The order in which patches are applied and removed is important. Some patches are prerequisites of others, and some patches are 'parents' of one or more 'children': the parent and child patches have one or more files in common, but the parent is older than the child. Individual patch scripts will themselves refuse to apply or revert if rules based on these considerations would be violated. In order to deal with this issue smoothly, a program patcher is provided to manage the application and removal of one or more patches. patcher attempts to sort the order in which patches are applied or reverted so as to avoid such conflicts; it will also, if necessary, revert and reapply patches. In the top-level directory, one issues the command
./patcher [--apply | --revert | --list] [--cache-directory] [--user] [--password] [--url] [--local] [--verbose] [--no-action] patch1 patch2 ....
It can operate in one of three possible modes according to the options
The list of patches to remove or install can be given on the command line after all options as an explicit list of either patch names or, in the case of application, patch files. Alternatively and usually, for the case of application, one can through options request either all patches that are in a local cache, or all patches that are available.
The MOLPRO patches from the central web server (default, are cached by this program in a local directory (default $HOME/.molpro/cache). Access to the web server typically has to be authenticated; the first time you run this program, you can specify your username and password through command-line options, or else the program will prompt for them. They are then remembered in the file CONFIG in the cache directory.
In case of problems, first consult the file patcher.log, which contains the output from individual patch applications and reversions.
The following options can be given.
patcherApplies all patches that are available, but not yet installed. This is the normal use of the utility in bringing the copy of the source tree up to date with all available updates.
patcher -lLists installed and available patches.
patcher -r xx yyReverts patches xx and yy.
patcher -nLoads all uninstalled patches into the cache for later use.
patcher --localApplies all patches in the cache; no network connection needed.
P.J. Knowles and H.-J. Werner