See also NSQUAR.
                The following parameters control the integral sort.
           NSQUAR = 0 Sorted integrals will be in triangular
                      canonical order (default)
                  = 1 instead sort to square canonical order.
           NDAR   = Number of direct access logical records to be
                    used for the integral sort (default=2000)
           LDAR   = Length of direct access records (site dependent)
           NBOXMX =  200   Maximum number of bins.
           NWORD  =    0   Memory to be used (default=all of it).
           NOMEM  =    0   If non-zero, force external sort.
                The following parameters control integral restarts.
           IST=    1      JST=    1    KST=    1    LST=    1
           NREC=   1      INTLOC= 1   (values given are defaults)



          $FMM group          (relevant if QFMM selected in $INTGRL)

              This group controls the quantum fast multipole method
          evaluation of Fock matrices.  The defaults are reasonable,
          so there is little need to give this input.

          ITGERR = Target error in final energy, to 10**-(ITGERR)
                   Hartree.  The accuracy is usually better than
                   the setting of ITGERR, in fact QFMM runs should
                   suffer no loss of accuracy or be more accurate
                   than a conventional integral run (default=7).

          QOPS   = a flag to use the Quantum Optimum Parameter
                   Searching technique, which finds an optimum FMM
                   parameter set. (Default=.TRUE.)
          If QOPS=.FALSE., the ITGERR value is not used.  In this
          case the user should specify the following parameters:

          NP     = the highest multipole order for FMM (Default=15).
          NS     = the highest subdivision level (Default=2).
          IWS    = the minimum well-separateness (Default=2).
          IDPGD  = point charge approximation error (10**(-IDPGD))
                   of the Gaussian products (Default=9).
          IEPS   = very fast multipole method (vFMM) error,
                   (10**(-IEPS)) (Default=9)




          $TRANS group                (optional for -CI- or -MCSCF-)
                                     (relevant to analytic hessians)
                                   (relevant to energy localization)

               This group controls the integral tranformation.  MP2
          integral transformations are controlled instead by the
          $MP2 input group.  There is little reason to give any but
          the first variable.

           DIRTRF = a flag to recompute AO integrals rather than
                    storing them on disk.  The default is .FALSE.
                    for MCSCF and CI runs.  If your job reads $SCF,
                    and you select DIRSCF=.TRUE. in that group, a
                    direct transformation will be done, no matter
                    how DIRTRF is set.

              Note that the transformation may do many passes over
              the AO integrals for large basis sets, and thus the
              direct recomputation of AO integrals can be very time

           MPTRAN = method to use for the integral transformation.
                    the default is try 0, then 1, then 2.
                    0 means use the incore method
                    1 means use the segmented method.  This is the
                      only method that works in parallel.
                    2 means use the alternate method, which uses
                      less memory than 2, but requires an extra
                      large disk file.

           NWORD  = Number of words of fast memory to allow.  Zero
                    uses all available memory. (default=0)

           CUTTRF = Threshold cutoff for keeping transformed two
                    electron integrals.  (default= 10**(-9))

           AOINTS = defines AO integral storage during conventional
                    integral transformations, during parallel runs.
                    DUP stores duplicated AO lists on each node, and
                    is the default for parallel computers with slow
                    interprocessor communication, e.g. ethernet.
                    DIST distributes the AO integral file across
                    all nodes, and it is the default for parallel
                    computers with high speed communications.



            The remaining groups apply only to MCSCF and CI runs.

                    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                     For hints on how to do MCSCF and CI
                    see the 'further information' section
                    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



          $CIINP group            (optional, relevant for any CITYP)

              This group is the control box for Graphical Unitary
          Group Approach (GUGA) CI calculations or determinant based
          CI.  Each step which is executed potentially requires a
          further input group described later.

          NRNFG = An array of 10 switches controlling which steps of
                  a CI computation are performed.
                  1 means execute the module, 0 means don't.

            NRNFG(1) = Generate the configurations.  See either
                       $CIDRT or $CIDET input.  (default=1)
            NRNFG(2) = Transform the integrals. See $TRANS.
            NRNFG(3) = Sort integrals and calculate the Hamiltonian
                       matrix. See $CISORT and $GUGEM. (default=1)
                       This does not apply to determinants.
            NRNFG(4) = Diagonalize the Hamiltonian matrix.
                       See $GUGDIA or $CIDET. (default=1)
            NRNFG(5) = Construct the one electron density matrix,
                       and generate NO's. See $GUGDM or $CIDET.
            NRNFG(6) = Construct the two electron density matrix.
                       See $GUGDM2 or $CIDET.
                       (default=0 normally, but 1 for CI gradients)
            NRNFG(7) = Construct the Lagrangian of the CI function.
                       Requires DM2 matrix exists.  See $LAGRAN.
                       (default=0 normally, but 1 for CI gradients)
                       This does not apply to determinants.
            NRNFG(8-10) are not used.

          Users are not encouraged to change these values, as the
          defaults are quite reasonable ones.

          NPFLG = An array of 10 switches to produce debug printout.
                  There is a one to one correspondance to NRNFG, set
                  to 1 for output. (default = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
                  The most interesting is NPFLG(2)=1 to see the
                  transformed 1e- integrals, NPFLG(2)=2 adds the
                  very numerous transformed 2e- integrals to this.

          IREST = n    Restart the -CI- at stage NRNFG(n).



          $DET group   (required for MCSCF if CISTEP=ALDET or ORMAS)
          $GEN group     (required for SCFTYP=MCSCF if CISTEP=GENCI)
          $CIDET group    (required if CITYP=ALDET, ORMAS, or FSOCI)
          $CIGEN group                     (required if CITYP=GENCI)

             This group describes the determinants to be used in a
          MCSCF or CI wavefunction:

            a) For full CI calculations (ALDET) the $DET/$CIDET
          will generate a full list of determinants.  If the CI is
          part of an MCSCF, this means the MCSCF is of the FORS type
          (which is also known as CASSCF).
            b) For Occupation Restricted Multiple Active Space
          (ORMAS) CI, the input in $ORMAS will partition the active
          orbitals defined here into separate spaces, that is,
          provide both $DET/$CIDET and $ORMAS.
            c) For Full Second Order CI, provide $CIDET and $SODET
            d) For a general CI (meaning user specified space orbital
          products) provide $DET/$CIDET plus $GEN/$CIGEN and most
          likely $GCILST (according to the keyword GLIST).

          In the above, group names for MCSCF/CI jobs are separated
          by a slash.

             Determinants contain several spin states, in contrast
          to configuration state functions.  The Sz quantum number
          of each determinant is the same, but the Hamiltonian
          eigenvectors will have various spins S=Sz, Sz+1, Sz+2, ...
          so NSTATE may need to account for states of higher spin
          symmetry.  In Abelian groups, you can specify the exact
          spatial symmetry you desire.

          GLIST  = general determinant list option
                   The keyword GLIST must not be given in a $DET or
                   $CIDET input group!  These both generate full
                   determinant lists, automatically.
                 = INPUT  means an input $GCILST group will be read.
                 = EXTRNL means the list will be read from a disk
                          file GCILIST generated in an earlier run.
                 = SACAS  requests generation of sevaral CAS spaces
                          of different space symmetries, specified by
                          the input IRREPS.  This option is intended
                          for state averaged calculations for cases
                          of high symmetry, where degenerate irreps
                          of the true group may fall into different
                          irreps of the Abelian subgroup used.


           * * * The next four define the orbital spaces * * *
              There is no default for NCORE, NACT, and NELS:

          NCORE  = total number of orbitals doubly occupied in all

          NACT   = total number of active orbitals.

          NELS   = total number of active electrons.

          SZ     = azimuthal spin quantum number for each of the
                   determinants, two times SZ is therefore the
                   number of excess alpha spins in each determinant.
                   The default is SZ=S, extracted from the MULT=2S+1
                   given in $CONTRL.

           * * * The following determine the state symmetry * * *

          GROUP  = name of the point group.  The default is to copy
                   this from $DATA, if that group is Abelian (C2,
                   Ci, Cs, C2v, C2h, D2, or D2h).  If not, the
                   group is set to C1 (no symmetry used).

          ISTSYM = specifies the spatial symmetry of the state.
                   This table is exactly the same as in $DRT input.
                     ISTSYM= 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                        C1   A
                        Ci   Ag  Au
                        Cs   A'  A''
                        C2   A   B
                        C2v  A1  A2  B1  B2
                        C2h  Ag  Bu  Bg  Au
                        D2   A   B1  B2  B3
                        D2h  Ag  B1g B2g B3g Au  B1u B2u B3u
                   Default is ISTSYM=1, the totally symmetric state.

          IRREPS = specifies the symmetries of the GLIST=SACAS space
                   determinant list.  This variable should always be
                   an array, as a single symmetry is more quickly
                   obtained by the regular full CI code.  The values
                   given have the same meaning as the ISTSYM table.

           * * * the following control the diagonalization * * *

          NSTATE = Number of CI states to be found, the default is
                   1.  The maximum number of states is 100.

          PRTTOL = Printout tolerance for CI coefficients, the
                   default is to print any larger than 0.05.


          ANALYS = a flag to request analysis of the CI energy in
                   terms of single and double excitation pair
                   correlation energies.  This is normally used in
                   CI computations, rather than MCSCF, and when the
                   wavefunction is dominated by a single reference,
                   as the analysis is done in terms of excitations
                   from the determinant with largest CI coefficient.
                   The defalt is .FALSE.

          ITERMX = Maximum number of Davidson iterations per root.
                   The default is 100.  A CI calculation will fail
                   if convergence is not obtained before reaching
                   the limit.  MCSCF computations will not bomb
                   if the iteration limit is reached, instead the
                   last CI vector is used to proceed into the next
                   orbital update.  In cases with very large active
                   spaces, it may be faster to input ITERMX=2 or 3
                   to allow the program to avoid fully converging
                   the CI eigenvalue problem during the early MCSCF
                   iterations.  For small active spaces, it is
                   best to allow the CI step to be fully converged
                   on every iteration.

          CVGTOL = Convergence criterion for Davidson eigenvector
                   routine.  This value is proportional to the
                   accuracy of the coeficients of the eigenvectors
                   found.  The energy accuracy is proportional to
                   its square.  The default is 1.0E-5.

          NHGSS  = dimension of the Hamiltonian submatrix which
                   is diagonalized to obtain the initial guess
                   eigenvectors.  The determinants forming the
                   submatrix are chosen on the basis of a low
                   diagonal energy, or if needed to complete a
                   spin eigenfunction.  The default is 300.

          NSTGSS = Number of eigenvectors from the initial guess
                   Hamiltonian to be included in the Davidson's
                   iterative scheme.  It is seldom necessary to
                   include extra states to obtain convergence to
                   the desired states.  The default equals NSTATE.

          MXXPAN = Maximum number of expansion basis vectors in the
                   iterative subspace during the Davidson iterations
                   before the expansion basis is truncated.  The
                   default is the larger of 10 or 2*NSTGSS.  Larger
                   values might help convergence, do not decrease
                   this parameter below 2*NSTGSS.

          CLOBBR = a flag to erase the disk file containing CI
                   vectors from the previous MCSCF iteration.  The
                   default is to use these as starting values for
                   the current iteration's CI.  If you experience
                   loss of spin symmetry in the CI step, reverse
                   the default, to always take the CI from the top.
                   Default = .FALSE.


          * * * the following control the 1st order density * * *
          These are ignored during MCSCF, but are used during a CI.

          IROOT  = the root whose density is saved on the disk file
                   for subsequent property analysis.  Only one root
                   can be saved, and the default value of 1 means
                   the ground state.  Be sure to set NFLGDM to form
                   the density of the state you are interested in!

          NFLGDM = Controls each state's density formation.
                   0 -> do not form density for this state.
                   1 -> form density and natural orbitals for this
                        state, print and punch occ.nums. and NOs.
                   2 -> same as 1, plus print density over MOs.
                   The default is NFLGDM(1)=1,0,0,...,0 meaning
                   only ground state NOs are generated.

              * * * the following control the state averaged
              * * * 1st and 2nd order density matrix computation
          Usually ignored by CI runs, these are relevant to MCSCF.

          PURES  = a flag controlling the spin purity of the state
                   avaraging.  If true, the WSTATE array pertains
                   to the lowest states of the same S value as is
                   given by the MULT keyword in $CONTRL.  In this
                   case the value of NSTATE will need to be bigger
                   than the total number of weights given by WSTATE
                   if there are other spin states present at low
                   energies.  If false, it is possible to state
                   average over more than one S value, which might
                   be of interest in spin-orbit coupling jobs.
                   The default is .TRUE.

          WSTATE = An array of up to 100 weights to be given to the
                   densities of each state in forming the average.
                   The default is to optimize a pure ground state,
                   A small amount of the ground state can help the
                   convergence of excited states greatly.
                   Gradient runs are possible only with pure states.
                   Be sure to set NSTATE above appropriately!




          $ORMAS group   (required for SCFTYP=MCSCF if CISTEP=ORMAS)
                                          (required for CITYP=ORMAS)

             This group partitions an active space, defined in $DET
          or $CIDET, into Occupation Restricted Multiple Active
          Spaces (ORMAS).  All possible determinants satisfying the
          occupation restrictions (and of course the space symmetry
          restriction given in $DET/$CIDET) will be generated.  This
          group's usefulness lies in reducing the large number of
          determinants present in full CI calculations with large
          active spaces.

              There are no sensible defaults for these inputs, but
          if the group is entirely omitted, a full CI calculation
          will be performed.  That is, the defaults are 
            NSPACE=1, MSTART(1)=NCORE+1, MINE(1)=NELS, MAXE(1)=NELS
          meaning all active orbitals are in one partition.

          NSPACE  = number of orbital groups you wish to partition
                    the active space (NACT in $DET/$CIDET) into.

          MSTART  = an array of NSPACE integers.  These specify where
                    each orbital group starts in the full list.  You
                    must not overlook the NCORE core orbitals in
                    computing MSTART values.  Space I runs from
                    orbital MSTART(I) up to orbital MSTART(I+1)-1,
                    or NACT+NCORE if I is the last space, I=NSPACE.

            IMPORTANT !!!!  Remember to make sure your orbitals have
            been reordered to suit MSTART, using NORDER in $GUESS.

          MINE    = an array of NSPACE integers.  These specify the
                    minimum numbers of electrons that must always
                    occupy the orbital groups.  In other words,
                    MINE(I) is the minimum number of electrons that
                    can occupy space I in any of the determinants.

          MAXE    = an array of NSPACE integers.  These specify the
                    maximum numbers of electrons that must always
                    occupy the orbital groups.  In other words,
                    MAXE(I) is the maximum number of electrons that
                    can occupy space I in any of the determinants.

            The number of active electrons is NELS in $DET or $CIDET,
            and the program will check that MINE/MAXE values are
            consistent with this total number.

           *** See REFS.DOC for more information on using ORMAS ***




          $GCILST group  (required for SCFTYP=MCSCF if CISTEP=GENCI)
                                           (required if CITYP=GENCI)

              This group defines space products to be used in the
          general CI calculation, or in a MCSCF wavefunction.  The
          input is free format.

          Line 1: NSPACE ISYM

          The first line gives the total number of space products to
          be entered in the second lines.  The option ISYM can be
          omitted, or given as 0, in which case the program will
          verify that all space products typed in the second lines
          indeed have the spatial symmetry defined by ISTSYM in the
          $GEN or $CIGEN input groups.  If ISYM is 1, the user is
          indicating that more than one space symmetry is known to
          be in the list, that this is intentional, and the program
          should proceed with the calculation.  This might be of use
          in state averaging two representations in a group that has
          more than two total representations, and therefore faster
          than turning symmetry off completely by GROUP=C1.  ISYM=2
          has the same meaning but turns on additional printing.

          Line 2 is repeated NSPACE times.  Each line 2 contains NACT
          integers, which must be 0, 1, or 2, and therefore tells the
          occupation of each of the active orbitals in each space
          product.  An example input is:
           $GEN     GLIST=INPUT NELS=6 NACT=4 SZ=0.0 $END
          2 2 2 0
          2 1 2 1
          2 0 2 2
          2 2 0 2
          0 2 2 2
          which generates 6 Ms=0 determinants, much less than the 16
          determinants in a C1 symmetry full list for 6 e- in 4 MOs.

          The second space product above generates two determinants.
          All space products with singly occupied orbitals are used
          to form all possible determinants, to ensure that the final 
          states are eigenfunctions of the S**2 operator (meaning
          they will be pure spin states).

          Note that there is no way at present to generate lists
          such as singles and doubles from a single reference.

          Convergence of MCSCF calculations will depend on how well
          chosen your determinant list is, and may very well require
          the use of the FULLNR or JACOBI convergers.




          $SODET group                     (required if CITYP=FSOCI)

              This group controls a full second order CI calculation 
          using determinants (see also the keyword SOCI in $CIDRT).
          Most of the characteristics of the active space (such as
          NCORE, NACT, NELS) must be given in a $CIDET group, as
          a preliminary full CI according to $CIDET will be made.
          The FCI states will then used as the initial guess for
          the full second order CI.  A few additional parameters may
          be given in this group, but many runs will not need to
          give any of these.

          NEXT   = the number of external orbitals to be included.
                   The default is the entire virtual MO space.

          NSOST  = the number of states to be found in the SOCI.
                   The default is copied from NSTATE in $CIDET.

          MAXPSO = maximum expansion space size used in the SOCI.
                   The default is copied from MXXPAN in $CIDET.

          ORBS   = MOS means use the MCSCF orbitals, which should be
                       allowed to undergo canonicalization (see the
                       CANONC keyword in $MCSCF), or the input $VEC
                       group in case SCFTYP=NONE. (default)
                   NOS means to instead use the natural orbitals of
                       the MCSCF.




          $DRT group      (required for SCFTYP=MCSCF if CISTEP=GUGA)
          $CIDRT group                      (required if CITYP=GUGA)

              This group describes the -MCSCF- or -CI- wavefunction.
          The distinct row table is the means by which the Graphical
          Unitary Group Approach (GUGA) names the configurations.

             The group is spelled DRT for MCSCF runs, and CIDRT for
          CI runs.  The main difference in these is NMCC vs. NFZC.

              There is no default for GROUP, and you must choose one
          of FORS, FOCI, SOCI, or IEXCIT.

          GROUP = the name of the point group to be used.  This is
                  usually the same as that in $DATA, except for
                  RUNTYP=HESSIAN, when it must be C1.  Choose from
                  the following: C1, C2, CI, CS, C2V, C2H, D2, D2H,
                  C4V, D4, D4H.  If your $DATA group is not listed,
                  choose only C1 here.

          FORS  = flag specifying the Full Optimized Reaction Space
                  set of configuration should be generated.  This
                  is usually set true for MCSCF runs, but if it is
                  not, see FORS in $MCSCF.  (Default=.FALSE.)

          FOCI  = flag specifying first order CI.  In addition to
                  the FORS configurations, all singly excited CSFs
                  from the FORS reference are included.

          SOCI  = flag specifying second order CI.  In addition to
                  the FORS configurations, all singly and doubly
                  excited configurations from the FORS reference
                  are included.  (Default=.FALSE.)

          IEXCIT= electron excitation level, for example 2 will
                  lead to a singles and doubles CI.  This variable
                  is computed by the program if FORS, FOCI, or
                  SOCI is chosen, otherwise it must be entered.

          INTACT= flag to select the interacting space option.  See
                  C.F.Bender, H.F.Schaefer  J.Chem.Phys. 55,
                  4798-4803(1971).  The CI will include only those
                  CSFs which have non-vanishing spin couplings with
                  the reference configuration.  Note that when the
                  Schaefer group uses this option for high spin
                  ROHF references, they use Guest/Saunders orbital


            * * the next variables define the single reference * *

              The single configuration reference is defined by
          filling in the orbitals by each type, in the order shown.
          The default for each type is 0.

                 Core orbitals, which are always doubly occupied:

          NMCC = number of MCSCF core MOs (in $DRT only).
          NFZC = number of CI frozen core MOs (in $CIDRT only).

                 Internal orbitals, which are partially occupied:

          NDOC = number of doubly occupied MOs in the reference.
          NAOS = number of alpha occupied MOs in the reference,
                 which are singlet coupled with a corresponding
                 number of NBOS orbitals.
          NBOS = number of beta spin singly occupied MOs.
          NALP = number of alpha spin singly occupied MOs in the
                 reference, which are coupled high spin.
          NVAL = number of empty MOs in the reference.

                 External orbitals, occupied only in FOCI or SOCI:

          NEXT = number of external MOs.  If given as -1, this will
                 be set to all remaining orbitals (apart from any
                 frozen virtual orbitals).
          NFZV = number of frozen virtual MOs, never occupied.

                  * * the next two help with state symmetry * *

          ISTSYM= irreducible representation for GUGA wavefunction.
                  This option overwrites whatever symmetry is implied
                  by NALP/NAOS/NBOS.  Default=0 means ISTSYM will be
                  inferred from the symmetry of the reference, namely
                  from the symmetry of NALP/NAOS/NBOS orbitals.
                     ISTSYM= 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                        C1   A
                        Ci   Ag  Au
                        Cs   A'  A''
                        C2   A   B
                        C2v  A1  A2  B1  B2
                        C2h  Ag  Bu  Bg  Au
                        D2   A   B1  B2  B3
                        D2h  Ag  B1g B2g B3g Au  B1u B2u B3u
                  It is no doubt easier to just select the desired
                  ISTSYM directly.  Its computation from the singly
                  occupied orbitals is kept merely to preserve old
                  input files.


          NOIRR= controls labelling of the CI state symmetries.
               = 1 no labelling (default)
               = 0 usual labelling.  This can be very time consuming
                   if the group is non-Abelian.
               =-1 fast labelling, in which all CSFs with small CI
                   coefficients are ignored.  This can produce weights
                   quite different from one, due to ignoring the small
                   coefficients, but overall seems to work OK.
                   Note that it is normal for the weights not to sum
                   to 1 even for NOIRR=0 because for simplicity the
                   weight determination is focused on the relative
                   weights rather than absolute.  However weight do
                   not sum to one only for row-mixed MOs.
               = -2,-3... fast labelling and sets SYMTOL=10**NOIRR
                   for runs other than TRANSITN.  All irreps with
                   weights greater than SYMTOL are considered.

                 * * * the final choices are seldom used * * *

          MXNINT = Buffer size for sorted integrals. (default=20000)
                   Adjust this upwards if the program tells you to,
                   which may occur in cases with large numbers of
                   external orbitals.

          MXNEME = Buffer size for energy matrix.  (default=10000)

          NPRT   = Configuration printout control switch.
                   This can consume a HUMUNGUS amount of paper!
                   0 = no print (default)
                   1 = print electron occupancies, one per line.
                   2 = print determinants in each CSF.
                   3 = print determinants in each CSF (for Ms=S-1).



          $MCSCF group                        (optional for -MCSCF-)

              This group controls the MCSCF orbital optimization
          step.  The difference between the five convergence methods
          is outlined in Chapter Four of this manual, which you must
          carefully study before attempting MCSCF computations.

           --- the next chooses the configuration basis ---

          CISTEP = ALDET chooses the Ames Lab. determinant full CI,
                         and requires $DET input. (default)
                 = ORMAS chooses an Occupation Restricted Multiple
                         Active Space determinant CI, requiring
                         both $DET and $ORMAS inputs.
                 = GUGA  chooses the graphical unitary group CSFs,
                         and requires $DRT input.  This is the
                         only value usable with the QUAD converger.
                 = GENCI chooses the Ames Lab. general CI, and
                         requires $GEN input.

           --- the next five choose the orbital optimizer ---

          FOCAS  = a flag to select a method with a first order
                   convergence rate.  (default=.FALSE.)
                   Parallel runs with FOCAS do not use MEMDDI.

          SOSCF  = a flag selecting an approximately second order
                   convergence method, using an approximate orbital
                   hessian.  (default=.TRUE.)
                   Parallel runs with SOSCF do not use MEMDDI.

          FULLNR = a flag selecting a second order method, with an
                   exact orbital hessian.  (default=.FALSE.)
                   Parallel runs with FULLNR require input of MEMDDI.

          QUAD   = a flag to pick a fully quadratic (orbital and
                   CI coefficient) optimization method, which is
                   applicable to FORS or non-FORS wavefunctions.
                   QUAD may not be used with state-averaging.
                   (default = .FALSE.)
                   This converger can be used only in serial runs.

          JACOBI = a flag to pick a program that minimizes the
                   MCSCF energy by a sequence of 2x2 Jacobi
                   orbital rotations.  This is very systematic in
                   forcing convergence, although the number of
                   iterations may be high and the time longer
                   than the other procedures.  This option does
                   not compute the orbital Lagrangian, hence at
                   present nuclear gradients may not be computed.
                   (default = .FALSE.)
                   This converger can be used only in serial runs.

          Note that FOCAS must be used only with FORS=.TRUE. in $DRT.
          The other convergers are usable for either FORS or non-FORS
          wavefunctions, although convergence is always harder in the
          latter case, when FORS below must be set .FALSE.


             --- the next apply to all convergence methods ---

          FORS   = a flag to specify that the MCSCF function is of
                   the Full Optimized Reaction Space type, which is
                   sometimes known as CAS-SCF.  .TRUE. means omit
                   active-active rotations from the optimization.
                   Since convergence is usually better with these
                   rotations included, the default is sensible:
                   .TRUE. for FOCAS, .FALSE. for FULLNR or QUAD,
                   and for SOSCF, .TRUE. for ALDET/GUGA but .FALSE.
                   for ORMAS/GENCI)

          ACURCY = the major convergence criterion, the maximum
                   permissible asymmetry in the Lagrangian matrix.

          ENGTOL = a secondary convergence criterion, the run is
                   considered converged when the energy change is
                   smaller than this value. (default=1.0E-10)

          MAXIT  = Maximum number of iterations (default=100 for
                   FOCAS, 60 for SOSCF, 30 for FULLNR or QUAD)

          MICIT  = Maximum number of microiterations within a
                   single MCSCF iteration. (default=5 for FOCAS
                   or SOSCF, or 1 for FULLNR or QUAD)

          NWORD  = The maximum memory to be used, the default is
                   to use all available memory.  (default=0)

          CANONC = a flag to cause formation of the closed shell
                   Fock operator, and generation of canonical core
                   orbitals.  This will order the MCC core by their
                   orbital energies.  (default=.TRUE.)

          EKT    = a flag to cause generation of extended Koopmans'
                   theorem orbitals and energies.  (Default=.FALSE.)
              For this option, see R.C.Morrison and G.Liu,
              J.Comput.Chem., 13, 1004-1010 (1992).  Note that
              the process generates non-orthogonal orbitals, as
              well as physically unrealistic energies for the
              weakly occupied MCSCF orbitals.  The method is
              meant to produce a good value for the first I.P.

          NPUNCH = MCSCF punch option (analogous to $SCF NPUNCH)
                   0  do not punch out the final orbitals
                   1  punch out the occupied orbitals
                   2  punch out occupied and virtual orbitals
                       The default is NPUNCH = 2.

          NPFLG  = an array of debug print control.  This is
                   analagous to the same variable in $CIINP.
                   Elements 1,2,3,4,6,8 make sense, the latter
                   controls debugging the orbital optimization.


               --- the next refers to SOSCF optimizations ---

          NOFO   = set to 1 to skip use of FOCAS for one iteration
                   during SOSCF.  This is a testing parameter, at
                   present NOFO defaults to 0 to do one FOCAS iter.

             --- the next three refer to FOCAS optimizations ---

          CASDII = threshold to start DIIS (default=0.05)

          CASHFT = level shift value (default=1.0)

          NRMCAS = renormalization flag, 1 means do Fock matrix
                   renormalization, 0 skips (default=1)

              --- the next applies to the QUAD method ---
           (note that all FULLNR input is also relevant to QUAD)

          QUDTHR = threshold on the orbital rotation parameter,
                   SQCDF, to switch from the initial FULLNR
                   iterations to the fully quadratic method.
                   (default = 0.05)

             --- The JACOBI converger accepts FULLNR options ---
                --- NORB, NOROT, MOFRZ, and FCORE as input ---

             --- all remaining input applies only to FULLNR ---

          DAMP   = damping factor, this is adjusted by the program
                   as necessary.  (default=0.0)

          METHOD = DM2 selects a density driven construction of the
                   Newton-Raphson matrices.  (default).
                 = TEI selects 2e- integral driven NR construction.
                   See the 'further information' section for more
                   details concerning these methods.  TEI is slow!

          LINSER = a flag to activate a method similar to direct
                   minimization of SCF.  The method is used if
                   the energy rises between iterations.  It may in
                   some circumstances increase the chance of
                   converging excited states.  (default=.FALSE.)

          FCORE  = a flag to freeze optimization of the MCC core
                   orbitals, which is useful in preparation for
                   RUNTYP=TRANSITN jobs.  Setting this flag will
                   automatically force CANONC false.  This option
                   is incompatible with gradients, so can only be
                   used with RUNTYP=ENERGY.  It is a good idea to
                   decrease TOLZ and TOLE in $GUESS by two orders
                   of magnitude to ensure the core orbitals are
                   unchanged during input.  (default=.FALSE.)


             --- the last four FULLNR options are seldom used ---

          DROPC  = a flag to include MCC core orbitals during the
                   CI computation.  The default is to drop them
                   during the CI, instead forming Fock operators
                   which are used to build the correct terms in
                   the orbital hessian. (default = .TRUE.)

          NORB   = the number of orbitals to be included in the
                   optimization, the default is to optimize with
                   respect to the entire basis.  This option is
                   incompatible with gradients, so can only be used
                   with RUNTYP=ENERGY.  (default=number of AOs
                   given in $DATA).

          MOFRZ  = an array of orbitals to be frozen out of the
                   orbital optimization step (default=none frozen).

          NOROT  = an array of up to 250 pairs of orbital rotations
                   to be omitted from the NR optimization process.
                   The program automatically deletes all core-core
                   rotations, all act-act rotations if FORS=.T.,
                   and all core-act and core-virt rotations if
                   FCORE=.T.  Additional rotations are input as
                   I1,J1,I2,J2... to exclude rotations between
                   orbital I running from 1 to NORB, and J running
                   up to the smaller of I or NVAL in $TRANS.




          $MCQDPT group       (relevant to SCFTYP=MCSCF if MPLEVL=2)

               Controls 2nd order MCQDPT (multiconfiguration quasi-
          degenerate perturbation theory) runs, if requested by
          MPLEVL=2 in $CONTRL.  MCQDPT2 is implemented only for
          FORS (aka CASSCF) wavefunctions.  The MCQDPT method is a
          multistate, as well as multireference perturbation theory.
          The implementation is a separate program, interfaced to
          GAMESS, with its own procedures for determination of the
          canonical MOs, CSF generation, integral transformation,
          CI in the reference CAS, etc.  Therefore some of the input
          in this group repeats data given elsewhere, particularly
          for $DET/$DRT.  

              Analytic gradients are not available.  Spin-orbit
          coupling may be treated as a perturbation, included at
          the same time as the energy perturbation.  If spin-
          orbit calculations are performed, the input groups for
          each multiplicity are named $MCQD1, $MCQD2, ... rather
          than $MCQDPT.  Parallel calculation is implemented.
              When applied to only one state, the theory is known as
          multi-reference Moller-Plesset (MRMP), so the term MCQDPT
          is more appropriate when this theory is used in its multi-
          state form.  Please note that this perturbation theory is
          not the same thing as the CASPT2 theory, and should -NEVER-
          be called that.  A more complete discussion may be found in
          the 'Further Information' chapter.  

                 *** MCSCF reference wavefunction ***

          NEL    =   total number of electrons, including core.
                     (default from $DATA and ICHARG in $CONTRL)

          MULT   =   spin multiplicity (default from $CONTRL)

          NMOACT =   Number of orbitals in FORS active space
                     (default is the active space in $DET or $DRT)
          NMOFZC =   number of frozen core orbitals, NOT correlated
                     in the perturbation calculation.  (default is
                     number of chemical cores)
          NMODOC =   number of orbitals which are doubly occupied in
                     every MCSCF configuration, that is, not active
                     orbitals, which are to be included in the
                     perturbation calculation.  (The default is all
                     valence orbitals between the chemical core and
                     the active space)
          NMOFZV =   number of frozen virtuals, NOT occupied during
                     the perturbation calculation.  The default is
                     to use all virtuals in the MP2.  (default=0)

          If the input file does not provide a $DET or $DRT, the
          user must give NMOFZC, NMODOC, and NMOACT correctly here.


          ISTSYM =   the state symmetry of the target state(s).
                     This is given as an integer, note that only
                     Abelian groups in $DATA are supported:
                       ISTSYM= 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                          C1   A
                          Ci   Ag  Au
                          Cs   A'  A''
                          C2   A   B
                          C2v  A1  A2  B1  B2
                          C2h  Ag  Bu  Bg  Au
                          D2   A   B1  B2  B3
                          D2h  Ag  B1g B2g B3g Au  B1u B2u B3u
                     (The default is inherited from $DET or $DRT)

          NOSYM  = 0 use CSF symmetry (see the ISTSYM keyword).
                     off diagonal perturbations vanish if states are
                     of different symmetry, so the most efficient
                     computation is a separate run for every space
                     symmetry. (default)
                   1 turn off CSF state symmetry so that all states
                     are treated at once.  ISTSYM is ignored.
                     Presently this option does not seem to work!!
                  -1 Symmetry purify the orbitals.  Since $GUESS is 
                     not read by MCQDPT runs, this option can be used
                     as a substitute for its PURIFY.  After cleaning
                     the orbitals, they are reorthogonalised within
                     each irrep and within each group (core, double,
                     active, virtual) separately.  Since this occurs
                     after MCSCF optimization (see INORB), it is 
                     *your* responsibility to verify that the changes
                     made to the orbitals are small enough that the
                     CAS energies for the original CASSCF and the
                     CAS-CI performed during MCQDPT give the same 

                 *** perturbation specification ***

          KSTATE=    state is used (1) or not (0) in the MCQDPT2.
                     Maximum of 20 elements, including zeros.
                     For example, if you want the perturbation
                     correction to the second and the fourth roots,
                     See also WSTATE.  (default=1,0,0,0,0,0,0,...)

                 *** MO input and flow control ***

          INORB  = 0 optimize the MCSCF wavefunction in this run.
                 = 1 read the converged orbitals from a $VEC group,
                     and skip immediately to the MCQDPT computation.
                     A complete $VEC including virtuals must be given.


                  *** Intruder State Removal ***

         EDSHFT =    energy denominator shifts.  (default=0.0,0.0)
                     Intruder State Avoidance (ISA) calculations
                     can be made by changing the energy denominators
                     around poles (where the denominator is zero).
                     Each denominator x is replaced by x + EDSHFT/x,
                     so that far from the poles (when x is large) the
                     effect of such change is small.  EDSHFT is an
                     array of two values, the first is used in spin-
                     free MCQDPT, and the second is for spin-orbit
                     MCQDPT.  Both values are used if RUNTYP=TRNSTN,
                     only the first is used otherwise.  A suggested
                     pair of values is 0.02,0.1, but experimentation
                     with your system is recommended.  Setting these
                     values to zero is ordinary MCQDPT, and infinite
                     collapses to the MCSCF reference.  Note that the
                     energy denominators (which are ket-dependent in
                     MCQDPT) are changed in a different way for each
                     ket-vector, that is, for each row in MCQDPT
                     Hamiltonian matrix.  In other words, the zeroth
                     order energies are not "universal", but state
                     specific.  This is strictly speaking some weak
                     inconsistency in defining zeroth order energies
                     that are usually chosen "universally".

                     In order to maintain continuity when studying 
                     a PES, one usually uses the same EDSHFT values
                     for all points on PES.  In order to study the
                     potential surface for any extended range of
                     geometries, it is recommended to use ISA, as it
                     is quite likely that one or more regions of the
                     PES will be unphysical due to intruder states.

                     For an example of how intruder states can appear
                     at some points on the PES, see Figures 1,2,7 of
                        K.R.Glaesemann, M.S.Gordon, H.Nakano
                        Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 1, 967-975(1999)
                     and also
                        H.A.Witek, D.G.Fedorov, K.Hirao, A.Viel,
                        P.-O.Widmark  J.Chem.Phys. 116, 8396-406(2002)
                     For a discussion of intruder state removal from
                     MCQDPT, see
                        H.A.Witek, Y.-K.Choe, J.P.Finley, K.Hirao
                        J.Comput.Chem. 23, 957-965(2002)
                     See also REFWGT.

          REFWGT =   a flag to request decomposition of the second
                     order energy into internal, semi-internal, and
                     external contributions, and to obtain the weight
                     of the MCSCF reference in the 1st order wave
                     function.  This option significantly increases
                     the run time!  When you run in parallel, only
                     the transformation steps will speed up, as the
                     PT part of the reference weight calculation has
                     not been adapted for speedups (default = .FALSE.)
                     The EDSHFT option does not apply if REFWGT is
                     used.  One purpose of using REFWGT is to try to
                     understand the nature of the intruder states.

                 *** Canonical Fock orbitals ***

          IFORB  = 0 omit this step.
                 = 1 determine the canonical Fock orbitals. (default)
                 = 3 canonicalise the Fock orbitals averaged over
                     all $MCQDx input groups.  This option pertains 
                     only to RUNTYP=TRANSITN.  It is primarily meant
                     to include spin-orbit coupling perturbation into
                     the energy perturbation, but could also be used
                     in conjunction with OPERAT=DM to calculate only
                     the second order energy perturbation.  IFORB=3
                     means that WSTATE is used as follows:  In each
                     $MCQDx group, the WSTATE weights are divided by
                     the total number of states (sum(i) IROOTS(i)),
                     so the sum over all WSTATE values in all $MCQDx
                     groups is normalized to sum to 1.  Thus there is
                     no normalisation to 1 within each $MCQDx group.
                     This option might be used to speed up an atomic
                     MCQDPT, e.g. if computing the 3-P ground state
                     of carbon, one would want to average over all
                     three spatial components of the P term, to be
                     sure of spatial degeneracy, but then run the
                     perturbation using symmetry, separately on the
                     B1g+B2g+B3g subspecies (within D2h) of a P term.
                     It is very important to give weights, appropriate
                     for the symmetry, the input requires care.

          WSTATE =   weight of each CAS-CI state in computing the
                     closed shell Fock matrix.  You must enter 0.0
                     whenever the same element in KSTATE is 0.
                     In most cases setting all WSTATE for states
                     to be included in the MCQDPT to an equal value
                     is the best.
                     (default is WSTATE(1)=1.0,0.0,0.0,...)

                 *** Miscellaneous options ***

          ISELCT     is an option to select only the important CSFs
                     for inclusion into the CAS-CI reference states.
                     Set to 1 to select, or to 0 to avoid selection of
                     CSFs (default = 0)
                     All CSFs in a preliminary complete active space
                     CI whose CI coefficients exceed the square root
                     of THRWGT are kept in a smaller CI to determine
                     the zero-th order states.  Note that the CSFs
                     with smaller coefficients, while excluded from
                     the reference states, are still used during the
                     perturbation calculation, so most of their energy
                     contribution is still retained.  This can save
                     appreciable computer time in cases with large
                     active spaces.

          THRWGT =   weight threshold for retaining CSFs in selected
                     configuration runs.  In quantum mechanics, the
                     weight of a CSF is the square of its CI
                     coefficient.  (default=1d-6)

          THRGEN =   threshold for one-, two-, and three-body
                     density matrix elements in the perturbation
                     calculation.  The default gives about 6 decimal
                     place accuracy in the energies.  Increase to
                     1D-9 or 1D-10 if you wish to obtain higher
                     accuracy (default=1D-8)

          THRENE =   threshold for the energy convergence in the
                     Davidson's method CAS-CI.  (default=-1.0D+00)

          THRCON =   threshold for the vector convergence in the
                     Davidson's method CAS-CI.  (default=1.0D-06)

          MDI    =   dimension of small Hamiltonian diagonalized to
                     prepare initial guess CI states. (default=50)

          MXBASE =   maximum number of expansion vectors in the
                     Davidson diagonalization subspace (e.g. MXXPAN).

          NSOLUT =   number of states to be solved for in the
                     Davidson's method, this might need to exceed
                     the number of states in the perturbation
                     treatment in order to "capture" the correct

          NSTOP  =   maximum number of iterations to permit in
                     the Davidson's diagonalization.


          LPOUT  =   print option, 0 gives normal printout, while
                     <0 gives debug print (e.g. -1, -5, -10, -100)
                     In particular, LPOUT=-1 gives more detailed
                     timing information.  (default=0)

          The next three parameters refer to parallel execution:

          DOORD0 =   a flag to select reordering of AO integrals
                     which speeds the integral transformations.
                     This reduces disk writes, but increases disk
                     reads, so you can try turning it off if your
                     machine has slow writes.  (default=.TRUE.)

          PARAIO =   access 2e- integral file on every node, at
                     the same time.  This affects only runs with
                     DOORD0 true, and it may be useful to turn
                     this off in the case of SMP nodes sharing
                     a common disk drive.  (default=.TRUE.)

          DELSCR =   a flag to delete file 56 containing half-
                     transformed integrals after it has been
                     used.  This reduces total disk requirements
                     if this file is big.  (default=.FALSE.)

          Note that parallel execution will be more effective
          if you use distributed memory, MEMDDI in $SYSTEM.  Use
          of AOINTS=DIST in $TRANS is likely to be helpful in
          situations with relatively poor I/O rates compared to
          communication, e.g. SMP enclosures forced to share a
          single scratch disk system.  See PROG.DOC for more
          information on parallel execution.

          Finally, there are additional very specialized input
          options, described in the source code routine MQREAD:
          MAINCS, NSTATE


                                                      $CISORT $GUGEM


          $CISORT group    (optional, relevant for -CI- and -MCSCF-)

               This group provides further control over the sorting
          of the transformed integrals.

          NDAR   = Number of direct access records.
                   (default = 2000)

          LDAR   = Length of direct access record (site dependent)

          NBOXMX = Maximum number of boxes in the sort.
                   (default = 200)

          NWORD  = Number of words of fast memory to use in this
                   step.  A value of 0 results in automatic use of
                   all available memory.  (default = 0)

          NOMEM  = 0 (set to one to force out of memory algorithm)


          $GUGEM group      (optional, relevant for -CI- or -MCSCF-)

              This group provides further control over the
          calculation of the energy (Hamiltonian) matrix.

          CUTOFF = Cutoff criterion for the energy matrix.

          NWORD  = not used.




          $GUGDIA group     (optional, relevant for -CI- or -MCSCF-)

               This group provides control over the Davidson method
          diagonalization step.

          NSTATE = Number of CI states to be found. (default=1)
                   You can solve for any number of states, but only
                   100 can be saved for subsequent sections, such
                   as state averaging.

          PRTTOL = Printout tolerance for CI coefficients
                   (default = 0.05)

          MXXPAN = Maximum no. of expansion basis vectors used
                   before the expansion basis is truncated.

          ITERMX = Maximum number of iterations (default=50)

          CVGTOL = Convergence criterion for Davidson eigenvector
                   routine.  This value is proportional to the
                   accuracy of the coeficients of the eigenvector(s)
                   found.  The energy accuracy is proportional to
                   its square.  (default = 1.0E-5)

          NWORD  = Number of words of fast memory to use in this
                   step.  A value of zero results in the use of all
                   available memory.  (default = 0)

          MAXHAM = specifies dimension of Hamiltonian to try to
                   store in memory.  The default is to use all
                   remaining memory to store this matrix in memory,
                   if it fits, to reduce disk I/O to a minimum.

          MAXDIA = maximum dimension of Hamiltonian to send to an
                   incore diagonalization.  If the number of CSFs
                   is bigger than MAXDIA, an iterative Davidson
                   procedure is invoked.  Default=100

          NIMPRV = Maximum no. of eigenvectors to be improved every
                   iteration. (default = nstate)

          NSELCT = Determines initial guess to eigenvectors.
                   = 0 ->  Unit vectors corresponding to the NSTATE
                           lowest diagonal elements and any diagonal
                           elements within SELTHR of them. (default)
                   < 0 ->  First abs(NSELCT) unit vectors.
                   > 0 ->  use NSELCT unit vectors corresponding to
                            the NSELCT lowest diagonal elements.

          SELTHR = Guess selection threshold when NSELCT=0.


          NEXTRA = Number of extra expansion basis vectors to be
                   included on the first iteration.  NEXTRA is
                   decremented by one each iteration.  This may be
                   useful in "capturing" vectors for higher states.
                   On AXP processors, enter as 0 to avoid core dumps.

          KPRINT = Print flag bit vector used when
                   NPFLG(4)=1 in the $CIINP group       (default=8)
                   value  1 bit 0 print final eigenvalues
                   value  2 bit 1 print final tolerances
                   value  4 bit 2 print eigenvalues and tolerances
                                  at each truncation
                   value  8 bit 3 print eigenvalues every iteration
                   value 16 bit 4 print tolerances every iteration

          Inputs for a multireference Davidson correction, in case
          the orbitals are from a MCSCF.

          NREF   = number of CSFs in the MCSCF (full CI) job.

          EREF   = the energy of the MCSCF reference.




          $GUGDM group                 (optional, relevant for -CI-)

               This group provides further control over formation of
          the one electron density matrix.  See NSTATE in $GUGDIA.

          NFLGDM = Controls each state's density formation.
                   0 -> do not form density for this state.
                   1 -> form density and natural orbitals for this
                        state, print and punch occ.nums. and NOs.
                   2 -> same as 1, plus print density over MOs.
                   (default=1,99*0, means ground state NOs only)
                   Note that forming the 1-particle density for a
                   state is negligible against the diagonalization
                   time for that state.

          IROOT  = The -CI- root whose density matrix is saved on
                   the direct access dictionary file for later
                   computation of properties.  You may save only
                   one state's density for property evaluation.

          WSTATE = An array of up to 100 weights to be given to the
                   1 body density of each state in forming the DM1.
                   It is not physically reasonable to average over
                   any CI states that are not degenerate, but it
                   may be useful to use WSTATE to produce a totally
                   symmetric density when the states are degenerate.
                   The averaged density will be used for property
                   computations, as well as to generate natural
                   orbitals.  The default is to use NFLGDM/IROOT,
                   unless WSTATE information is given, in which case
                   NFLGDM/IROOT are ignored.

          IBLOCK = Density blocking switch. If nonzero, the off
                   diagonal block of the density above row IBLOCK
                   will be set to zero before the (approximate)
                   natural orbitals are found.  One use for this is
                   to keep the internal and external orbitals in a
                   FOCI or SOCI calculation from mixing, in which
                   case IBLOCK is the highest occupied internal
                   orbital.  (default=0)

          NWORD  = Number of words of memory to use.  Zero means use
                   all available memory (default=0).





          $GUGDM2 group     (optional, relevant for -CI- or -MCSCF-)

               This group provides control over formation of the
          2-particle density matrix.

          WSTATE = An array of up to 100 weights to be given to the
                   2 body density of each state in forming the DM2.
                   The default is to optimize a pure ground state.
                   A small amount of the ground state can help the
                   convergence of excited states greatly.
                   Gradient runs are possible only with pure states.

                   Be sure to set NSTATE in $GUGDIA appropriately!

          CUTOFF = Cutoff criterion for the 2nd-order density.
                   (default = 1.0E-9)

          NWORD  = Number of words of fast memory to use in sorting
                   the DM2.  The default uses all available memory.

          NOMEM  = 0 uses in memory sort, if possible.
                 = 1 forces out of memory sort.

          NDAR   = Number of direct access records. (default=4000)

          LDAR   = Length of direct access record (site dependent)

          NBOXMX = Maximum no. of boxes in the sort. (default=200)


                                                     $LAGRAN $TRFDM2


          $LAGRAN group       (optional, relevant for -CI- gradient)

               This group provides further control over formation of
          the CI Lagrangian, a quantity which is necessary for the
          computation of CI gradients.

           NOMEM =   0 form in core, if possible
                 =   1 forces out of core formation
           NWORD =   0 (0=use all available memory)
           NDAR  = 4000
           LDAR  = Length of each direct access record
                   (default is NINTMX from $INTGRL)


          $TRFDM2 group       (optional, relevant for -CI- gradient)

               This group provides further control over the back
          transformation of the 2 body density to the AO basis.

           NOMEM =   0 transform and sort in core, if possible
                 =   1 transform in core, sort out of core, if poss.
                 =   2 transform out of core, sort out of core
           NWORD =   0 (0=use all available memory)
           CUTOFF= 1.0D-9, threshold for saving DM2 values
           NDAR  = 2000
           LDAR  = Length of each direct access record
                   (default is system dependent)
           NBOXMX= 200


          Usually neither of these two groups is given.  Since these
          groups are normally used only for CI gradient runs, we
          list here some of the restrictions on the CI gradients:

            a) SCFTYP=RHF, only
            b) no FZV orbitals in $CIDRT, all MOs must be used.
            c) the derivative integrals are computed in the 2nd
               derivative code, which is limited to spd basis sets.
            d) the code does not run in parallel.
            e) Use WSTATE in $GUGDM2 to specify the state whose
               gradient is to be found.  Use IROOT in $GUGDM to
               specify the state whose other properties will be
               found.  These must be the same state!
            f) excited states often have different symmetry than the
               ground state, so think about GROUP in $CIDRT.
            g) the gradient can probably be found for any CI for
               which you have sufficient disk to do the CI itself.
               Time is probably about 2/3 additional.



          $TRANST group               (relevant for RUNTYP=TRANSITN)
                                   (only for CITYP=GUGA or MPLEVL=2)

              This group controls the evaluation of the radiative
          transition moment, or spin orbit coupling (SOC).  An SOC
          calculation can be based on variational CI wavefunctions,
          using GUGA CSFs, or based on 2nd order perturbation theory
          using the MCQDPT multireference perturbation theory.
          These are termed SO-CI and SO-MCQDPT below.  The orbitals
          are typically obtained by MCSCF computations, and since
          the CI or MCQDPT wavefunctions are based on those MCSCF
          states, the zero-th order states are referred to below as
          the CAS-CI states.  SOC jobs prepare a model Hamiltonian
          in the CAS-CI basis, and diagonalize it to produce spin-
          mixed states, which are linear combinations of the CAS-CI
          states.  If scalar relativistic corrections were included
          in the underlying spin-free wavefunctions, it is possible
          either to include or to neglect similar corrections to the
          spin-orbit integrals, see keyword NESOC in $RELWFN.

              An input file to perform SO-CI will contain
          while a SO-MCQDPT calculation will have
          The SOC job will compute a Hamiltonian matrix as the sum
          of spin-free terms and spin-orbit terms, H = H-sf + H-so.
          For SO-CI, the matrix H-sf is diagonal in the CAS-CI state
          basis, with the LS-coupled CAS-CI energies as the diagonal
          elements, and H-so contains only off-diagonal couplings
          between these LS states,
              H-sf = CAS-CI spin-free E
              H-so = CAS SOC Hamiltonian (e.g. HSO1, HSO2P, HSO2)
          For SO-MCQDPT, the additional input PARMP defines these
          matrices differently.  For PARMP=0, the spin-free term
          has diagonal and off-diagonal MCQDPT perturbations:
              H-sf - CAS-CI spin-free E + 2nd order spin-free MCQDPT
              H-so - CAS SOC Hamiltonian
          For PARMP not equal to 0, the spin orbit operator is also
          included into the perturbing Hamiltonian of the MCQDPT:
              H-sf - CAS-CI spin-free E + 2nd order spin-free MCQDPT
              H-so - CAS SOC Hamiltonian + 2nd order SO-MCQDPT

              Pure transition moment calculations (OPERAT=DM) are 
          presently limited to CI wavefunctions, so please use only
          CITYP=GUGA MPLEVL=0.  The transition moments computed by
          SO-MCQDPT runs (see TMOMNT flag) will form the transition
          density for the CAS-CI zeroth order states rather than the
          1st order perturbed wavefunctions.

              Please see REFS.DOC for additional information on what
          is actually a fairly complex input file to prepare.


          OPERAT selects the type of transition being computed.
                 = DM      calculates radiative transition moment
                           between states of same spin, using
                           the dipole moment operator. (default)
                 = HSO1    one-electron Spin-Orbit Coupling (SOC)
                 = HSO2P   partial two electron and full 1e- SOC,
                           namely core-active 2e- contributions are
                           computed, but active-active 2e- terms
                           are ignored.  This generally captures
                           >90% of the full HSO2 computation, but
                           with spin-orbit matrix element time
                           similar to the HSO1 calculation.
                 = HSO2    one and two-electron SOC, this is the
                           full Pauli-Breit operator.
                 = HSO2FF  one and two-electron SOC, the form factor
                           method gives the same result as HSO2, but
                           is more efficient in the case of small
                           active spaces, small numbers of CAS-CI
                           states, and large atomic basis sets.
                           This final option applies only to SO-CI.

          PARMP  = controls inclusion of the SOC terms in SO-MCQDPT,
                   for OPERAT=HSO1 (default=1) or for HSO2P/HSO2 
                   (default=3) only.
                   0 - no SOC terms should be included in the MCQDPT
                       corrections at 2nd order, but they will be
                       included in the CAS states on which the MCQDPT
                       (i.e. up to 1st order) 
                   1 - include the 1e- SOC perturbation in MCQDPT
                  -1 - defined under "3", read on...
                   3 - full 1-electron and partial 2-electron in the
                       form of the mean field perturbation (this is
                       very similar to HSO2P, but in the MCQDPT2
                       perturbation).  Only doubly occupied orbitals
                       (NMODOC) are used for the core 2e contribution.
                       if the option is set to -1, then all core
                       orbitals (NMOFZC+NMODOC) are used.  Neither
                       calculation includes extra diagrams including
                       filled orbitals, so both are "partial".
          PARMP=3 (or -1) has almost no extra cost compared to
          PARMP=1, but can only be used with OPERAT=HSO2 or HSO2P.
          The options -1 and 3 are not rigorously justified, contrary
          to HOS2P for a SO-CI, as 2e integrals with 2 core indices
          appear in the second order in two ways.  There is a mean-
          field addition to 1e integrals, which is included when you
          choose PARMP=3 or -1.  But, there are separate terms from 
          additional diagrams that are not implemented, so that there
          is some imbalance in including the partial 2e correction.
          Nevetheless, it may be better to include such "partial"
          partial 2e contributions than not to.  Note that at first
          order in the energy (the CAS-CI states) the N-electron
          terms are treated exactly as specified by OPERAT.


          It is advisable to tighten up the convergence criteria in 
          the $MCQDx groups since SOC is a fairly small effect, and
          the spin-free energies should be accurately computed, for
          example THRCON=1e-8 THRGEN=1e-10.

          PARMP has a rather different meaning for OPERAT=HSO2FF:
          It refers to the difference between ket and bra's Ms,
                  -1 do matrix elements for ms=-1 only
                   0 do matrix elements for ms=0 only
                   1 do matrix elements for ms=1 only
                  -2 do matrix elements for all ms (0, 1, and -1),
                     which is the default.
                  -3 calculates form factors so they can be saved

          * * * next defines the orbitals and wavefunctions * * *

          NUMCI  = For SO-CI, this parameter tells how many CI
                   calculations to do, and therefore defines how
                   many $DRTx groups will be read in.
                   For SO-MCQDPT, this parameter tells how many
                   MCQDPT calculations to do, and therefore defines
                   how many $MCQDx groups will be read in.
                   IROOTS, IVEX, NSTATE, and ENGYST below will all
                   have NUMCI values.  NUMCI may not exceed 64.  
          You may wish to define one $DRTx or $MCQDx group for each
          spatial symmetry representation occuring within each spin
          multiplicity, as the use of symmetry during these separate
          calculations may make the entire job run much faster.

          NUMVEC = the meaning is different depending on the run:
                a) spin-orbit CI (SO-CI),
                   Gives the number of different MO sets.  This can
                   be either 1 or 2, but 2 can be chosen only for
                   FORS/CASSCF or FCI wavefunctions.  (default=1)
                   If you set NUMVEC=2 and you use symmetry in any
                   of the $DRTx groups, you may have to use ISTSYM
                   in the $DRT groups since the order of orbitals
                   from the corresponding orbital transformation
                   is unpredictable.
                b) spin-orbit perturbation (SO-MCQDPT),
                   The option to have different MOs for different
                   states is not implemented, so your job will have
                   only one $VEC1 group, and IVEX will not normally
                   be input.  The absolute value of NUMVEC should be
                   be equal to the value of NUMCI above.  If NUMVEC
                   positive, the orbitals in the $VEC1 will be used
                   exactly as given, whereas if NUMVEC is a negative
                   number, the orbitals will be canonicalized
                   according to IFORB in $MCQDx.  Using NUMVEC=-NUMCI
                   and IFORB=3 in all $MCQDx to canonicalize over all
                   states is recommended.
          Note that $GUESS is not read by this RUNTYP!  Orbitals must
          be in $VEC1 and possibly $VEC2 input groups.


          NFZC   = For SO-CI, this is equal to NFZC in each $DRTx
                   group.  When NUMVEC=2, this is also the number of
                   identical core orbitals in the two vector sets.
                   For SO-MCQDPT, this should be NMOFZC+NMODOC given
                   in each of the $MCQDx groups.
                   The default is the number of AOs given in $DATA,
                   this is not very reasonable.

          NOCC   = the number of occupied orbitals.  For SO-CI this
                   should be NFZC+NDOC+NALP+NAOS+NBOS+NVAL, but
                   add the external orbitals if the CAS-CI states
                   are CI-SD or FOCI or SOCI type instead of CAS.
                   For SO-MCQDPT enter NUMFZC+NUMDOC+NUMACT.
                   The default is the number of AOs given in $DATA,
                   which is not usually correct.

          Note: IROOTS, NSTATE, ENGYST, IVEX contain NUMCI values.

          IROOTS = array containing the number of CAS-CI states to
                   be used from each CI or MCQDPT calculation.
                   The default is 1 for every calculation, which is
                   probably not a correct choice for OPERAT=DM runs,
                   but is quite reasonable for the HSO operators.
                   The total number of states included in the SOC
                   Hamiltonian is the summation of the NUMCI values
                   of IROOTS times the multiplicity of each CI or
                   MCQDPT.  See also ETOL.

          NSTATE = array containing the number of CAS-CI states to be
                   found by diagonalising the spin-free Hamiltonians.
                   Of these, the first IROOTS(i) states will be used
                   to find transition moments or SOC.  Obviously,
                   enter NSTATE(i) >= IROOTS(i).
                   The default for NSTATE(i) is IROOTS(i), but might
                   be bigger if you are curious about the additional
                   energies, or to help the Davidson diagonalizer.
                   NSTATE is ignored by SO-MCQDPT runs, and you must
                   ensure that your IROOTS input corresponds to the
                   KSTATE option in $MCQDx.

          ETOL   = energy tolerance for CI state elimination.  
                   This applies only to SO-CI and OPERAT=HSO1,2,2P.
                   After each CI finds NSTATE(i) CI roots for each
                   $DRTx, the number of states kept in the run is
                   normally IROOTS(i), but ETOL applies the further
                   constraint that the states kept be within ETOL of
                   the lowest energy found for any of the $DRTx.
                   The default is 100.0 Hartree, so that IROOTS is
                   the only limitation.

          IVEX   = Array of indices of $VECx groups to be used for
                   each CI calculation.  The default for NUMVEC=2 is
                   IVEX(1)=1,2,1,1,1,1,1..., and of course for
                   NUMVEC=1, it is IVEX(1)=1,1,1,1,1...
                   This applies only to CITYP=GUGA jobs.


          ENGYST = energy values to replace the CI spin-free energies.
                   This parameter applies to SO-CI only.
                   A possible use for this is to use first or second
                   order CI energies (FOCI or SOCI in $DRT) on the
                   diagonal of the Hamiltonian (obtained in some 
                   earlier runs) but to use only CAS wavefunctions
                   to evaluate off diagonal HSO matrix elements.  The
                   CAS-CI runs are still conducted to obtain CI coefs,
                   needed to evaluate the off diagonal elements.
                   Enter MXRT*NUMCI values as a square array, by the
                   usual FORTRAN convention (that is, MXRT roots of
                   $DRT1, MXRT roots of $DRT2 etc), in hartrees, with
                   zeros added to fill each column to MXRT values.
                   MXRT is the maximum value in the IROOTS array.
                   (the default is the computed CAS-CI energies)
                   See B.Schimmelpfennig, L.Maron, U.Wahlgren,
                   C.Teichteil, H.Fagerli, O.Gropen  Chem.Phys.Lett.
                   286, 261-266(1998).

             * * * the next pertain only to spin-orbit runs * * *

          RSTATE = sets the zero energy level
                   format: ndrt*1000+iroot for adiabatic state (CI root)
                   0000 sets zero energy to the lowest diabatic root
                   default: 1001 (1st root in $DRT1 or $MCQD1)

          ZEFTYP specifies effective nuclear charges to use.
                 = TRUE   uses true nuclear charge of each atom,
                          except protons are removed if an ECP basis
                          is being used (default).
                 = 3-21G  selects values optimized for the 3-21G
                          basis, but these are probably appropriate
                          for any all electron basis set.  Rare gases,
                          transition metals, and Z>54 will use the
                          true nuclear charges.
                 = SBKJC  selects a set obtained for the SBKJC ECP
                          basis set, specifically.  It may not be
                          sensible to use these for other ECP sets.
                          Rare gases, lanthanides, and Z>86 will use
                          the true nuclear charges.

          ZEFF   = an array of effective nuclear charges, overriding
                   the charges chosen in ZEFTYP.

              Note that effective nuclear charges can be used for
              any HSO type OPERAT, but traditionally these are used
              mainly for HSO1 as an empirical correction to the
              omission of the 2e- term, or to compensate for missing
              core orbitals in ECP runs.


          JZ       controls the calculation of Jz eigenvalues
                 = 0 do not perform the calculation
                 = 1 do the calculation
                   By default, Jz is set to 1 for molecules that are
                   recognised as linear (this includes atoms!).
                   Jz cannot be computed for nonlinear molecules.
                   The matrix of Jz=Lz+Sz operator is constructed
                   between spin-mixed states (eigenvalues of Hso).
                   Setting Jz to 1 can enforce otherwise avoided (by
                   symmetry) calculations of SOC matrix elements.
                   JZ applies only to HSO1,2,2P.

          TMOMNT = flag to control computation of the transition
                   dipole moment between spin-mixed wavefunctions
                   (that is, betweeen eigenvectors of the Pauli-Breit
                   Hamiltonian).  Applies only to HSO1,2,2P.
                   (default is .FALSE.)

          SKIPDM = flag to omit(.TRUE.) or include(.FALSE.) dipole
                   moment matrix elements during spin-orbit coupling.
                   Usually it takes almost no addition effort to
                   calculate  excluding some cases when the
                   calculation of forbidden by symmetry spin-orbit
                   coupling matrix elements  may have to be
                   performed since  and  are computed
                   simultaneously.  Applies only to HSO1,2,2P.
                   Since the lack of a MCQDPT density matrix means
                   there are no MCQDPT dipole moments at present,
                   SO-MCQDPT jobs will compute the dipole matrix
                   elements for the CAS-CI states only.  However,
                   the dipole moments in the spin-mixed states will
                   be computed with the MCQDPT mixing coefficients.
                   (default is .TRUE.)

          IPRHSO = controls output style for matrix elements (HSO*)
                 =-1 do not output individual matrix elements
                 otherwise these are accumulative:
                 = 0 term-symbol like kind of labelling:
                     labels contain full symmetry info (default)
                 = 1 all states are numbered consequently within each
                     spin multiplicity (ye olde style)
                 = 2 output only nonzero (>=1e-4) matrix elements

          PRTPRM = flag to provide detailed information about the
                   composition of the spin-mixed states in terms of
                   adiabatic states. This flag also provides similar
                   information about Jz (if JZ set).
                   (default is .FALSE.)


               * * * expert mode HSO control options * * *

          MODPAR =    parallel options, which are independent bit
                      options, 0=off, 1=on.  Bit 1 refers only to
                      HSO2FF, bit 2 to HSO1,2,2P.  Enter a decimal
                      value 0, 1, 2, 3 meaning binary 00, 01, 10, 11.
           bit 1 = 0/1 (HSO2FF) uses static/dynamic load balancing in
                      parallel if available, otherwise use static
                      load balancing.  Dynamic algorithm is usually
                      faster but may utilize memory less efficiently,
                      and I/O can slow it down.  Also, dynamical
                      algorithm forces SAVDSK=.F. since its
                      unique distribution of FFs among nodes implies
                      no savings from precalculating form factors.
           bit 2 = 0/1 (HSO1,2,2P) duplicate/distribute SOC integrals
                      in parallel.  If set, 2e AO integrals and the
                      four-index transformation are divided over
                      nodes (distributed), and SOC MO integrals are
                      then summed over nodes.
           The default is 3, meaning both bits are set on (11)

          PHYSRC = flag to force the size of the physical record to
                   be equal to the size of the sorting buffers.
                   This option can have a dramatic effect on the
                   efficency.  Usually, setting PHYSRC=.t. is helpful
                   if the code complains that low memory enforces
                   SLOWFF=.TRUE., or you set it yourself. For large
                   active spaces and large memory (more precisely, if
                   reclen is larger than the physical record size)
                   PHYSRC=.TRUE. can slow the code down.  Setting
                   PHYSRC to .true. forces SLOWFF to be .false.
                   See MODPAR. (default .FALSE.) (only with HSO2FF)

          RECLEN = specifies the size of the record on file 40,
                   where form factors are stored. This parameter
                   significantly affects performance.
                   If not specified, RECLEN have to be guessed,
                   and the guess will usually be either an
                   overestimate or underestimate. If the former
                   you waste disk space, if the latter the program
                   aborts. Note that RECLEN will be different for
                   each pair of multiplicities and you must specify
                   the maximum for all pairs.  The meaning of this
                   number is how many non-zero form factors are
                   present given four MO indices.  You can decrease
                   RECLEN if you are getting a message "predicted
                   sorting buffer length is greater than needed..."
                   Default depends on active space. (only HSO2FF)

          SAVDSK = flag to repeat the form factor calculation twice.
                   This avoids wasting disk space as the actually
                   required record size is found during the 1st run.
                   (default=.FALSE.) (only with HSO2FF)


          SLOWFF = flag to choose a slower FF write-out method.
                   By default .FALSE., but this is turned on if:
                   1) not enough memory for the fast way is available
                   2) the maximum usable memory is available, as when
                      the buffer is as large as the maximum needed,
                      then the "slow FF" algorythm is faster.
                   Generally SLOWFF=.true. saves up to 50% or so of
                   disk space.  See PHYSRC.  (only with HSO2FF)

          ACTION          controls disk file DAFL30 reuse.
                 = NORMAL calculate the form factors in this run.
                 = SAVE   calculate, and store the form factors on
                          disk for future runs with the same active
                          space characteristics.
                 = READ   read the form factors from disk from an
                          earlier run which used SAVE.
                   (default=NORMAL) (only with HSO2FF)
                   Note that currently in order to use ACTION =
                   SAVE or READ you should specify MS= -1, 0, or 1

                  * * * some control tolerances * * *

          NOSYM= -1 forces use of symmetry-contaminated orbitals
                    symmetry analysis, otherwise the same as NOSYM=0
               =  0 fully use symmetry
               =  1 do not use point group symmetry, but still use
                    other symmetries (Hermiticity, spin).
               =  2 use no symmetry.   Also, include all CSFs for
                    HSO1, 2, 2P.
               =  3 force the code to assume the symmetry specified
                    in $DATA is the same as in all $DRT groups, but
                    is otherwise identical to NOSYM=-1.  This option
                    saves CPU time and money(memory).  Since the $DRT
                    works by mapping non-Abelian groups into their
                    highest Abelian subgroup, do not use NOSYM=3 for
                    non-Abelian groups.

          SYMTOL = relative error for the matrix elements.  This
                   parameter has a great impact upon CPU time, and
                   the default has been chosen to obtain nearly
                   full accuracy while still getting good speedups.


          * * * the remaining parameters are not so important * * *

          PRTCMO = flag to control printout of the corresponding
                   orbitals.  (default is .FALSE.)

          HSOTOL = HSO matrix elements are considered zero if they
                   are smaller than HSOTOL.  This parameter is used
                   only for print-out and statistics.
                   (default=1.0E-1 cm-1)

          TOLZ   = MO coefficient zero tolerance (as for $GUESS).

          TOLE   = MO coefficient equating tolerance (as for
                   $GUESS).  (default=1.0E-5)


                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
                   For information on RUNTYP=TRANSITN,
                  see the 'further information' section
                  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *