General specification of a contracted function. first.last defines the range
of primitives to be contracted. c1, c2 are the contraction
coefficients. Continuation onto a subsequent card is permitted as shown.
b) C;
Use default contractions from the library. This applies to both the number of contracted primitives and also to the number of different contraction sets.
c) C,first.last;
contracted functions taken from library. first.last defines the range of
primitives to be contracted. If
is omitted and first.last is specified,
. If first.last is omitted, the library default values are used. If
and first.last are omitted, default values for both are used.
d) C,first.last,record.file,orb.sym;
contracted functions taken from orbitals orb,
symmetry sym on molpro file record.file. The first nonzero coefficient in
the specified orbital corresponds to the first associated basis function.
first.last specifies the range of primitives to be contracted.
If first.last is omitted, all coefficients from the specified orbitals
are used.
P.J. Knowles and H.-J. Werner