Next: 14.6 Contracted set definitions Up: 14 BASIS INPUT Previous: 14.4 Default basis sets

14.5 Primitive set definition

A group of basis functions is defined by a data card specifying a set of primitive gaussians, optionally followed by one or more cards specifying particular contractions of primitives to be included in the final basis. When all contraction definitions have been read (delimited by the next data card other than a contraction definition), the remaining primitives in the set which have not been included in any contraction set are added uncontracted to the basis set.

There are four different input forms, as explained below under a) to d):

a) type,atom,key,scale,nprim;

Load basis named key from the library with angular symmetry type (S, P, D, F, G, H, or I). This basis is added from all atoms with number i=atom on the A cards (see above). If scale is present, all exponents are scaled by scale**2. If nprim is specified, the first nprim exponents only are taken from the library. If nprim is negative, the last $\vert nprim\vert$ basis functions from the library set are deleted. Associated with the library basis may be a set of default contraction coefficients which may be accessed in subsequent contraction cards. type can include several types, e.g., SPD or DF. This usually makes sense only with default contractions, i.e., such cards should be followed only by ``C'' without any other specifications for contractions.

b) type,atom,exp1,exp2,$\ldots$expn;expn+1,$\ldots$;

General specification of exponents; continuation onto subsequent cards (separated by semicolon) is permitted as shown (the first card can hold up to 19 exponents (cray 13), each following card 20 exponents (cray 15).

c) type,atom,EVEN,nprim,ratio,centre,dratio

Generates a generalized even tempered set of functions. The number of functions $n$ is specified by nprim, their geometric mean $c$ by centre, the mean ratio of successive exponents $r$ by ratio, and the variation of this ratio, $d$, by dratio. If centre is not given, the previous basis of the same type is extended by diffuse functions. If in this case ratio is not given, $r$ is determined from the exponents of the last two function of the previous basis. If this is not possible, the default $r=2.5$ is adopted. $d=1$ (the default) specifies a true even-tempered set, but otherwise the ratio between successive exponents changes linearly; the exponents are given explicitly by

\log e_i =
\log c
+ ((n+1)/2-i)  \log r
+ \frac12 ((n+1)/2-i)^2  \log d

Example 1
generates the generally contracted $s$ and $p$ triple-zeta basis sets for atom 1 and extends these by one diffuse function.
Example 2
generates the generally contracted $s$, $p$ triple-zeta basis sets for atom 1. Two energy optimized $d$-functions of Dunning are included. The last $s$ and $p$ functions are deleted and replaced by two even tempered functions with ratio 2.5.

d) type,atom,EVENR,nprim,aa,ap,bb,bp

Generates an even tempered set of nprim functions according to the ``regular'' prescription described in M W Schmidt and K Ruedenberg, J. Chem. Phys. 71 (1970) 3951. If any of the parameters aa, ap, bb, bp is zero or omitted, the values are taken from table III of the above.

Next: 14.6 Contracted set definitions Up: 14 BASIS INPUT Previous: 14.4 Default basis sets

P.J. Knowles and H.-J. Werner
Jan 15, 2002