is the number of frozen-core orbitals in irrep number
. These orbitals are doubly
occupied in all configurations and not optimized.
record.file is the record name for frozen core orbitals; if not supplied, taken from
orb on START card. record.file can be specified in any field after the
last nonzero . It should always be given if the orbital guess is from a neighbouring
geometry and should then specify the SCF orbitals calculated at the present geometry. If a
subsequent gradient calculation is performed with this wavefunction, record.file is
mandatory and must specify closed-shell SCF orbitals at the present geometry. Note that
record must be larger than 2000.
If the CORE card is omitted, then the numbers of core orbitals are taken from the
most recent MCSCF calculation, or otherwise no orbitals are frozen. If the CORE card
is given as CORE,record.file, then the orbitals corresponding to atomic inner
shells are taken, i.e., for Li-Ne,
for Na-Ar, etc. A CORE card
without any specification resets the number of frozen core orbitals to zero.
P.J. Knowles and H.-J. Werner