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A..3.5 Adjusting the default environment for MOLPRO
The default running options for MOLPRO are stored
in the file bin/molpro.rc. After program installation, either
using RPMs or from source files, this file should be reviewed and adjusted,
if necessary.
Particular attention should be payed to some or all of the following
(see User's manual for full discussion of options).
- -d dir1:dir2:
- where dir1:dir2: is
a list of directories which may be used for creating scratch
files. Each of the directories should be writable by those who will
use the program, and the directory specification may contain embedded
environment variables in shell form, for example $TMPDIR or
/tmp/$USER; these will be expanded at run time.
If multiple scratch file systems are available, it is advantageous to
present a list of directories of which there is one in each file
system. Some parts of MOLPRO present extreme I/O demands, and it is
therefore important to be careful in optimizing the provision and
specification of scratch directories.
Note that in the building
of bin/molpro.rc, the environment variables
are used to construct the list of scratch directories for the -d
option. Thus, these environment variables should at make time be filled with the names of
directories on each available scratch file system (cf. section A.3.3).
- -I directory
- This determines the destination of permanent integral
files. At run time this file is located in the first directory specified
after -d, (i.e., dir1, see above), but after completion of the job the file
will be copied to the directory given after -I. Since the integral file
can be very large, it is normally recommended that directory
is identical to dir1 (this is the default). Then no copying will take place.
On some main frames, the scratch directory is erased automatically after a job
has terminated, and in such cases a different -I directory, e.g., $HOME/int,
can be specified (environment variables will be expanded at run time).
In view of the large integral file sizes, this should be used with care, however.
Note that in parallel runs with more than 1 processor the integral file will
never be copied, and cannot be restarted.
- -W directory
- This determines the destination of permanent wavefunction (dump)
files used for storing information like orbitals or CI-vectors etc. These files are
essential for restarting a job. As explained for the integral files above,
permanent wavefunction files will be copied to directory after completion
of the job. The default for directory is $HOME/wfu.
- -k key
- where key is the licence key, obtainable
as described in section A.1.
- -m, -G
- The default local memory and GA memory should be checked to be
appropriate for the hardware environment.
- -n, -N
- The number of processors or their identity can be specified
explicitly in the configuration file, but very often it is neither
desirable nor necessary to do so. Where possible, the
molpro program extracts a reasonable default for the node
specification from the controlling batch system (e.g. LoadLeveler,
PBS). Usually the user will want to either specify -n
explicitly on the command line, or rely on molpro's
attempts to get it from the batch system.
Next: A..3.6 Tuning
Up: A..3 Installation from source
Previous: A..3.4 Compilation and linking
P.J. Knowles and H.-J. Werner
Jan 15, 2002