Next: 18.4.1 Alias density functionals Up: 18 THE DENSITY FUNCTIONAL Previous: 18.3.7 Grid printing (GRIDPRINT)

18.4 Density Functionals

In the following, $\rho_\alpha$ and $\rho_\beta$ are the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ spin densities; the total spin density is $\rho$;

The gradients of the density enter through

$\displaystyle \sigma_{\alpha\alpha}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \nabla\rho_\alpha \cdot \nabla\rho_\alpha \; ,
...\; , \sigma = \sigma_{\alpha\alpha}+\sigma_{\beta\beta}+2\sigma _{\alpha\beta}.$ (5)
$\displaystyle \chi_\alpha$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{\sqrt{\sigma_{\alpha\alpha}}}{\rho_\alpha^{4/3}}\;,
\chi_\beta = \frac{\sqrt{\sigma_{\beta\beta}}}{\rho_\beta^{4/3}}\;.$ (6)
$\displaystyle \upsilon_\alpha$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \nabla^2\rho_\alpha \; ,
\upsilon_\beta=\nabla^2\rho_\beta \; ,
\upsilon=\upsilon_\alpha+\upsilon_\beta \;.$ (7)

Additionally, the kinetic energy density for a set of (Kohn-Sham) orbitals generating the density can be introduced through
$\displaystyle \tau_\alpha$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \sum_i^\alpha
\; , \tau_...
\tau=\tau_\alpha+\tau_\beta \;.$ (8)

All of the available functionals are of the general form

$\displaystyle F\left[\rho_s,\rho_{\bar{s}},
\right]$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \int d^3{\bf r}
\right)$ (9)

where $\bar{s}$ is the conjugate spin to $s$.

Below is a list of keywords for the functionals supported by MOLPRO. Additionally there are a list of alias keywords deatailed in the next section for various combinations of the primary functionals listed below.

B86: X $\alpha\beta\gamma$
B86MGC: X $\alpha\beta\gamma$ with Modified Gradient Correction
B86R: X $\alpha\beta\gamma$ Re-optimised
B88: Becke 1988 Exchange Functional
B88C: Becke 1988 Correlation Functional
B95: Becke 1995 Correlation Functional
B97DF: Density functional part of B97
B97RDF: Density functional part of B97 Re-parameterized by Hamprecht et al
BR: Becke-Roussel Exchange Functional
BRUEG: Becke-Roussel Exchange Functional -- Uniform Electron Gas Limit
BW: Becke-Wigner Exchange-Correlation Functional
CS1: Colle-Salvetti correlation functional
CS2: Colle-Salvetti correlation functional
DIRAC: Slater-Dirac Exchange Energy
G96: Gill's 1996 Gradient Corrected Exchange Functional
HCTH120: Handy least squares fitted functional
HCTH147: Handy least squares fitted functional
HCTH93: Handy least squares fitted functional
LTA: Local $\tau$ Approximation
LYP: Lee, Yang and Parr Correlation Functional
MK00: Exchange Functional for Accurate Virtual Orbital Energies
MK00B: Exchange Functional for Accurate Virtual Orbital Energies
PBEC: PBE Correlation Functional
PBEX: PBE Exchange Functional
PBEXREV: Revised PBE Exchange Functional
PW91C: Perdew-Wang 1991 GGA Correlation Functional
PW91X: Perdew-Wang 1991 GGA Exchange Functional
PW92C: Perdew-Wang 1992 GGA Correlation Functional
STEST: Test for number of electrons
TH1: Tozer and Handy 1998
VWN3: Vosko-Wilk-Nusair (1980) III local correlation energy
VWN5: Vosko-Wilk-Nusair (1980) V local correlation energy


Next: 18.4.1 Alias density functionals Up: 18 THE DENSITY FUNCTIONAL Previous: 18.3.7 Grid printing (GRIDPRINT)
Sep 24, 2008