The hamiltonian is constructed and diagonalized explicitly in the primary configuration space, which can be selected with the PSPACE card. The coefficients of the remaining configurations (Q-space) are optimized iteratively using the P-space wavefunction as zeroth order approximation.
If thresh is nonzero, it is a threshold for automatically selecting all configurations
as P-space configurations which have energies less then , where emin is
the lowest energy of all configurations. Further P-space configurations can be specified
using CON cards, which must follow immediately after the PSPACE card. These are
merged with the ones selected according to the threshold. Automatic selection can be
avoided by specifying a very small threshold. There is a sensible default value for thresh
(0.4), so you usually don't need a pspace card in your input. Furthermore, if the number of
configurations in the MCSCF is less than 20, all configurations go into the P-space unless
you give a PSPACE card in the input.
A P-space threshold defined on a PSPACE card before the first WF (or STATE, WEIGHT, SELECT, PUNCSF if WF is not given) card is global, i.e., valid for all state symmetries. State-specific thresholds can be defined by placing a PSPACE card after the corresponding WF card. In the latter case the PSPACE card can be followed by CON cards, which define state-specific P-space configurations.
P.J. Knowles and H.-J. Werner